This is a very happy thing, I heard the transaction to reach the promotion, Dong Haoyun and Huo Yingdong are excited. Baozi Xuan has changed so many industrial equipment with only a bunch of soil. It seems that the value of this soil is really no. The Germans are not a fool, and they must see the important value to exchange. This makes three people look very well in the future of Bao Huo, and must be a bright future.

After the end of the success of the Supreme Talks, I came to the UK, this time he is going to investigate the company in the UK, and also order several cargo ships. And the German trading requires a lot of capacity, that is, the two boat king will not necessarily be adjusted. During the UK, the mood is always good, but the mood has not lasts for a long time, and there is an accident there, it can be said that the backyard is fire.

The story took place in the early 1970s, the protagonist is the name of Natural Tu Hao, male No. 1, and the world's boat king, and the world's most cattle, in 1978, the world's top ten boat king Put the chair, the first Chinese directors entering the British HSBC, 76 years were sealed by the British Queen. The second year of the second year of Hong Kong (with the landline company), one of the four major in Hong Kong. Male 3rd Li Chao.

One: Story background

Before the big show, let's order the background.

Let's talk about the bunjue; born in 1918 in a businessman family, the old Bao Zhaolong, the alone, Hankou. The Jue Mer is 13-year-old Shanghai to study, entered the Wusong Business Board School, studying a ship, the popular professional at the time. After the anti-Japanese war broke out, he went to Chongqing and ran to a bank as a small staff. 38 years of returning to the Shanghai and Central Trust Administration Department, from ordinary staff to the deposit of the Shanghai Bank, the future is bright. In the 49th, the priest and his father have sold hundreds of thousands of yuan to the summer.

Jisiao just arrived in Xiangjiang began to do a small business, gathered some silver. The priest is Ning Haibei, the big seaside has grown up, and the sea is deep, and it is proposed to engage in shipping. Although the parents opposed, the priest is determined, the fund is not enough, and the 700,000 models will run to the UK to buy old cargo ships, drag back and refurbish, namely "Jinan", shipping! Global Shipping Group has been established in 55 years.

At that time, the shipping industry generally used a short-term rent method, a voyage settlement, high fees, and at any time (at the time of the sea). Jue is unique, using long-term, leased the ship for 3 years, 5 years or even 10 years, and renting on a month. In this way, although the rent is low, the risk is small and the cash flow is stable. The priest relied on a steady business model, the financial resources rolling, the burning, became the Chinese businessman, the world's first person.

But there is no day to red. In the 1970s, due to the fourth Middle East War and Iranian civilians, the two oil crises have begun, and the Western masters began in the native oil field, the European North Sea Oilfield, the US Texas Oilfield has been oil, the beginning of the RB70, the end of the 1970s Heads full, starting to cut oil imports, the shipping industry was huge, and the Jue Merchay is a few decades. The old driver, when I see the seedlings, I started to be pumped. In the late 1970s, the shipping industry was resolutely. The tanker in the hands of a large low price, the huge waves of the boat, the shoal of lightning, ready to log in.

In turn, the Jiulong Cang. The history of the Kowloon warehouse dates back to 1871, Ying Shang Paul slag hit Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Terminal and the warehouse company, due to Wan Chai land restrictions, move to the west side of Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, and then renamed Hong Kong Kowloon Terminal and Warehouse Co., Ltd., Abbreviation Jiulong Cang. In addition to the founders, the big shareholders also have a big ocean. After the slag hung, the Kowloon warehouses went into Yi and the Cabesk family.

First, the horse's towers are killed by Li Chao.

It is said that Li Chao people have three feet of Kowloon, the first poor people explore the enemy, and the probes return, Yeshe is less than 20%, as long as the 20% of the Jiulong warehouse can, Start.

