When I wiped steel, the other Xiangjiang Tycoon also received a message. However, this time Bao Zixuan didn't know, because he is already on the plane, it is currently flying in the direction of Xiangjiang.

In fact, last year Baozi Xuan also purchased nearly 15% of the Jiulong Cang's shares through HSBC investment departments, but it didn't care too much. It is considered a considerable investment, but with the increase of wealth, it is now a little forgot.

The sudden hair of Yihe and the land allows the incubation to give up the President of Mexico, emergency contact the plane to the Xiangjiang. Before the plane, he went to the Xiangjiang's banks, but the banks with loans were small banks. The funds are not very adequate, HSBC's Shen Wei also said that this thing is difficult, after all, I have just lended 3 billion Hong Kong coins. Now it is necessary to add loans. Although the nature is different, it is related to the packing steel. It is private. I don't dare to do this well.

Yihe and the land are all in Xiangjiang, and many shareholders of Caesark family and HSBC have sent a lot of money. They must be a masterpiece in this matter, and they must be implicated. So rejecting the loan request of the package, although I really want to tell the boat king to find Bao Zi Xuan's orders, but some don't dare. HSBC is relatively regular in this era, still not as big as later generation.

When Bao Zi Xuan and Huo Zhengxiang were in Xiangjiang, the war has begun, and all people who see the airport are talking about this topic. Bunzi Xuan finally knows that there should happen, and some things cannot be changed. However, the boat king spent 200 million US dollars to share the shares, Huo Dong Mining, and also personally loaned 3 billion Hong Kong coins. There is no self-funded. At present, it is not an opponent of Yihe and the ground, but he will give up so much unwilling to give up the acquisition of Jiulong Zhong.

When I saw the pick-up person who came over the airport at the airport, Bao Zi Xuan asked: "What happened recently, how everyone is talking about Jiulong."

In fact, he understands what is going on, but it is not possible to show it. If something is in advance, it is not doubted, or how can it be explained.

The first thing to go back to Xiangjiang, the first thing to go to HSBC visited Shen Wei. Looking at a friend anxious look, it might be a good heart, and finally said: "Loan estimates that HSBC is difficult to take, but you can go Bunzi Xuan's business. After this thing, you can use Bao Huo's share mortgage to make money, so you can also put money. "

"Catherke's family found many HSBC directors, put pressure on me. They spend high by your loan to apply for HSBC to apply for reject your loan, now is not optimistic."

Punning just: "How this is going to find Bao Xuan, is it holding the shares of Jiulong Cang."

Shen Wei: "I can say only so much, this has violated the principle of confidentiality of the bank. If the competitor knows that the fight against HSB is definitely fatal, I hope you can understand."

After you get half an answer at Shen Yan, the incubation just wants to call Bunxuan. To be honest, he doesn't want to find the other party. After all, it is now a cooperative relationship. If the other party helps, then it will owe a lot, I still don't know how it!

Punning just looked at the phone or the heart of Bao Zi Xuan sent a lot of emotion, this young man now is so great to see the value of the Jiulong Cang, or it is impossible to acquire so many shares in advance. But now I have to buy so many Jiulong Cang Shares from the other person, the most important thing is that I have not much cash, which is a difficult request.

However, abandoning the ship is a ready-made strategy, although it is now some effective. But now all the business on the land is occupying, without a family personally manages, which is never a way. This Kowloon is the best opportunity. If you give up, then the future can say.

I thought about a long time, I still picked up the phone to dialed the phone number of Bunxuan.

The phone quickly connected, the phone came to the boat king's voice: "Is it born! I am a boy, I want to find you, I don't know if there is no time."

Bunzi Xuan: "The boat is polite, what's the matter, you will say it; just don't have time, you have time."

Punning: "That is in the peninsula hotel, I know where you are very familiar."

Baozi Xuan didn't know what happened, and people who were talking about were like to go to the peninsula. I don't really like there. I have to ask if I have to ask if I have to ask. Otherwise I feel weird.

Bao Zi Xuan: "No problem, what time."

Punning just: "That is how to stay at 6 o'clock this evening!"

Bunzi Xuan: "No problem, I will pass."

At this time, Li Yulin walked off the 2nd floor and said: "Who! How do you still go out at night!"

Bao Zixuan: "It is a boat king, it should be, I have something to find."

I heard the boat king's pouring, Li Yulin's face has changed some changes; but it will be adjusted soon. Laughing and said: "Now I have just cooperated with the boat king. You are not working with Dongjia!"

Bunzi Xuan: "I, Dong Haoyun, Huo Yingdong and Baojing have just set up a mining company, it is a kind of cooperation! But this time it is estimated to be the things of the Kowloon Cang Company, now Yihe, the land is being hurting for Kowloon The control of the warehouse, at this time, it is fully absorbed stocks. I just have a lot of Jiulong Cang's shares, so the boat king will talk about me. "

Thinking of this news must be a HSBC, it seems that you still need your bank, or the funds are really not confidential, and it is not convenient.

Li Yulin: "When did you buy the Jiulong Cang Shares purchased by Axuan, there is a total of how many shares holding a Kowloon Warehouse!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "This has already bought it, now there is approximately 15% of the Jiulong Cang Shares. The black cloud some management also has a lot of shares, and it should be able to account for 25% -28% of the Jiulong warehouse. How much is not clear, I have just returned, there is no specific statistics. "

After the management of the black clouds accounted for a cheap, Huangpu company, he believes that the boss looks at the vision of the stock. After all, the pot is full of people who have earned and yellow shares, and the price is doubled.

Black Cloud Company is now only a shareholder of Bao Zixuan, and the body is too large. They don't dare to have any ideas, but they are very ideas for other Xiangjiang companies. These people are high, and they don't have to spend any money. Instead of being wasting products that are not as good as purchasing points in hand, stocks are a very good choice.

But choose which company stocks do not understand, and Huang's shares have been bought almost. It is basically not circulated on the market. Many people want to ask what stocks can be purchased when they report to the boss.

Bao Zi Xuan did not hesitate to recommend the Jiulong Cang. After all, he also knows the final result of this war is that the stock price exceeds $ 100. Black Cloud Company heard the boss said that the Kowloon Cang Company is good, so do not hesitate to buy. Many people as long as they are a salary, in addition to the necessary living expenses, all used to buy Jiulong Cang Shares. This makes the inside of the black cloud hold a lot of Jiulong Cang Shares, and now how many bags don't know. After all, there are too many people who bought, too too.

Learn about the package, I'm giving Zhao Ting Ting to Zhao Tingting, requiring investigating how many Jiulong Cang Shares held by the internal employee of the black cloud, and reported to him after 2 hours. When I chatted with the boat, I did my heart. Available.

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