After receiving the notice of Bunxuan, Zhao Tingting began to seriously afford the number of people who bought the Jiulong shares in the black cloud and purchase quantity. If you don't have a statistical, I've been a statistically scared. There are 4,300 people in Black Cloud's internal employees, bought a Jiulong warehouse stock, a total of 560 million Hong Kong dollars, now holds 13% of the Jiulong Cang.

Zhao Tingting really didn't think so many people bought a Jiulong Cang Share, this is to hold the Jiulong Cang! In fact, he also purchased $ 1 million Hong Kong dollars, equivalent to the salary of his half a year. Zhao Tingting as the first person fixed annual salary per year, and there are also some column income such as bonuses, dividends, subsidies, etc., with a total of approximately HK $ 3.5 million. This is what he thinks before thinking. At present, there is no such thing in Xiangjiang that is much higher than her, which is also a publicity of the black cloud. After receiving the situation of Zhao Tingting, Bao Zi Xuan fell into the meditation, the Jiulong Cang was a high quality asset. This is recognized in the full Xiangjiang, now the boat king and the campaign against the most critical moment, want to fade, the oriole is not impossible. After all, my financial resources should be more than two other.

But now the incubation is just a partner, the Jiulong is the project he has already been optimistic. This understands all the families. If you don't help him at this time, then you will see yourself.

Bao Zixuan established strategy is to acquire Xiangjiang high-quality enterprises, which is the kind of risk that is very small but returned to a stable. Allows employees to enter the share. The Black Cloud Group is not ready to split before Bao Zixuan is not dead, and it will not be divided into stock. But to ensure that employees have to think about it from other places. It is also a good thing if each employee can join the black cloud or Bunxuan holding company.

Li Yulin saw his son in meditation, asked: "What happened, is Axuan?"

Bunzi Xuan: "I have currently held 27% of Jiulong Cang, and now it is to say that it is an important force to determine the Nine Long Cang. The Jiulong Cang is a high-quality enterprise. Harbor City is a hen of the golden egg. If I am now Going to find Yi and high prices to acquire their hands in their hands, I will definitely agree. But this will be a criminal boat king. After all, we are a partner, which makes people look at the joke. The double bag will definitely go to the headline "

Li Yulin heard the son's answer is very complicated, but when there is a soft, say: "Xiangjiang and even the world's high-quality assets, your cardiagy should be a star sea, don't be blinded by this interest in Xiangjiang. Our roots are insufficient. This is a congenital condition. If this time you help the package just, I will definitely establish a good reputation in the hearts of Chinese businessmen. There is a good project will come to you in the first time. This is important than controlling the Kowloon. There are many. "

After listening to my mother, Bunzi Xuan was so cheerful. Laughing and saying: "I still have a long way, I will go first, can't let people have been waiting." Seeing Bao Zi Xuan left, Li Yulin is another expression, and I don't know my answer in her heart. " It is wrong.

Bun Zi Xuan took the direction in the peninsula, and the boat king had come to eat a place. And arrange two son-in-law Wu Guang is waiting in the hotel lobby to come to Bunxuan, it can be said that the specification is quite high.

At this time, the customers in the hotel saw the boat king in the seat and arranged the son-in-law. This is, who actually has such a big face, everyone is very curious. People who can make the boat king so specific to the reception, all in Xiangjiang can't find 5. And now is the crucial moment of the Kowloon Cozen battle, the incompening of the package is involved in the nerve of the full Xiangjiang.

At 5:40, Bunzi Xuan came to the Peninsula Hotel. Mi Gao - Jia Dao is greeted as the host leader; "Hello, you can't see you, but you will be more and more far away."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Where is this,

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "You can don't, if you can't afford, I want to ask the spokesperson of the hotel!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "The image endorsement is, but you can often come here."

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "That hopes to pay a lot of games, I will thank you first."

Wu Guangzheng came over and said: "Banheng, hello!"

Bao Zixuan: "Wu Sheng, Hello! Where is the boat king."

Wu Guangzheng: "The father-in-law is waiting for you."

Baozi Xuan: "How to dare to get troubled the boat king waiting for me, we hurry over!"

Seeing Bunzi Xuan came in, the boat king stood up and said: "Little boy, hello! Take the liberty, please come over, you want to ask you to help."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Banheng, we are partners, don't be as good as you are. Is there anything to say, I can help the absolute righteousness."

Punning: "Little Banner, you know that now I am in the control of the Jiulong warehouse, and I will take the lead in I am using this, and all of my cash flows are almost the same. Left only can only maintain the company. Basic operation. I know that there are many Jiulong Cang Shares in the hands of the small bag, so I hope you can sell these shares to me. "

Bao Zixuan: "The boat king wants the shares, there is no problem, how much shares do you want."

Bao Ship King: "How much, how much is it."

Bunzi Xuan: "Jiulong Cang Shares are not only holding, the black cloud employees also hold a lot of shares of Jiulong warehouse, I don't know how the boat king wants how to trade."

I heard the black cloud employee also holds a Jiulong Cang Shares, so that the incubation is very happy. However, it is necessary to make the bunxuan, it is absolutely less than, it seems to be good to talk about the other side.

Pharmacy: "Don't know how many Jiulong Cang Shares held by small bags, and how many shares have a total of Black Cloud employees."

Bun Zixuan: "I hold 15%, the black cloud operator is almost about 12%."

It seems that the news provided by Shen Yizhen is really reliable, and now you can solve all the questions when you find Bao Xuan. If Bunxuan is promised to help, you don't have to buy it in the stock market.

Punning: "These shares have bought me, how is the 110 Hong Kong dollar per share. But I hope that the small booth can allow me to extend the payment, and I need nearly 3 billion Hong Kong dollars funds. I will raise my law for a while."

In fact, the incubation of the package includes the interest rate of the extension payment, but the credit of the boat king is absolutely ranked in the world. Therefore, the bunxuan is not worried about the other party. However, there is more than his stock, there is also a part of the black cloud employee, if you can't receive cash, it's hard to explain the people.

Bao Zixuan said: "The shares in my hand give me the money after two months, you can take it first, but the employee's shares hope that the boat king wants to pay cash."

The incubation did not return directly, but asked: "Little boy, why is the black cloud employee hold so many Jiulong Cang Shares!"

Bao Zixuan: "Now, if you want to let employees follow us, they will bring them different things. The salary is also high is also limited, Napoleon said, don't want the soldiers who do not want to be a good soldier. Hand has the ability Employees want to have a career, this is a human condition. "

"The best way is to let employees hold company shares, but now the volume of black clouds is too large. There is almost no employee to get the money, so I think of another employee hold plan. I will send people The investigation is looking for high-quality or underestimated enterprises; Black Cloud Group and employees are buying together. At this time, as long as we control the scale, you can reach the holding of the company. This is a new way to make an idea of ​​employees become a new way of shareholders This Jiulong Cang is the company who wants to acquire within the Black Cloud Plan. "

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