But for this kind of fragrant, Li Chao is still very obvious. The turnover of Jiulong has begun to suddenly rise, and the keen career speculators began to move, and it was a sudden shock in March, until March 1978. Jiulong Cang stock price is the highest level of 46 yuan per share. At this time, Li Chao people still have less than 20 million shares. I feel that the stock price is too high, and a small meeting is suspended. After a slightly lower price, the Kowloon is reached to 20%.

At this time, the fool knows that someone wants to engage in the Kowloon, let alone and this old driver. Li Chao wants to take the Kowloon Cang, only overlord hard. But at that time, the superman was so mighty, but it was not particularly great. The ammunition was not particularly sufficient, and the opponent was not good. People were good, if the other party organized fire to counterattack, Li Chao took the birds. So Into the Jiulong Cang, is still very difficult to Li Chao.

Watch Yi and there, have people moving their own horses, can you do it? cut! Yihe is starting to copy his guys, and the shares held by high-priced households on the market to enhance its control of Jiulong Cang. Batt! Yihe's cash reserves are not enough, and the Jiulong Cang stocks cannot be increased to absolutely safe level. Under the urgentity, run to Hong Kong's first financial group Britary Huifeng Bank to move. It is said that HSBC's head people will die personally, and advise Li Chao people to give up the acquisition of Jiulong.

Li Chao is a savvy person, thinking that it is not advisable to be with the Yihe, HSBC, the development of the Yangtze River industry, but also supports HSBC. If you have swept HSBC, HSBC loan supports Yihe, and it has not played the Jiulong warehouse. The trade-off is lighter, and Li Chao finally promised to stop the acquisition of Jiulong Shares. At this time, Li Chao has acquired nearly 2 million shares. Is it the biggest shareholder of the Kowloon? Li Chao has a face, because Yiyi has not been revealed to increase the number of shares.

Li Chao people sold all the shares to the bonjun, although the worry of Yong and the Ocean is temporarily saved. However, the Kazik family is more concerned, after all, now the strength of the baked is far from the superhand. They can say that they have rushed to the tiger, and the results have attracted the lion. However, I can only be ideal before there is no better way.

This doesn't see that the incubation has just come out to make a lot of money in Huifeng loans, it is Shen Wei and his relationship, it is better to be good. If a person is the ability to reproduce the credit amount is also limited.

In fact, according to the original script, the "Jiulong Cang" battle is the acquisition of Jazz, the acquisition of Jiulong Cang, started on June 19, 1980, ending on June 25th. Kowloon Cangji Yingyi and Group, Hong Kong, Hua Yaranity, single, and Yihe only held 5% of Kowloon Shares to control this company. With the rise in Hong Kong, the strength of Hua Yue real estate is rapidly enhanced. In September 1978, the Hua Yarn's family has 20% of the Jiulong Cang Shares, and he entered the Board of Directors as a major shareholder. Britary is not willing to be threatened. In December 1978, Yihe is held to rose to 20%, and the quantity is close to Bao Yu. The equity control of this equity control has been fighting for nearly 2 years, and finally burst into a thrilling equity grabbing in 1980.

On June 19, 1980, the land company announced the purchase of Jiulong Cang Shares, and the conditions were used to use the place shares and a bond to exchange the Jiulong Cang Shares, which is about 100 yuan for the price of 77 yuan of Jiulong stock. The pouring justice will make a counterattack. On June 22, the incubation has been announced that the price of 105 yuan per share will acquire 20 million units of Jiulong Cang Shares in the market. In this way, the package of the company will increase to 49%, and the entire action will be reached. HK $ 2.2 billion. The next day, in just a few hours, Baoyang completed the actions of the acquisition of 20 million Jiulong stocks. The land company took the opportunity to sell 10 million units of Jiulong (Hong Kong dollars) worth 10,000 billion. At this point, the Hua Yarn's family has achieved the control of the Jiulong Cang.

However, now the incubation has just been looking for a sinking for Bao Huo's mining company. If you are looking for it, it is not necessarily tubeless, so the incubation that receives the message is just a moment.

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