Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 233 Gold and Silver Futures Revenue

On only one day in Mirace, Bao Zixuan took people to New York. This time he plans to stay in New York, then go to Chicago, this world's largest futures trading market.

New York's gold and silver futures have all been closing, because this is just a small part, so the final income should look at the situation in Chicago. After seeing the boss, many people are very excited. This young boss has proved his eyes, and everyone in the financial sector will be willing to worship.

After checking that there is no problem, Bao Zixuan came to Chicago. At this point, there will be billions of US dollars per hour every hour. Both sides can only be tangered, after all, if you are discouraged, then you can't get it. This is one who can't have any mistakes. Once I have lost, I can say goodbye with the financial manager.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan, Clay Clark stood up: "Boss, Today, the trading volume between tits, it is estimated that it is almost the battle, and the New York has been in place, but the side of Chicago is too More. If you don't want to cause market fluctuations, it is difficult to do out. "

Bao Zixuan: "This don't make a final penny, but we will never make the final money. This insurance is not worth aleuting, you pay attention to the size, I only give you two days, then we still have something."

Although the boss does not matter if the specific thing is, he has not suspected this little boss. Start all effort to sell gold and silver futures, and now see such a big sale now, knowing that organisms should be free. However, the Hunke family has now killed red eyes, and the bank has begun to fully adequately, but in the Middle Eastern Ring Room. Blackstone fund sales share is quickly absorbed.

Baozi Xuan is like this in Chicago a week, saying that two days of selling is completed, but there are too many orders in the hands of the Black Stone Fund. It is impossible to finish all three days, and the market is not so big to buy.

That is, it also makes the Potted Basin of the Blackstone Fund, when the Blackstone Fund took only $ 1 billion to do multi-gold and silver futures. When you have just entered the market, silver prices are $ 18 / oz; gold prices are $ 400 / oz. Now the price of the closet is 48 USD / oz. Gold futures prices reach $ 750 / oz.

It can be said that profit is very strong, and the futures trading that uses the lever, removes the handling and interest. The Blackstone Fund has profitable $ 5 billion and a great victory. The whole room broke out in the entire room at the end of the room.

Klack Clark: "Boss, this time we profit more than $ 5 billion, all arrived, what we do next."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Starting the sky, now there is no big potential to dig now. We don't have the leverage, just use our free money."

Klek Clark now can say that there is unconditional service, and immediately start to arrange the first person to turn the gun.

The original Blackstone Fund has given a plurality of people headed by the Hendo family, and now the previous allies began to deal with themselves. It can be said that it has become a last straw that is more crushing.

The BY market began to bear lack, silver prices started to have a thousand miles only one day in the upper 50 US dollars / ounce. Price from $ 50 to $ 45 for only 2 days, only 1.5 days from $ 45 to $ 40.

Fortunately, it is time to do it, or you can say that you can say that there is no power. At the weekend, the Hundo family is discussing with the Middle East Golden Lord.

John Henke said to everyone: "Our survey found that a large number of soldiers sold in the market is the Blackstone Fund. They are in the most critical moment, this is not the most intuitive, then they turn the gun and start to do it.

Said is a member of the Middle East, mainly responsible for the investment of family in Europe and America. They also know that oil will be completed one day later, so many Middle Eastern royal family began to invest in Europe and America, and Said is an agent.

Sai Yide said: "Now not to pursue who is not, what is your plan you have to follow. Or how should it be on the situation."

John Genke: "Saishe, we need more financial support. At least $ 5 billion or more, or you can't pay the next situation."

I still need so much money, and Saike is a bit angry. This helper really thinks that our money is a wind blow, oil is to make money and can not afford this defeat.

Said: "I want to ask the country, but we must first know who the main opponent is, this Black Stone Fund is when it comes out, and it is support."

John Hunke: "Black Stone Fund should be the company of Black Cloud Group Baoxuan, and now the manager Cleek Clark is a manager for the Hawkins Fund. The Bao Zi Xuan dugged the president of the Blackstone Fund.

Said: "You said that it is a company of Black Cloud Box, what can be proved."

John Hunke: "I have confirmed several aspects, this will not be wrong. But now all the staff of the Black Shi Fund is closed, that is, their family has not seen it for a long time."

In fact, the Middle East petroleum family has always wanted to invest in the Black Cloud Group, but they were rejected by Bao Zixuan. After Baozi Xuanxin, the Black Cloud Group did not accept any investment, and there may only have one shareholder, that is, the family.

At this time, Said is suddenly thought, his prostitute seems to have some emotion with Bao Zixuan. I said: "Can you take the Bun Zi Xuan, let's talk to him. After all, be a friend is better than being an enemy."

John Hunke: "It is difficult to estimate that we have nothing to do with him. People do not necessarily buy our face, may have only Phil Hawkins and he communicate with him in Wall Street, but this Hawkins Fund is also It belongs to the empty one, but it is not large. "

Sai Yide seems to see that the Huntu family is usually boasting yourself, and the key moment is still inadequate. I can only help in salad now.

Yes, Boston College Pan Xiaoxue's roommate, salad is the relatives of Saisid. Sai Yide can only contact Bunxuan through the salad. After all, this is one of the few opportunities, and this negotiation is not a result. At least it is also aware, and it will be opportunities to cooperate. The Middle East is still very accurate, and they want to make a hero of all walks of life.

As long as the oil is still exploiting, how much money they lose can earn back. Compared to Bunzu Xuan's new expensive, the Hunke family is nothing. When can you abandon, as for the previous money, you can only recognize it.

However, these John Hunch didn't know, just know that there is no way. He is only a member of the United States, and the gut is not big and not to deduct the Middle Eastern Royal members. What friends who have not been eligible for each other.

At this time, John Gen can only give it a good fortune, although it is not awkward in his heart. However, the family explains the matter. He can only take it, who makes the other party are the Golden Lord of the family! To be honest, he also can't see the second owner of the Sedang, in addition to the petroleum, it is really nothing to take.

In this way, all parties have negotiated together, everyone has their own purpose. It's just that the heart does not announce, I can't help but take the first to show up, it is when it turns on the face.

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