The reason why some cash is to be added is for the sake of data. In fact, it is $ 10 million in each family. This is to show an attitude, they are all listed companies; if they don't receive cash, it is not good for financial publicity.

I saw Bunzi Xuan's chaired platform to let the journalist were very excited. This disappeared topic person actually made such a big move. It seems that this young man is really surprising, this is the favorite of journalists to see.

At present, there are many journalists in the forefront of this Cold War in Germany, and they want to report the first news back to China. This also makes this news conference world-class media, and it is also convinced of 3 German companies on the stage, and there is no good news material in heavy industry. It seems that this boy is popular. However, as long as it is reported that the stock price of your company is absolutely rising, this is the interests of realism; who will care!

This time is just a simple press conference and there is nothing special process. All in the way of journalists is carried out, and who is answering who answers you can.

However, in the main court of Rhine, I still have to take care of the face of the host, so the first reporter has determined to ask Rhinemone's Oliver-Lehard.

A blonde girl stood up: "Hello! Mr. Lehard, I am a Düsseldorf News reporter, I want to ask what you have prompted by Mr. Bao Zixuan to increase cooperation!"

Oliver Lehard: "At present, the two companies in Rheinland and Black Cloud have a deep strategic cooperation. Our two companies are very recognized by the culture of the partners. At the same time, my husband and Bunxuan are very good friends. Now Another company in Bao's company should build a factory. As a friend, Rheinland will definitely support, and we have earned our profits. "

Asked by a reporter of Frankfurt: "Mr. Tesse, I heard that the German company is dominated by you in the negotiation process, I don't know what is the status of this Tyssen in cooperation."

The media in Ruhr will definitely ask the family members of this Ruer District, after all, they also need Tiffson's support.

Rayhag Perth: "This cooperation is taken by Mr. Lehard, I am involved in Mr. Krupp. As for why I occupied the dominant position because I am studying steel related major, at the professional level It is possible to provide more support. Our 4 bits are just a probably direction and overall cooperation objectives. As for the specific details, we need to communicate and coordinate between the staff of both parties. "

"This time, it can be said that the share of each company is almost the same. After all, this order is too big, and a company is not possible to complete in a short time, so we will take this order together. But this is Germany The company opened a new door, and he couldn't pick up the contract. You can find a partner together. This can be held warm. After all, our industrial lineage and technical indicators require unity, the future unified standard is the most important "

"Establish a unified industrial standard and process process is the direction of the future development of German companies. We only have to make the world to make people understand, recognize, use German standards, this is the way we have to go in the future of our entrepreneurs."

I heard the Answer of Rayhag Tyssen, and the warm applause sounded below. Baozi Xuan understood why German companies, especially industrial companies, can dominate the world for so many years, this unified standard is that other countries cannot achieve. This requires all companies to put down, eliminating internal contradictions, all of them can be implemented. "

Then there is another reporter asked: "Mr. Krupp, you are not in the company as a specific position now. Excuse me, what is your identity to participate in this negotiation, what role is played in the middle."

Ondt Krupp: "My last name is destined, I can't set it out.

"At first, I was only curious about Bunz Xuan. I thought that two old friends were all, just will be a young man in a later. Look at that there is no magic reported on the newspaper, and then discovered that he did numerously The point of concern, the responsibility of the business, is very touched by the responsibility of partners, so it is not hesitant to cooperate with it. And this cooperation, the share of Krupp, although it is just more than the other two. But I am also very satisfied. "

I heard this old man with the world, it seems that people are people who live a realm. If you don't fight for it, it is worth it, but it is possible to maximize your interest.

At this time, a British reporter asked: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I am a Thame, I want to ask why you buy so many devices, why do you want to go to Huaxia to build a factory, why isn't the Xiangjiang or elsewhere."

Baozi Xuan knows that this British media will definitely give yourself, or it is really not their style.

Baozi Xuan said: "This reporter friend, don't know if you know the land price and labor cost of Xiangjiang!" After seeing the reporter nodded, Bao Zixuan then said: "Since you know, then I want to ask which steel business Dare to build a steel factory in Xiangjiang, at least I have no such courage. "

"There is also a large number of workers and huge consumption power. It is currently not available in Xiangjiang. As for the other places, I didn't find a suitable place. At present, China is the most suitable place to build this steel company. I can't have money. Don't make it! "

At this time, an RB reporter tastes: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I want to ask the steel enterprise that you prepare to build the impact on the rB and Huaxia 's impact on the Shanghai steel project! After all, the two sides have negotiated many times, this project will Do you die! "

Bao Zi Xuan: "This is the things of Huaxia and RB, which doesn't matter. Their negotiations or failure will not affect my determination to enter the steel industry. I am a businessman. I will see that the project has money to make Of course to seize the opportunity. Now this time is high-speed development. If there is no quick decision, if there is no fast decision, it is likely to lose opportunities. Once the chance is lost, then you have such a chance, so my principle is to look at the time, it is failed. I will not leave any regrets for myself. "

Hearing that many entrepreneurs have been very recognized here, but there are fews that truly do it. After the news passed to RB, the new ribs saw the crisis, so abandoned a lot of insistence, and made a lot of concessions in the price. This is better than the mouth, then there are many other things. Baozi Xuan also made a contribution to the Shanghai-Shanghai steel project, but he didn't know.

Later, the reporter reception was simply a personal press conference of Baozi Xuan, but the three industrial giants in Germany did not show any dissatisfaction in this area. After all, they got real interests, just as people expected, three German industrial giants were crazy. After all, such a big order profit can be very accurate, the most important is to have a cooperative relationship with Huaxia Jiancheng, once it is fully open, they have a priority.

After the press conference, the head of 4 companies held a small celebration, after all, this stock market earned more money than they earned in the transaction, it seems that this kid cooperation is also beneficial. is it a lot! This makes three people very happy. They not only wealth is increasing, but even if there is a lot in the company's voice.

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