Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 296 Layout Brazil and Aircraft One

This time, Brazil is not just a matter of purchase of iron mines for Bao Huo's mining company. If such an executive can be completed, Bao Zi Xuan wants to build a car factory for a day or two.

Now that the black cloud car sells well in the world, especially in the European region. After all, the copy is the classic German model of BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, which can be said that it is very in line with European customers. However, the European building plant may face the displacement of local car giants, but there are many in Brazil. The government and the people will definitely be warmly welcome, and Brazil will reduce tax relief with many European countries.

Moreover, Baozi Xuan deliberately found Valene - Dida acting as this introducer is also carefully ready, now the black cloud information network has already spread all over the world, after all, every year, the cost of spending in security and intelligence is less than a small country.

Valane - Dida's efficiency is very high, after all, this is an increase in influence for Dida families. It is also very important to have a half-point hitch and the Dida family who receives the message. Especially Valter Dida, as a Brazilian Minister of Industry, he can say that he wants to do a big career when he just took office this year.

However, the entire Brazil exported to the iron ore exports, there is no heavy industry that takes the maintenance industry, making his speech in the inauguration of his speech have become a joke.

I heard the brother and said that the boss of the Black Cloud Group would want to build a car factory in Brazil and let him see hope. After all, this is a project that I want to fight throughout the world. Bun Zixuan is a well-known entrepreneur world. There is such a chance to drop the pie in the sky, and you can't wait to go to Bunxuan to stay in the hotel. It is also good to be pulled by the family, or it will definitely make a joke. But it is not quilted to Dida, and he is now too big.

Early the next morning, Walt Dida accompanied the hotel accompanied by Bunzu Xuan. This now is the God of Wealth, can't let him run.

Walai Dida said: "Mr. Bao, how about rest last night! I am used to it!"

Bunzi Xuan: "I often travel often, there is no fixed residence. However, Brazilian environment and climate are good, rest is very good!"

Wallene - Dida: "I will introduce you, this is my Tang Diwalt-Dida, and the Industrial Minister of Brazil. Mainly responsible for the industrial sector of Brazil, exactly the Danshe Valley is also governed by his jurisdiction."

Baozi Xuan reached out: "Hello, Mr. Walt Did! I am very happy to meet you!"

Walter Dida quickly reached out and said with the buns and said: "Hello! Mr. Bao! Welcome to Brazil!"

Several people sit down in the hotel's conference room, Walter Dida said: "Listening to Valend said that you want to build a car factory in Brazil, don't know if there is no specific location, and there is also a factory process What are we required! "

Bao Zixuan: "I am very simple to do this person. I don't like to waste in an endless negotiation. So as long as it is the same situation, I hope the factory is built in the Rio, after all, the industrial system here is relatively sound, and there are many people. It is also convenient to recruit workers. "

"There is a lot of benefits in Rio, but I want to first explain. I am still worried about the security environment of your country. I am afraid that the factory will be affected by the unstable factors. I don't want to three days, I can not be able to work for the factory. Safe production is worried, so I hope that the Government of your country will give me a certain guarantee. "

Valter Dida caught in meditation, but it didn't roughly bun Xuan worry. After all, Brazil's public security environment is very famous in the world, and does not match the image of the country.

However, thinking about the family's forces and their own control of the situation, protecting a national key project should not be a problem. After all, this is related to the entire Brazilian national image. As long as you and Bao Zi Xuan communicate to the President, it should reach this young rich security and stability.

Walt Dida: "This doesn't worry, although the public security of Brazil's entire country is much negative in the world, but we pay great attention to large projects will protect, and will strictly control when employee recruitment. The local police department cooperates, so I have to ensure that public security will not have any problems. "

Bao Zixuan: "As long as you can say, there is no doubt that I have this side. However, I want to be the same as the other in the policy, I have never needed any privilege, and the company needs fairness. The competitive environment can last long. "

Walt Dida said: "Mr. Bao means?"

Bunzi Xuan: "Other conditions will have a special team to connect, I will come over this time."

Walter Dida: "I don't know if Mr. Bao wants to build many large-scale factories. I have a lot in my heart, and there is also the requirements of land!"

Bunzi Xuan: "Black Cloud is preparing to build the production line of South America and the European market here, with an annual output to reach 300,000, will be completed in 3 issues;

Two people who heard this digital Dida family were very excited. After all, this is a big performance project and will use massive steel, which is sales and money.

Walt Dida: "I don't know what to do, or where you want to go."

Baixuan: "Next is the things of the black cloud car professional team, I want to go to the Brazilian Air Industry Company to see, don't know if it is convenient!"

In fact, the Brazilian building is already a good thing in the black cloud car, just with this time. John Chambers will bring a team to negotiate in recent days, and negotiate specific details.

Brazilian Aviation Industry was established in 1969, the business scope mainly includes the design and manufacture of commercial aircraft, official aircraft and military aircraft, as well as aviation services. After 40 years of continuous progress and innovation, the company adheres to the market-oriented to meet the needs of customers, and has now developed into the world's largest 120-level commercial jet aircraft manufacturers, accounting for about 45% market share of the world's spline plane market. . The Brazilian Aviation Industry is headquartered in San Joseus Campus, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in Brazil, China, France, Portugal, Singapore and the United States with offices, industrial production operations and customer service centers.

I would like to see the plane after I heard the car factory negotiation, what is the meaning of this child. However, as the Minister of Industry, I certainly know that Brazilian Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. is the only company that Brazil's only shot. It is small in the world. However, I think that Bao Zi Xuan itself is to learn aviation power professional. Do he want to enter Aviation sector. Nothing, there is no such thing, after all, this is a super rich, you can learn aviation professional itself is a kind of love.

Walter Dida: "This is of course no problem, I will arrange as soon as possible. Mr. Bao is also interested in the field of the aircraft, or black cloud has entered the field."

Bao Zixuan: "I itself is to learn aviation power professional, and now the black cloud three rotor engine has been developed, seeking partners, I think Brazil is a nice choice."

Walter Dida: "Mr. original Bao is so broad, it seems that we are very small to look at the real strength of the black cloud. I think if the condition of the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company is also very willing to promote this cooperation, after all, they lack outstanding The aircraft engine, but the aircraft can be more strictly required than other items, especially for the engine. "

Bao Zixuan: "I don't want to sell products, just want to exchange the engineer, belonging to professional habits."

I heard that Walter Dida is much relieved. After all, if you reach a transaction after you refer, the last plane is really because the engine has an accident, and he also takes great political responsibility.

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