Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 263 Charter Back to Xiangjiang

Recel Morgan also thought about how to meet with Job Baoxuan, our head is now preparing to board the Xiangjiang River at the airport. In fact, he didn't want to go back at this time. After all, it is still not over now on black and his own. If the reporter finds that it is estimated that there are many things to write, the media of Xiangjiang is also non-porous.

This time, Huo Yingdong called him, this is no matter what to refuse things anyway. Whether it is a person who is the most respectful person, it is basically a request for Huo.

In fact, the black cloud in the deep sea toy factory has been completed, and the deep sea wants to engage in a ceremony to celebrate. This is currently the biggest project of China's investment promoters, from Kyoto to Shekou Management Committee.

Baozi Xuan, who wanted to be low-key, can only go back to Xiangjiang, participate in the opening ceremony of the Shenzhen Black Cloud Toys Factory. However, this event is very sudden, and there is no notification Bunxuan is the direct charter back, and the airline has a confidentiality to the customer information. So no one knows that when Retchell Morgan came to MIT 306, when Bao Zixuan had flew to Xiangjiang in the mid-mean sky.

This allows Rayser Morgan who came to find Bunxuan. Morgan very depressed, and there is a little coming to Bao Zi Xuan, thinking is deliberate to hide himself. After all, I don't know where he go, it is the black cloud, I don't know where the boss is now. Isn't this intentional hide!

Miss Morgan, who has never been rejected, I hope to see Bunzi Xuan has a reasonable explanation, otherwise it will definitely give the other side. This makes the two sides to meet the first time, and let Bao Zi Xuan feel inexplicably.

When I returned to Xiangjiang, I went home in the first time. Since Li Yulin, I felt too little Bunxuan in Taiping, I bought two connected villas in Taiping Mountain. However, this is just a temporary residence, he hopes to build a Chinese style courtyard in the top of his thoughts, but there is no suitable place yet. Mainly, now the Xiangjiang economy is very good, there is no tycoon bankruptcy and to sell home production. It seems that I can only wait until Huying's negotiations, there is a chance. At that time, there were many people who wanted to leave.

Li Yulin saw Bunzi Xuan back, very happy. After all, I haven't seen my son for a long time. I saw this increasingly strange son, she was very confused, but when they were sick, I didn't have a lot of feelings.

Li Yulin said: "Axuan! How did you suddenly come back! I didn't listen to you!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "I invest in a toy factory in Shenzhen, this is not the first phase of the project to be put into production! Huo Yingdong Ho Sheng gives me a call, I will return it back from the United States."

"Look at your current color, I am finally relieved. How is the body feel?" Is there anything uncomfortable. "

Li Yulin: "I am ok! Now there is a medicine to make the medicine in the body every day. When I go to the medical examination, my body has no problem. But you, I will fly around the world, although you are now young but also pay attention to it. body."

Bao Zixuan: "That's good! Do you want you to go to the deep sea with me, I haven't returned to the mainland for a long time!"

Li Yulin: "This time, waiting for the mainland to stabilize it! I have heard that the mainland is still safe, you have to be careful in investing in the past. However, Huo Yingdong is very related, you and him I am also very worried about it. "

Li Yulin is also a propaganda to be deceived by the Hong Kong and English government for so many years, but most of this era is mostly the case.

This time is a charter, it is not bad to rest on the plane. After finishing breakfast at home, just let the Hao Hao. After all, I heard that Kyoto leader came over to participate in the opening ceremony, be sure to ask about what he had to pay attention to. Otherwise, the number is not good, and there is no way to show the arrogant side of Xiangjiang, but it can't be too humble.

Since I have already greeted in advance, I came to Huo Hao to see Huo Dayang waiting for him at the door. This is not the face, mainly Huo Yingdong, very recognized Bunxuan, to show respect.

After the prepared gift is given to Huojia, Huo Dang said: "Thank you for your birth, you are so polite every time. I am not embarrassed!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "It is some products produced by their own company, all of the gadgets, don't welcome you."

Baozi Xuan prepared several black cloud mobile phones and digital cameras, Huo family is not bad, just express a heart.

I saw Bunzi Xuan, Huo Yingdong stood up and said: "The small bag, come back. You can give us a lot of money this time, but also to the Chinese people. I also hear it. You won the prize, I didn't expect it to be so important to be internationally. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Huo Lao has a prize, I am just lucky, catch up with a good time, it is far behind you."

Huo Yingdong: "Okay, you don't have to compliment me, we will go to the deep sea tomorrow, this time you can't drive!"

Since Bao Zixuan has driven last time, the temporary special pass of his car has become a real pass. The car can return to the two places whenever it is, and the first two places can be counted.

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, we have a collection of ports in the port. I have to pay attention to there, I am still not very understanding of the specific situation in the Mainland, and what else should be prepared."

Huo Yingdong: "We will set a collection at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and then in deep sea, you will stay in the opening ceremony of your factory in the morning, and you don't need to prepare, as long as you have sincerity."

Bunzi Xuan: "There is no problem, who else will go with us. I also have a bottom."

Huo Yingdong: "There are also Dong Lan and Banheng, we are. Yes, the Bao Huo Mining Co., Ltd. we have created last time has achieved the mining rights in the mainland. And according to your requirements, Mongolia, South Guangdong Province, The right to exploit the Jiangnan and Basu District. In the next 30 years, these mineral mining rights is our company, there is a priority renewal. "

Bao Zi Xuan did not expect that things would be so smooth, this and Huo's face also lack foreign exchange with the current Huaxia. This can be a busy business, and now I really don't know what to say.

Bao Zi Xuan: "That's good, I have found some, and the mining equipment has been purchased. It is waiting for your negotiation results."

The result of the last pride is not announced, but it is only in the phone to communicate and have to get mining rights. For this $ 1 billion, it will be given to China, and the money to buy equipment is paid by the black cloud.

Huo Yingdong: "Your speed is so fast, the buyer is looking for so soon, I have seen the talents of the small bag. We are really dusty. How is the price, my heart is good."

Although everyone is a friend, but the business is still clear! Bao Zi Xuan said: "How is $ 10!"

Hear this price, Huo Yingdong did not expect that these soils actually valuable. It seems that this business is really good, and artificial mining can almost ignore, and there are two boat kings responsible for transportation, this business profit is absolutely considerable.

Huo Yingdong: "10 US dollars a ton! I have asked a lot of soils over there, and I can say no problem for 30 years."

Bunzi Xuan: "Huo, you understand the wrong. I am talking about a kilogram of $ 10, and not paying! It is still a confidential phase. I hope you don't disclose it. We will be very passive."

Bao Zixuan left, but Huo Yingdong can't calmly. One kilogram of 10 dollars, that is not mining, it is not so fast. It seems that technology is still something, or it is really not able to keep up. Still let the family children will leave one or two liberal disciplines every generation, otherwise it is really no.

The highest rare earth in the past, but I bought a $ 100, now I only have my own mining. If you don't have a high price, you can only spend high prices when you need a rare earth.

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