Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 294 North Mining Company

Just when Bao Zi Xuan and Bible and Bible in negotiations, the Blackshine Fund staff is tight and the Australian Northern Mining Company is negotiating.

Bao Zixuan is not just that I want to buy iron ore, Australia, and he wants to hold an Australian large iron ore company. Only in this way can not be threatened, what is going to be a master.

In the past 2000, the Northern Mining Company was acquired by British Line Group, making Rio Tuo a global leader in exploration, mining and processing mineral resources, visible to the company's power.

In all Minerals companies in Australia, the northern mining can be ranked around. The front is Rio Tinto, Buli Bilit, and a few companies such as integrated mining companies, it can be said that the strength is not small. There are 12 minerals around the world, 8 in Australia.

However, now the North Mining Company is facing a very troublesome, the steel market is sluggish. They have to shrink a lot of business, making the company's benefits not good. It's not as good as it is likely to be with a Bible, you can't get support from the government and banks. The former Northern Mining Company has supported the loan in this crisis, but now there is a US large company to come over. Banks will not only give you loans, but also to recover your expiration loans.

The Blackstone Fund staff has been in Australia for nearly half a year, and he greets all the way to the government and banks in advance. Mining North Mining is not supported like past life, they are facing dilemmas. It is to understand that Bao Huo's choice will come to Australia to buy minerals, and now you must have a good contract with Bibles, so you can say that there is no hope.

In the face of the pressure of employees, banks and shareholders, North Mining Company finally learned, the most important to participate in management within the next three years, will only supervise contracts and property. This is more confident to the management, but also promises to the government as long as the workers make mistakes, but cut a worker, and there will be more than 200 new employment places every year. This makes the Blackstone Fund all open all the links.

When Baozi Xuan came to the northern mining, all contract details have been negotiated. And formed a memo, the first acquisition amount has been made on the board of directors.

Seeing Bun Zixuan came over, everyone finally understood why the Blackstone Fund acquired North Mining Company in this way. All of this is the new boss's conspiracy, a mutant road, darkness Chen Cang. However, the people of the North Mining Company have nothing to say, after all, the strength is not allowed.

I originally wanted to buy in the name of Bao Huo's Mining Company, but after adding so many shareholders, everyone couldn't take money on such a large transaction volume, Bao Zixuan has not done a wedding dress for others.

After communicating with the original shareholders such as Huo Ying East, he decided to buy himself. After all, Huo Yingdong and others suddenly took out so much money and there were more than a billions of dollars in debts. Although watching Huaxia lack of steel, no one can think of it quickly.

In the conference between Northern Mining Company, Baozi Xuan signed a purchase agreement on behalf of the Blackstone Fund. The Blackstone Fund adds all equity equity in the North Mining under the conditions of $ 1.4 billion in cash to 600 million US dollars. In this way, it also delayed the capital investment of the RB team to a certain extent, but Bao Zi Xuan knows that this transaction will definitely profit in the future, and even rewrite some of the history of steel development.

Bun Zixuan has already spent nearly $ 2 billion in Australia, and there is no arrears. All is the first time to complete remittance, which makes many Australian officials and people feel that Bunxuan will increase investment in Australia. It may even be immigrated here. If you can put this in Australia, what promotion is to promote the Australian economy is that the streets are understanding the children playing with the black cloud game. Therefore, many institutions and government officials in Australia have invited Baozi Xuan.

I know that I want to mix on my site, the face of many people is still giving. After all, it is now acquired to complete the North Mining Company, then Bunzi Xuan's requirements for government officials cannot be set.

Although it is not good at communication in this area, now Baozi Xuan's identity is in. As long as it is possible to have a face, it is already good, plus a hard amount of alcohol and good literacy. Make a lot of colleges in Australia in a short period of time, people know that the young riches from Xiangjiang are a bold and generous guy. At the same time, the Bunzi Xuan has become the most popular person in the Australian girl, and even one of the people who want to marry.

The integration of the mine is integrated, and Baozi Xuan began to investigate Australian agriculture. After all, this is a country riding on the back of the sheep, sitting on the mine car. The agriculture of itself is very developed, and the yellow supermarket wants to lay out of agriculture, and there is no long-lasting place without his own farm.

Know that Bunxuan also wants to buy a farm, is this not transferred? At least in many Australian hearts, many Xiangjiang people in this era are transferred to Australia. At present, in terms of nomine, Australia and Xiangjiang are in the UK in jurisdiction. Therefore, the Australian hand has no such resistance to the rich of Xiangjiang, and warmly welcomes.

A many agricultural officials in Australia have begun to introduce the government's hosted pasture and farm for Bunzi Xuan. In addition to the Xiangjiang rare, there are very few people who come here to buy farms. After all, there is no US and Canada.

Seeing the rush of Xiangjiang to buy a farm, this is a farm, and there is a bunxuan. I know that this is a master that is not bad, and it can definitely promote the local economy if it is possible to develop in Australia.

Buying pastures and farms is not very anxious, there are many investigations. Bao Zi Xuan did not do a thing of the brain and decided to buy things, but it is imperative to lay out in advance. Subsequent work will be handed over to Black Cloud to the employees of Australia. Bunxuan can have an impression in his heart.

Going back to the hotel at night, Wu Guangzheng does not understand this young man. There is no other thing in addition to work, and it is like a bitterness. These days he saw a lot of light beautiful girls, but he didn't see Bunxuan's move to a person. What kind of person is this, let Wu Guangzheng are very unfinished.

But Bunzu Xuan is different from him, he is a wife, and it is still a daughter of the boat, that is, there is no such courage. However, I saw that Bun Zixuan suddenly felt that the realm of others, it was able to keep restraint in this occasion, which is a successful quality.

It seems that this young man is introduced to four sisters. It should be a good choice, and I heard that there is a lot of shares who sell to sharks. Then explain that there is no relationship with Zheng Jiajia, it seems that the marriage of Bao Zi Xuan is a nice idea. This time, he came over that Australia did not have negotiations and learning purposes, but also shoulder the meaning of inspection Bao Zi Xuan. It seems that at least the first level is over, still asking for a better!

Back to the hotel at night, two people drinking wine chat in Bunzi Xuan room. Wu Guangzheng said: "I am a person with a home room. How can I don't like it as I am like me. I see these days, many girls have hinted you, is it worried about home."

Baozi Xuan knows that Wu Guangzheng must not dare to go out, or if you return home, you can't put him. I laughed and said: "I don't have to worry about my family, but I don't feel anything about these girls; I may want to pursue an ideal love!"

I heard that Wu Guangzheng can finally report the situation to the home, and think about this task is not bad this time.

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