Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 280 Effects of TV Report

On the morning, I got up in the morning, I got up on time, the first thing after getting up was to let the people handed the equity transfer agreement to the boat king. Since I promised, then I have to do something simply and beautiful.

Xiangjiang Stock Exchange, the boat king is a sense of enthusiasm. Many years of desire finally realized, it can be said that this is the most important step in deciding to abandon the ship. At this time, the family is finally on the road to have its own company. And have so many core real estate and property, which can be said to be qualified.

Xiangjiang shareholder did not think that the double bag will just end the package of the boat king to acquire enough stocks. Holdings to the Kowloon Cang have been completed, and now there may be no money in the shares in your hand. After all, the stock price will definitely be viable when the two sides compete, and now the force is awesome, then the other will retaliate and will be retaliated afterwards.

If it is not effectively controlled, it is also huge for the blow to the controlling shareholder. Therefore, in the moment of the boat king, the moment of completing the Holding Holdings of the Kowloon, all the stockings held by the Jiulong Cang Shares were sold out.

Affected the shares of the Jiulong Cang fell all the way, and the urgent bags were just jumped. After all, he can't buy a Jiulong shares, if he wants to buy, then start forced acquisition. But now I still owe Bao Xuan so much money, and how long is it to buy a shares!

But who can buy so many companies that have been holding so much, after all, the Chinese don't like to do dividends. I like to control the company's decisions, but there is no big money to buy, then the market value of the company's instant market will be louder.

The stock price of Jiulong warehouse has a $ 78 Hong Kong dollar from the highest peak, and the time in less than half a day has fallen to HK $ 59. If you don't have any anything, you will fall like this.

However, at this time, all the people in Xiangjiang were attracted to the TV station of Lijiang River. A high-rise TV station was playing advertising on all media. There was a big news at noon and was related to the double bag last night. At this time, Xiangjiang citizens were attracted by Kowloon Cang, and the ship king saw Bao Zi Xuan announced the completion of the acquisition. This is certainly the support of Baozi Xuan, or it is impossible to be so fast, others have no such strength.

At 12 noon, the news host of Li's TV station appeared on TV. Today, I specially found a beautiful broadcast. After all, I will get two men; there is a beautiful woman as a paving effect.

The beauty host said to the audience in front of the TV: "The audience is good, I am very happy to meet you. Today, the news of Xiangjiang River is the boat king, just successfully acquired the Jiulong Cang Group, but why is it short a day? The boat king can complete the acquisition, there is still a secret that we don't know here. Below is the exclusive news to be announced, take you into the real business negotiation. "

"Yesterday evening, the double bag will say that the whole Xiangjiang, today we will appreciate the style of the two-package meeting. It is a boat king negotiating old and spicy, or the head is a wisdom and savvy. Let us wait and see."

Yesterday evening, Ah, furnished in advance, so the picture is very clear. There is a picture of the package of the TV, and it will come over after a while.

If you don't let, you can say that both sides go straight to the subject. When Bunzu said: Black Cloud and Black Cloud employees have a total of 27% Kowloon Shares, especially the internal employees of Black Cloud also hold 12% shares. This makes everyone shocked the financial resources of the bag and the rich of the black cloud employees.

There is also when the boat king said that when you purchase 110 Hong Kong dollars, the audience in front of the TV is another excitement. However, Bun Zixuan said that there is no money to pay his money, but the money of the black cloud must pay more about all Xiangjiang people feel that this is a large person, but also a person who is extremely concerned.

However, when I heard Bunzi, I can use the area of ​​2% Bao Huo Mining Co., Ltd. for 27% Jiulong Cang Shares.

But let everyone think that the boat king is actually refused, but everyone can't understand more. Is there a double-package that acts here, but it is really dismissed with their two identities. This is the richest person in Xiangjiang, which is definitely will not play this play, after all, no one can get their ability.

When the end of the shipper, Wang said that 130 Hong Kong dollars can be purchased for all shares of the Jiulong Cang, the first phase has been commented on the paragraph. When both sides entered the chat, everyone began to relax, but then heard the head of the head and rich to buy minerals in Australia. This makes a lot of people who like to lay out in advance to see business opportunities. If you can buy mineral resources in advance, you can make a big profit. After all, this is now the product to buy by Bao Huo's mining company. It will be wrong with the two bags.

In less than ten minutes, the ticket from Xiangjiang Flying Australia will be sold in the next week. Many people can't afford it, I want to first take a piece of land, so that I can appreciate when Bunxuan came over.

Fortunately, the iron ore Bunxuan has been layout in advance and is already basically ready. Otherwise, it will definitely make these guests to earn one hand.

Baozi Xuan did not think that someone can take this video in advance, it seems that security work is still not in place. I can't believe in other people in the future, and I must send someone to check it in person, otherwise something like this happened. Come right this time is a video video, if you should take a gun. Your own life is absolutely can't master the inheatctive factors, be sure to strengthen security.

However, this thing is the most embarrassing is the boat king, the position is what he is picking, whoever thinks, actually someone has taken the whole process. This way, however, how to work with him, this is the existence of reputation. Be sure to handle, once it is difficult, it will be very troublesome, he can't afford this risk.

The most embarrassing is Mi Gao - Jia Dao, in your own hotel. The negotiations of the two commercial big men were actually recorded all, and they would dare to hold important business meetings in the Peninsula Hotel. After all, even the most basic information security is guaranteed, this is the hotel industry taboo. He can only make an apology for two big men, this is an attitude issue, and it has also strengthened the security of the hotel and eliminated all the dog.

Xiangjiang Li's TV has always been the British in the controlling, which can be said that this time in order to ratify. After all, in their hearts, now Xiangjiang or their site, these Chinese is a little money, big things are still the British in the hands; the key moments are still there.

However, when the black cloud employee saw that the king of Mingming Bao Board was delayed for a month, but the boss actually pays their stocks. This makes everyone very touched. After all, the boss can take more than one billion.

The boat king is that the credit should wait until a month can pay it to the boss, so the boss is now really hard. Therefore, when Baozi Xuan came to the workshop, all employees expressed their sincere and admire.

This is an entrepreneur who is willing to pay for friends. There is no matter whether there is a purchase or not to buy the worship of the boss. It has also increased a lot, and the number of stock purchases recommended by Bao Zixuan is more, and I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

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