Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 292 travels to Australia

After the Huo Hao, Li Chenglin immediately reflected the situation to the country. Soon reply, but to see the specific parameters and performance of the satellite. Baozi Xuan didn't know the ability of domestic launch communication satellites. This time I just want to make this money, and will be sympathetic when you deepen your cooperation.

Give the black cloud to the US custom satellite data to Li Chenglin, he is also ready to go to Australia. This time he is not just to buy minerals, there is a chance to want to buy some farms. After all, the future agricultural field is about to the country's people's livelihood, and now I have to spend some money from Hu Yingxiang and Zheng Yu with so much money. The food, meat, vegetables after the black cloud is available, so that more capable talents see the strength and intention of the company.

Australian Federation, referred to as "Australia", its territory is 76,92024 square kilometers, located between the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean, and the world is the only country in the world, so it is also known as "Australia". Australia with many unique plants and natural landscapes is a multicultural immigration country. Later, Australia has 6.70 million overseas Chinese, accounting for 3.41% of the settlement population.

Australia is originally Australian indigenous living. In the 17th century, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands have come here. In 1788, it became the British colonies. In 1901, the Australian Federation became the UK's autonomous territory. In 1931, he became an independent country in the UK.

Australia is a highly developed capitalist country, the capital is Canberra. As the most developed country in the Southern Hemisphere, the 12th largest economies of the world, the world's fourth largest agricultural product exporter, which is also the world's first country, and is therefore known as "the country sitting on the mine". At the same time, Australia is also the country where the number of sheep in the world and the most exported wool are also known as "riding in the country of sheep." The population of the Australia is high, nearly half of the people live in two major cities in XN and Melbourne. It is also a sports strong country, and there are many sports events around the world. Australia actively participates in international affairs and is the founding members of the Asia-Pacific OECD and is also a member of the United Nations, 20 countries, British Federation, Economic Cooperation and Development Organization and the Pacific Island.

Australian mineral resources, oil and natural gas are very rich, and there are at least more than 70 mineral resources. Among them, the aluminum mine reserves ranks first in the world, accounting for 35% of the world's total reserves. Australia is the world's largest aluminum, alumina, diamond, lead, tantalum producing country, gold, iron ore, coal, lithium, manganese ore, nickel, silver, uranium, zinc, etc., also ranked forever. At the same time, Australia is also the world's largest tobacco coal, aluminum, lead, diamond, zinc and concentrate exporters, second large alumina, iron ore, uranium exporter, third largest aluminum and gold exporter. The amount of minerals with economic exploitation: about 3.1 billion tons of aluminum, 1.53 billion tons of iron ore sand, 511 billion tons of tobacco coal, 41.1 billion tons of brown coal, 17 million tons, nickel 9 million tons, silver 40600 Tons, 18,000 tons of ruthenium, 34 million tons of zinc, 610,000 tons of uranium, 4404 tons of gold. Australian crude oil reserves of 240 billion liters, natural gas reserves of 1360 billion cubic meters, the liquefied petroleum gas reserves 174 billion liters. The forest coverage area accounts for 20% of the land, and the natural forest area is about 155 million hectares (2/3 is eucalyptus), and the forest area is 1.22 million hectares. It is called "the country sitting on the mine".

Because of the jurisdiction of the British, the flight to Australia is still a lot. However, Baozi Xuan and Wu Guangzheng have not fixed the ticket, and they choose the charter. After the double bag will be exposed, it makes the people who come over Australia for a lot of people. Everyone wants to make a piece of money in advance. However, it is only to know that it is necessary to buy minerals. It is not possible to do it.

Baozi Xuan came over before the black cloud Australian division arranged everything, and after reaching Melbourne, Wu Aigang, the head of this black cloud Australia personally came to pick up.

Black Cloud has not only warm in Australia, mainly the population is too small. However, a branch is also established, mainly in minerals and agricultural exports need a lot of human and material resources.

Wu Aigang has a typical era characteristic, but Bao Zi Xuan is mainly to see the ability. The name is called and he has no relationship. After all, it is all parents, no one can change.

Wu Aigang: "The boss has worked hard, it has been arranged, we will go to the hotel first to go to the company."

Baozi Xuan: "Lao Wu is not urgent, this Wu Guangzheng, you should know!"

Wu Aigang: "Wu Sheng's big name is not knowing in Xiangjiang, and we are still a home!"

Bao Zixuan said: "Wu Sheng, the person in charge of our black cloud Australian branch - Wu Aigang, we go to the company first to the hotel."

Wu Guangzheng: "Banheng, this time I have been to Australia. I just came over to learn experience, you are doing yourself." After watching Wu Aigang, he said: "Hello, hello! In Australia I have to take care of you. "

Wu Aigang can't do a little bit of this and the owner of the boat, who came over, after all, where is the strength. However, the temperament of Black Cloud employees can still be lost, say: "Wu Sheng is polite, what do you have anything to say."

Bao Zixuan: "Let's go to the company first! Old Wu is reported on the road."

I know that the company has something to talk about, Wu Guangzheng, very consciously, the back of the car, Wu Aigang and Bunzi Xuan sitting in the first vehicle.

After getting on the bus, Wu Aigang said: "Black Cloud has 203 employees in Australia, mainly in Australia, New Zealand is still in the market development stage. The whole Australian black cloud is 650 million US dollars, mainly black cloud mobile phone Here, the tower income here, but we did not pay the headquarters in accordance with your requirements, but bought a mine and pasture. In the past two days, due to your chance of the boat, many people came over to buy minerals, prices have risen 3 floors. "

In fact, Wu Aigang is only in the acquisition, and the real acquisition of Bunxuan has arranged the US Black Stone Fund and began to implement last year. After all, in Australia's acquisition resource-based enterprises, there is a relatively convenient background.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Recently, I have worked hard here, is it a lot here!"

At present, Black Clouds are implemented in seniors, they can choose to follow, or they can live in the Black Cloud Industrial Park. All the costs from kindergartens to high school are responsible by the company, so many people are working with their wives, and the children will live and study in schools in the Black Cloud Industrial Park. After all, there is a perfect education resource.

Wu Aigang: "My wife came over with me. At present, I have opened a pastries in Melbourne. Two children are in Xiangjiang, and the big daughter will take the university next year."

Bao Zixuan: "This is to choose your own, our university can be put into use next year. You can let her go to read, or choose to come to Australian jade to see the world."

Wu Aigang: "Thank you boss care, but she often called in the darkness of the black cloud, and many of her classmates want to apply for our own universities."

This is really not a guest, now the construction of Heiyun University has been taken half, and it will be completed at this time next year. Just a planning map and an existing building attract countless student, especially the black cloud. After years, they have deeply liked the cultural concept of black cloud in the school reading in the industrial park in the industrial park.

However, Bao Zixuan is not a saint, as long as it is resigned or missed, their children will be retracted in the first time, never give a chance. Although some are not in love, but the deterrence is full.

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