Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 293, Australian Iron Mine

Soon the car came to the Black Cloud Australian Branch, Bao Zixuan is really the first time. However, when siting, I will report to him, and the entire Australian branch is located on a bustling street in Melbourne.

The first floor is Black Cloud's showroom and store, and all products of Black Cloud can be purchased here. The second floor is the game experience area, and everyone can come here for free for 30 minutes. It doesn't matter if you buy, so many children like to come here. Because there are too many people, you can only change to a weekly experience of 30 minutes to alleviate the work pressure brought by the intensive crowd.

The third floor is the company's leisure area, and the fourth floor is an ordinary employee office area. The fifth floor is the meeting room and management office, and all the six floors are all empty, so that this 16-story office building seems to be a bit empty, but with the entry of the black cloud mobile phone, it has been a lot of lively.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan came in, all employees stood up and drumped. And at the same time, there is a cheer, after all, this is the boss's first time, let these employees recruited from Australia first see this legend.

Baozi Xuan went to the middle of the staff: "Thank you for joining the black cloud, believe in the black cloud, believe in my bun Xuan. I have no official words, the championship and the guest's words. I can only say that every effort in the black cloud will be returned, Finally, I wish you all a happy work. "

In fact, Bao Zixuan doesn't like the so-called speech in a crowd, but sometimes there is no way. Now that the company does this scale, the branch is sometimes impossible for many years, and if anyone doesn't say anyone, I will remember this boss.

In situations of Australia, reviewing the property report and rewards several good jobs. Baozi Xuan and Wu Guang are returning to the hotel.

They want to raise their own savings, prepare for the test, acquisition, and buy iron ore. But now I want to have a support of the iron ore, but also inseparable from the support of several giants. The next step is to play in the negotiation.

Iron ore three giants refer to the Brazilian freshwater valley company, Australia Bi and Bilitui Company, British Li Tuo Group three iron ore production, development, marketing group. The iron ore prices rising all the way after 2002 were in the steel market. Zhi Zhi's three steel associations and steel companies that have turned over in the 2009 International Iron ore negotiations, and iron ore prices should be reduced. But by the three major iron ore giants touched the bottom line, negotiating a deadlock, and couldn't buy a giant spot mine.

BBK will be merged by two giant mining companies, and now is now the world's largest mining company. Among them, BHP was established in 1885, headquartered in Melbourne, is one of the oldest and largest companies in Australia. Bilidon is the pioneer of the international mining industry, which once known for its continuous innovation and intensive operations.

Now the world knows that Xiangjiang Baohuo's Mining Company has come to discuss iron ore procurement matters, and many companies want to participate. After all, this is definitely a stable long-term customer in the scale of the construction of the steel plant, and the black cloud itself can consume many products. There is no problem on the sales, the key is who can win the order, the steel market in the entire market is not good, the rail industry, the construction industry, the automotive industry and steel major purchases are shrinking, making iron ore prices. not tall.

Baozi Xuan has already called the Blackstone Fund to buy a lot of bankruptcy steel companies in advance, but the scale is small. I can use it in the future, but if it is difficult to supply the entire Huaxia market, it is very difficult. Now there are most resources in the three giants. This time, Australia will be willing to negotiate with Bible and Rio Tinto.

Come to the Hebu Headquarters at the headquarters of Melbourne, Baozi Xuan has been warmly welcomed. After all, this is now the existence of God of Wealth, no one can resist the charm of money.

Stevenson, president of Biupuuu, personally came over to pick up,

Stevenson said: "Welcome Mr. Bao and Mr. Wu will come to Bi Tono, Australia's weather is still habits!"

Bao Zixuan: "It's very good, I am going to buy some farms here. I can come over at any time. I found that you are really happy, you can live at least more than 5 years."

Stevenson: "You like it, I have some farms in the west, and we can be neighbors."

Bao Zixuan: "That's good, you can do a neighbor with you is a good choice."

I didn't say that Wu Guang is a sentence. Stevenson knows that this time should be no problem. Laughing: "About your intentional Black Cloud Company has already explained in advance, we will work with the entrepreneurous entrepreneur you like this. However, we need to discuss the quantity and price of your company to buy. After all, the price is too low, we can cut the price properly, but I have some unacceptable. "

"Black Cloud staff will have a 50% discount on the market price, which will not make money for mining companies. However, the price of iron ore is sluggish. If it is really hard, the scalp can be next, but this is like this Basically, pay money, you can't have a long time. "

Bao Zixuan: "This is just our first quotation, but the steel industry is not booming. We also face a lot of risks, I hope that both parties can reach a consensus in a reasonable price. But I can express you to you. Sign long-term stable supply agreement, Biki, iron, aluminum, and copper, etc., the metal minerals such as Bao Huo's mining company, and we can pay a margin in advance, 30 years, I think it is a short contract "

I heard the 30-year stable supply agreement, and the high level of Biupuu will be very excited. After all, there is no company in the market to dare to do this. In fact, Bao Zixuan has never thought about this price, must and Bible will not agree.

Stevenson: "Mr. Bao is so optimistic about his steel company, after all, this is a short contract."

Bunzi Xuan: "I am a long-lasting interest in business. If the company does this, it is difficult to do it. As long as the future generation does not leave the defeat, it is difficult to close. The most important is that I am still not 23 years old, as long as I don't accidentally accidentally 30 years Can still be cooperated. "

"I can pay a margin in advance in cooperation, and pay a payment every quarter. Never default, you should know, I don't like to owe money this person."

Stevenson: "How much margin you have to pay, and we can only give you a market price of 9.5 fold supply. The intensity of the mine is different from the technology industry, not so high profits, I hope you can understand."

Bao Zixuan: "200 million US dollars, long-standing accounts. However, after we account, 9.3 fold is a price you can accept. And all goods we have transported, but the previous rail transport and pier warehousing fees will come To undertake. In the future, our company has a priority for 20 years of power, and the deposit can be added to $ 500 million. "

The current negotiations are the staff in advance, and Bunxuan came over to play a signature. It will not be as naked before, it is too passive.

In the case of the drafting of the two lawyers, the witness of the local officials; Bunzi Xuan and Stevenson signed their names. This time, at the time, Stevenson would be unprecedented by the necessary and Bibles, but they did not know the management of the Bible and the management of Bible after several years.

Take a total of 50 million tons of mineral supplies, which will not be said, still so long. The most important who wants to pay for a default to pay for the number. After 30 years, it is necessary to compensate $ 6 billion in violation of the contract. There is also a priority renewal of contract due to the contract, which is a contract that does not dare to breach. Bao Huo Dong can revenue from 100 million US dollars with this contract every year, and it is still increasing year by year.

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