Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 278 purchases shares from employees

Auntie returned to the residence and watched the entire content of this double-package negotiation, but he also knew that the value of this news was too big, so he left an eye. I didn't bring all the content, he was afraid that the TV station did not know too much money. Then take the film to you cry.

Half the half of the double package, Aki came to the Li's TV station. With the close of Jiayi, now there are only two TV stations in Xiangjiang, and the Li has been suppressed by the wireless.

The producer saw Ah, I came in and said: "A Bun, let you take Lin Qingxia to shoot no, today there are several stars to the peninsula Hotel."

"I didn't take Lin Qingxia, she was temporarily replaced." Auntie returned to the way.

The producer said angrily: "You don't guarantee this definitely no problem! Then you have come back."

Auntie: "That's more important thing I took, you will absolutely be shocked."

Producer: "What is important thing you can shoot, don't you take the queen, don't sell Guan Chi with me, take it out." Auntie didn't be angry, but smiled and took a video.

After the following personnel are played, there is a picture of the bags in the TV. I don't know what to say, after all, when he also learned from Taiji reporters, I would like to say that today's boat king banquet, you can say that today's most sensational report is a double package. At this point, the incubation just seeing anyone is a major news, not to see Xiangjiang's richest.

When I saw the TV, Bunzi Xuan and the buns were talking about the smile, and the two commercial big men were in conjunction with billions of Hong Kong dollars. They were really awkward. However, when I saw half, I didn't have a picture, which made the producer annoyed.

The producer said: "Auntie, the second half!"

Auntie: "Datun, let's talk about the price!"

Producer: "Your kid is playing this with me! Let's talk, how much you want."

Auntie: "100,000 Hong Kong coins, you know this price is not too much, if you broadcast so horrible, how horror, I want to say it!"

Producer: "This price is too high, I want to report the boss to decide."

Auntie: "Then I will give you 10 minutes, or I want to pack more ship kings will give more, or the head is rich. But I think I don't necessarily have the ability to get this money, come Looking here. "

After the producer came out, he immediately went to the boss at home. After all, it is at night; the TV station management is basically resting at home. The TV station that came to the film, the boss was still unhappy, but I heard a dog in a TV station actually took a double bag. This is a sensational full of Xiangjiang or even the big news in the world.

It is a cost-effective thing to buy a copy of the producer that agrees with the product.

After returning to the office: "Auntie, the boss agreed, your kid is really luck. I have given the check of 100,000 Hong Kong dollars to Ah."

Auntie took a check in the heart, after all, this is the most money earned so many years of dog career.

The producer said with a smile: "Ah, this time you are satisfied! The lower half can give me!"

Auntie said: "No problem, I will take you away." After finishing, he walked toward the home.

The producer is also afraid of a problem. After all, this is a news that spends a big price to buy back; then follows Ah to return to the residence.

After got the video, immediately returned to the Li's TV headquarters, and immediately started to look. Seeing the two big names, the paintings of the paintings, the people who have become more exciting, this money is too value. At noon tomorrow, if you broadcast a double package, you will be able to stand the Xiangjiang, Li's TV station, this ratio can definitely press the wireless.

Baozi Xuan did not go home this time, but came to the Headquarters of the Black Cloud. Since I promised the boat king to convince the internal staff of the black cloud. He has arranged Zhao Tingting to inform all employees who purchase the Jiulong Shares, that is to persuade employees at the meeting.

When Baozi Xuan came to the Black Cloud Auditorium, all employees who bought a shares of Jiulong Cangwu were all over the business trip. Baozi Xuan looked at the following: "Good evening, told you this evening to come over is something to find everyone. That is, you bought me the Jiulong shares held in your hand. Everyone is 130 HK $ 1000 Go to the Ministry of Finance, the finance department issues a check to you. This time, the Kowloon Warehouse is just to earn a piece of money. Waiting for the next time we have to cast together. This time, please, I have promised the boat Wang Hui Yun quit. "

In Black Cloud Internal Bunxuan is the existence of God, and the stock price is between 30-60 yuan, and now there is no more satisfied.

Looking at the check in your hand, everyone is very happy. Listening to the boss is really money to earn, it seems that there is a good goal later, you must listen to the boss. Everyone is not only to receive the money, and there are more strips in his hand, and a stock is written on the note. This Bao Zixuan told the information of several excellent stocks in accordance with the memory of the book, and the best prepared for the next acquisition.

See the stock information provided by the boss, the first thing to help the black dollar employee is to go to the stock trading hall to buy the boss's stock information tomorrow morning. However, Bao Zixuan has clearly requested that the stocks purchased by each person cannot exceed 200,000 Hong Kong coins, which is also to prevent the stock market from expanding in advance.

Seeing everyone is so happy this evening, Bao Zixuan said: "Since it is rare to get together this evening. Zhao always, it is preparing some wine, we drink a cup."

The Black Cloud Group needs overtime every night. It is exactly that many more control machines take 24 hours. Therefore, many employees work at night, the kitchen can say that 24 hours have eaten, but if you want to drink, you have to wait until weekend, or what special circumstances, now Bun Zixuan said that you want to please everyone, plus Everyone earned a lot of money tonight. Suddenly came from cheers and applause, and many people were shouting.

Baozi Xuan then said: "We don't necessarily have some internal wine, who has good alcohol, hurry to return to the room. If you don't drink, I have to be angry." I heard the owner of the boss and the employees who have deprecated wine began to take back their room. Wine, this opportunity is not every day, everyone is very cherished.

With the increase in Baozi Xuan wealth and the company, it is now rare to interact with employees. By purchasing stocks, I finally have the opportunity and boss carnival. There is more memories after this scene.

Baozi Xuan purchased 12% of the Jiulong Cang Shares from the black cloud employees, and consumes 1.3 billion Hong Kong coins. The most important thing is that the boat king will give him money a month, and it is equivalent to Bazi Xuan in advance. Just for a sentence to be more than ten billions, it seems that good people are difficult to do.

However, when the boat king knows that Bao Zixuan has paid ourselves to the employee in order to make himself control Jiulong Cang, it seems that this person is really owed. I can only wait until I have the opportunity to return, or it is always a heart disease in my heart.

In fact, Bun Zixuan is not afraid that Xiangjiang Tycoon, just feeling that there is still a big camp to pay more friends. After all, his major markets and business are abroad. If there is a problem outside, the people at home are really hard to put the guns.

Fuming of the package is just a few ally, his roots are indeed too shallow. Now just through this opportunity to show an attitude toward the richest richest, a person I can suffer from a person who can suffer from a good friend.

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