Baozi Xuan and the black cloud employee drink very late to go back to the room to sleep, although I don't always live in the Xiangjiang Black Cloud Dormitory. However, it is very clean as the boss's room, and there will be a sheet of shroud every week. It is a worry that the boss will be used when you come back, you can use it at any time, or you really want to joke.

The incubation just returned home to see the family, knowing that he is waiting for his own message. Laughing, "Things are talking, Bao Zixuan is still a face this time. It seems that it is necessary to pay a chance to still wait for the next time."

Ba Zhaolong is the father of the boat king, and now she is resting at home. However, the father of the bag has made a lifetime business, and it is a unique insight to see people.

Bao Zhao Dragon said: "Yang Gang, you have seen Bun Zixuan several times. This is a kind of person, you talk more about it."

Punning: "This young man is very no, it is already the richest river. However, it is a low-key, modest and understanding, and it is very good for the subordinates."

"The Black Cloud Group is the best in Xiangjiang's welfare, salary, and even the food is the best. Not only in Xiangjiang, I have been to the mainland in Xiangjiang, that is, the food standard in the mainland Black Cloud Toys Factory will exceed our company. At this block of Bunxuan, it is very reluctant. "

"There is also that he gives me a employee holding plan today. I think it is feasible. Black Cloud internal professional investigators will examine high-quality and market capitalized enterprises. Then boss and employees will secretly purchase, once the black cloud is completed After the acquisition, the shareholders are almost all internal employees, which is also a changing share plan. Can increase employee's income in other ways, allowing employees more cohesive. "

Ba Zhaolong: "Listen to you, I feel that this young man is like a person."

Wu Guangzheng said: "Lao Master, you feel the buns Xuan."

Bao Zhaolong: "Hu Xueyan".

I heard everyone in the living room, I took a breath, after all, this evaluation is too high, this is the red top businessman affecting an era.

Hu Xueyan (1823-1885), this name Hu Guangyu, nunwukun official, word snowy rock, born in Huizhou, Anhui, is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang 13 years old. Chinese modern red top businessmen, politicians, and emblem representatives.

In the eleventh year of Qing Xianfeng (1861) Political situation. When Zuo Zongxi is betrayed, when he presided over the Shanghai Transportation Bureau, he borrowed 5 times in Shanghai, he was up to 11.95 million, and the military commander, ordering the arms, and did intelligence work, often put Shanghai Chinese and foreign Important news reports from all walks of life Zuo Zongtang. When you are welcome, the official is two products and enjoy the yellow horses.

Baojia is Ningbo people, which can be said to be very familiar with Hu Xueyan, who is home in Hangzhou. However, the father of the bag actually wanted Bun Zixuan and Hu Xueyan. This is not too high. After all, this is a legend. There are several people to live, almost impossible.

Bao Zhao Long then said: "Do you feel that my evaluation of Bun Zixuan is too high, but you haven't thought about it. This Bunxuan is in 20 years old this year, his wealth should already surpass our home! Even It will not be a place in the world for a few years. It is that Hu Xueyan makes the money, but Hu Xueyan has contributed more to the country. But you have thought that Baozi Xuan is built in the mainland, and also build large steel enterprises. Don't you want to increase the strength of the country? "Do you not see it."

"I have nothing to do with this young man recently. In addition to purchasing a lot of shops and office buildings in foreign countries. Only have a large amount of property in RB, do you see any questions!"

At this time, a daughter of the boat king said: "Don't he want to go to RB development."

Ba Zhaolong: "Then you have a big mistake.

"So I feel that he is very much like Hu Xueyan, pays for the country, loves employees. This is a must-have for entrepreneurs, you also have to remember."

Punning: "The steel company you said today Bao Zi Xuan gave me a different option. That is to exchange 27% Jiulong Cang Shares with 2% Bao Huo Mining Company."

Bao Zhaolong: "You don't agree!"

Punning: "No, later I chose to purchase the Jiulong Cang Shares at 130 Hong Kong dollars per share, payment within one month."

Ba Zhaolong: "That's good, I carefully study Bao Huo Dong Mining Company, just like Bao Zixuan said, he almost monopolizes the pricing power of the whole rare earth, and it must be a big as a future."

Wu Guangzheng: "The old man also knows rare earth minerals."

Ba Zhaolong: "You really have to study hard in this regard. I didn't understand it before. But I have saved a professor at Edinburgh, I learned from him to the important position of rare earth metal minerals. After all, we Home is also a real gold and silver to take 200 million US dollars, I certainly want to ask. "

"From the importance of rare earth resources from his mouth, it can be said that it is gold in the industrial. The application is very wide, all high-end industrial areas can be used. Do you know what this means? Means this company will be A huge tyrant. "

The package is just; "It's still thoughtful." It seems that the father is big, but the brain is not confused, it should be the sentence, the family has an old, if there is a treasure.

Mrs. Bao said: "Bunzu Xuan This young man has a wife, I heard that she and the shark are very close."

Punning: "I also heard, but there is no clear. Do you have any ideas."

Mrs. Bao: "Bun Zixuan and the little four age are almost the same, you can introduce you to know."

I heard the lady said that everyone felt this thing, after all, men were unmarried, female did not marry. The most important thing is now the door, how is it right?

Punning: "Children don't have to participate,"

This is also the root cause of the son-in-law of the boat king. He did not force the daughter to find her husband in accordance with his request, but with the people who like, it can be said that there is almost no in the Xiangjiang family.

Bao Zhao Dragon: "The next time I have the opportunity to bring my hometown, I want to know this young person. Look at what is the magic of his body, you can rise in so short time."

"There is also a dessert to Bao Huo's Mining Company, Baozi Xuan This person has black clouds. It is impossible to invest in this top, and participate in key moments. In addition to a widow mother, there is no other People, no one is suitable for this company. "

"Huo family has already entered the market, now this round to our home. This time the light and Bao Zi Xuan go to the Australian negotiations are 4 words, do more, less. I have to remember that I have listened to Bag Xuan, after all, this As long as you respect the precedent for him to respect the pit partners. And people also don't want to do this, entrepreneurs can make money to make money, conspiracy, can be small, but it is impossible to become a big entrepreneur "

Bun Zixuan didn't know, when he was drinking, the family was discussing him. And will give such a high evaluation, the most important master is very recognized by him.

In the end, Ba Zhaolong called Wu Guangzheng and said some questions to Australia. After all, the second son-in-law has almost become the head of the 3rd generation of Baojia, and the people can see, the boat king is interested in cultivating he. However, the later generation proves that the vision of the boat is still very good, and there is no mistake.

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