Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 264 Deep Sea Toy Factory

Early the next morning, Bunzi Xuan arrived in the deep sea port. Seeing that Huo Yingdong is waiting for him, but the two boat kings have not arrived, but they looked at Huo Yingdong's face very embarrassed.

Baozi Xuan asked: "Huo Lao, yesterday, it's okay, what is this today, didn't you rest last night!"

Huo Yingdong: "It's not your little child. After you go, I haven't slept almost a night. The price you said is too scary. According to you, we have to make much money for 30 years, I can't imagine. This. How much cheap, I am always uneasy in my heart. "

Baozi Xuan learned Huo Yingdong's character. He didn't think much about how much money in investing in mainland is basically, just thinking about how to support national construction.

Bao Zi Xuan comforted: "I have already thought about it. We can take out some, even a large part of the profit support to the local construction, charity, etc., it is to build a primary school. "

Huo Yingdong: "If you have this heart, I am not afraid that you will be reluctant!"

Bunzi Xuan: "Huo Lao is relieved, my own books don't have, and the things and projects of making money are still a lot."

Two people talked for a while, and they were giggling and Dong Hao clouds. Several people have greeted the Knights of Bunxuan. What is still safe to talk on the car.

Dong Hao Yun: "Packet! You are famous, and you will be discussing you in the last period of time."

Punning just: "Yes! Little Bao Sheng, but let everyone know that our Xiangjiang people are rich and smart."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Two don't say this, I am sorry to get me."

Si people chatted in the side of the snake. The Black Cloud Resort is still building, but the Black Cloud Toys is built in the construction of a factory, mainly to build experts and executives. At present, Bao Zi Xuan can be used, it is also a point in the deep sea!

After entering the Shekou Industrial Park, I saw that the Black Cloud Toys Factory feels some incredible. This is still the wasteland that I saw last year! Black Cloud's first construction used 200,000 square meters, only one tenth of this land.

Looking at the entire construction of the building, the internal road is wide and neat. And the outside is simple, and when you enter the factory, you can see the factory, let the three tycons are a bit movement, this is the power of the industry.

However, it is much more spectacular than the housing, and it is seen from the boss. Huo Jianning came to Bunzi Xuan with the mainland management team, smiled and said: "Boss, feel here! No let you down!"

Bao Zixuan: "Hard work, life is still used to it!"

Huo Jianning: "I am not hard, these mainland workers are called hard. They have worked more than 12 hours a day, which is not imagined in Xiangjiang; these people's work attitude is really worth learning."

"Life is okay, many of our supplies are allocated from foreign countries. It is too lack of entertainment industry. It can be said that there are some people who come from Xiangjiang. I have to regularly return to Xiangjiang."

Baozi Xuan heard it seriously: "There is no problem in Xiangjiang regularly; but I know that this toy factory has a lot of women workers. You don't want to give me a glow. I don't like to expel the employee, but don't break through Bottom line. "

I heard the boss said that Huo Jianning knows what the boss is worried. Hurry and say: "Please rest assured!

Bao Zi Xuan: "That is the personal personal affairs, we can't do it. However, the a woman's husband wants to be a female worker, then don't worry again, the employees of the black cloud must be responsible for the family; this is a character problem. Some women who have a good look,

Bao Zixuan didn't know, he tried to recruit some unhearted female workers in the deep sea factory. This makes it as chaos like other factories, at least few people come to black clouds to pursue girls.

Dong Hao Yun said with a smile: "The small bag! How old you also manage the marriage life of the employee."

Baozi Xuan always can't say this kind of female worker's special factory, a lot of bad influences! At that time, I will not be killed, it is to see the little girl in the whole day.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Is it in the case of preventing circumstances! It is also afraid that the employees of Xiangjiang are special, and it will definitely cause contradictions."

After watching the toy factory, everyone came to the restaurant to eat. Seeing the food of the deep sea black cloud factory restaurant, Bao Zixuan said: "I am not saying this and a standard of Xiangjiang!"

Huo Jianning knows what the boss is temper, but now I can only tell: "The boss, the mainland is not very rich, this is still the food we try to find, this material is still a little scarce."

Bao Zi Xuan: "No matter how difficult, spend more money and also meet employee needs. They are the foundation and fundament we can develop. How is the construction of our hotel!"

Huo Jianning: "The hotel is a lot slower. It is mainly the steel supply here. We don't buy enough quality steel, after all, the hotel is too high."

I heard that Bunxuan thought of a question, that is, as Huaxia reforms accelerated. The mainland steel is seriously deficient, especially in domestic enterprises in special steel can't produce. Shanghai-Shanghai steel project is born in this background, and domestic iron ore is also abundant.

Shanghai-Shanghai steel projects mitigate the difficult problems of the use of steel in East China, but South Guangdong is the fastest construction. There is no powerful steel production capacity to speed up the progress, and now it seems to communicate well with several shareholders of Bao Huo's utility.

After finishing the meal at noon, Bao Zi Xuan and a group visited the rest of the place. For the whole sea project, it is still satisfactory, although some places are not very in place, but the environment in the mainland can only be like this.

This four people lived in a villa, and the hotel is not yet built. There is no good hospitality in the deep sea, and the black cloud industrial park can be said to be the best place in the city.

When I came to the living room, I saw three people left behind. Bao Zixuan said: "Huo Lao, this time I see the steel supply of South Guangdong is not very adequate, our Baohuo Dong Mining Company can set up a steel company here. Ore can be purchased in Australia and Brazil, as for the cost of construction factories Don't spend money. As long as you agree, the government allows us to build me. "

I don't have to spend money, a few tycons are interested. Especially Huo Yingdong, this old man who wants to support the national construction can know the state of the country's current steel unpacking, if you don't have to spend money, you can build a steel project. Then he will definitely hold both hands, it doesn't matter if it takes money.

Huo Yingdong said: "Little boy, the country is negotiating with RB New Railway. Just want to introduce steel projects in Shanghai, the new Japanese iron is expensive than $ 5 billion, I don't know the specific amount. You can really guarantee Our steel plant can be built without spending money. "

Bao Zixuan: "I am certainly grasped, or how do you dare to guarantee in front of you!"

Dong Haoyun said with a smile: "Little bag, you don't sell Guan Zi, I have often transported iron ore and know that the construction of a steel plant needs a lot of money, especially the new special steel plant needs to invest huge money. "

Bunzi Xuan: "As long as the state allows us to build a steel factory, I will have a need to spend money, the premise is that you have to support me. This steel factory I hope to be a wholly number of our mining companies, do not want any other capital entry."

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