Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 234 makes a big house in the Middle East

Songshi Snow has been sad for a long time since the recording provided by Grandpa last time. However, thinking that a person is not easy to forget, especially the girl who is involved in the world. I have finally put down some since a period of time, and he also knows grandfather's preparation and the three well family marriage. She is the first candidate, which may be her own life.

Panasonic beauty is not good, everyone knows, especially the other three girls of roommates. However, everyone does not know the specific questions. After all, everyone has their own secrets, especially girls.

After the salad came to the uncle's call, I knew that I claimed to help Panasonic Snow. However, I know that the mood of the other party is not good, but it is not very high in the Middle East woman. As a family in the family, the uncle's uncle has an important position, the salad does not dare to violate, can only think The way to do, but yourself and Bao Zi Xuan really do not be familiar, the last time is only for the son.

I didn't expect to get the launch of the family party last time, and became the breakthrough of Sai Yide to see Babyxuan. It is difficult to cover water, and now I can only help my roommate Panasonic Snow.

Salad looked at Panasonic Snow: "Beautiful Snow, I have something to find you, you must help me."

Panasonic Snow laughed and said: "Salad, there is an embarrassment between us, what you say. As long as I can do it, there is no problem."

Sala: "How long have you not seen your Zixuan, I am looking for him to find him, you must help me find him."

I heard the problem about Bao Zi Xuan, and Mats and Ski suddenly silent. She doesn't know how to answer this question. Is it that Bunzi Xuan did not intend to use himself, so he really can't say it. However, she also listened to the salad to mention some of the families, knowing that there is no such thing, it is likely to be punished.

Now I can only help the scalp, this is related to a small kindness. She is a kind person from a child, and she will not understand how to refuse my friends.

Pan Xia Meixue: "I don't know where Zi Xuanjun, but we can go to the Boston Black Cloud Company to see." Hearing that the salad feels a door, this may be the only chance to find Bunxuan.

Salad quickly pulled Plong Shi Snow to Boston Black Cloud Company, she wants to return to Saidide in the first time. However, after coming to the company, I didn't see Bunzi Xuan, but I am so happy here, most of them know Panasonic Snow. I know that is a good friend of the boss, it is a little princess of Panasonic. For this woman who may become a black boss, I don't dare to neglect.

Others may not know where Bunzu Xuan is, but today John Howard This security supervisor is handling things. It sees that it is a subsidiary of Panasonic, or decided to tell the other party address and phone. After all, no one knows what the boss is related to this RB girl. It is really a male and female friends, so unlucky is definitely yourself.

After getting the address and phone of Bunzi Xuan, under the pleading of the salad. Panasonic is reluctant to dialed Bunxuan's phone, and the phone has come to the familiar business, which makes Pan Shi Xuexiao and a little worry.

Pan Xiaofei Snow: "Is Zi Xuanjun! Hello, I am Panasonic Snow."

I heard that the RB girl, the RB girl, called himself, Bao Zi Xuan has some accidents, after all, the other party and I haven't contacted myself, what is the meaning of this phone. Is it a lot of luck to help this old fox to find yourself, now everything is not good.

"Is Snow! I haven't seen you for a long time, is it good? You haven't contacted me for a long time, what is it!" Bun Zixuan replied.

He knows that he can't go too close to this RB girl, so that everyone will mistaken. And with your own identity, a RB girl is really difficult for your wife, and the final end will not be good.

Panasonic Snow: "It is a salad to find you, she is looking for you. I will give her call.

Bun Zixuan did not expect that the Middle East woman would find himself, but since it has already been contacted, how can it also say a few words, this is a detrimental question.

After the salad took the phone, he said: "Mr. Bao, hello! Take the liberty to bother you really embarrassed, mainly this matter is very anxious, I will find you directly."

Bao Zixuan: "You don't have to be polite, Miss Sala! Everyone is a friend, what problems can be said, do not have an inclined angle."

Salad didn't think that Bunzi Xuan actually spoke, suddenly surprised: "It is this, Mr. Bao. My Uncle Sai Yi wants to see you, is about silver futures, I want to talk to you."

When I heard the salad, Bun Zixuan thought. This time, the HMK family handled the silver futures, there is a large support of the Middle East, and now I am sure that I want to try my attitude.

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "I am in Chicago, if he is here there, we will see it on a place."

In fact, Bao Zixuan also weighs the pros and cons, the Middle East is to deal with the oil in the morning and evening. Isn't it a good time now! When there is a need for funds and energy, contact them should be solved.

Salad said: "No problem, my uncle Sai Yi is in Chicago. I will call him."

Saisi, who received the salad, was a little accident, did not expect that this priest is really a good relationship with Baoxuan, it seems that it will be better to her.

After the salad coordinated, Bunzi Xuan and Said Decided to meet the next day next to the futures market. Everyone is a person who has identity, you need to be prepared.

The next day, in accordance with the established plan, the Blackstone Fund staff is blank and gold. It is not to be polite before the meeting, this is the business.

At noon, Bunzi Xuan came to the Western Restaurant. This time, Ziyi has arrived, and the whole restaurant is packaged in advance, and the big household in the Middle East is so arrogant. No one can better than the money and enjoy this piece, after all, these people have come to money too much too much.

Looking at this young man who is almost the age of his son, Sai Yide really feels that he is old. Bao Zixuan is also playing this Middle East royal family, see what is different from the legend.

Sai Yi smiled and said: "Mr. Jiu's name is really a hero, it seems that I am really old. Now this world is your young man."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Saiss Ide to be so polite, this is completely different from him, and there is a little unknown, but it is very fast, and these years of exercise is still very effective.

In fact, Bunzu Xuan did not know, don't look at Saiss Lord is a member of the royal family, but he is far from the influence of the influence. This time period belongs to the US Soviet Cold War. Middle Eastern royal family hopes to protect in the United States, they are here. Although Bunzi Xuan is not an American, it has a huge influence in the United States. The average person may not be easily guilty, and there is a little, this young man and the Soviet relationship are also excellent, this is a great achievement.

Bunzi Xuan: "Saiss House is not welcome, I and Salad are friends. You are his uncle what is also an elder. If you don't call my husband, you can call my name directly or call me."

I heard the Sai Yide, what is the relationship between my niece and this young man. It is impossible to just simple classmates, otherwise the other's identity is not so polite. Is there anything I don't know here, it seems that I have to ask a salad. I am a big beauty, Bun Zixuan is another young man; how can they be a couple, nor without this possibility.

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