Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 297 Layout Brazil Car and Airplane 2

In fact, it is not possible to blame the boss to go in person, and the airline engine of Black Cloud is currently selling to air and Boeing. After all, Europe has Rocal, and the United States has universal and universal. They are more willing to believe that local quality, and companies that produce children toys for black clouds are not very trustworthy. Therefore, when there is no venue and strength to produce aircraft, the engine can only be able to sell to small and medium-sized aviation industrial companies, and the positioning and strength of the Brazilian Aviation Industry Corporation is compliant.

In the afternoon Baozi Xuan took Wu Guangzheng to investigate the freshwater valley company, and also viewed the idea of ​​viewing the black cloud car manufacturing base, but about the construction of John Chambers, it is already over, and finally it will give professional people.

At the same time, the Brazilian Presidential House convened an emergency meeting, and Walt Dida has received the President's affirmative and support from the idea of ​​reporting the President Union. After all, this may be a new chapter in the Brazilian investment promotion, which can attract the black cloud that is such a large company. It is an achievement.

The President convened the government person in charge and the school to discuss how to truly land the project. After all, it is just a delegation. Also did not form a formal contract, all unknown factors too much.

The president said: "This is the big event of Brazilian industrial development. No matter who is dare to break the rings, the process of the project is the enemy of the whole Brazilian, so I don't care what you use, but also to ensure the safety of investors. my country's security The international famous fame is too bad. The police department should take seriously. Many times our advantage is obvious, that is, the card is in public, I hope everyone will lead to the ring. "

The Dida Minister can convince the Black Cloud Bunzi Xuan to build a car factory is a great achievement. After all, this young entrepreneur has great attacked people in the world. It can choose Brazil to be optimistic about our resources, and we also Businessman who wants to invest in investment.

There is also a question of Bunxuan, don't worry about the issue of security. After the factories are built, I will personally pass the past, let some people rest. Doesn't he want to go to the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company, you can promise him. However, the engine negotiations need them to communicate, and we do not interfere with business operations.

It can be said that the president is the qualitative to things. After all, this is a country's highest leading voice. No one dares to violate, but also let the black cloud cater can settle the guarantee.

In the evening, John Chabor came to Brazil. Baozi Xuan is waiting for the Black Cloud Auto Team from the United States. After all, this is the task that is temporarily given them.

John Chambers smiled and said: "The boss, you have time this time is too little, so people don't come over. Many people have not handed over. However, within a week, there is no problem, follow-up people also The coordination is completed. They are willing to come over Brazil, they are a 20-year-old boy, and the beauty of Brazil is a lot. "

Bao Zixuan: "That's good! But the person who comes to the people must strict requirements, after all, the law here is not very good."

John - Quebus: "I know, the Brazilian gang is not so arrogant for foreigners, especially our Americans."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Tomorrow, you started with the team with Brazil, we must build a completion plant in the fastest time to alleviate the supply pressure of the European market and South American markets."

John Chabor: "This owner is rest assured, I have brought it this time, it is a strong soldier. Absolutely not delay the progress of the factory."

Bunzi Xuan: "You don't worry, you have a grasp!"

Early the next morning, Walt Did took Bunzi Xuan to the headquarters of the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company. John Chambers started the details of the automotive factory with the engineers of the United States and the Brazilian government personnel.

As for Wu Guangzheng, we will continue to investigate the iron ore under the leadership of the employees of the freshwater valley.

At present, the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company is still very weak, and many large engine companies have no respect for them. Even many people think that the weak industrial system in Brazil is definitely a joke.

Silva is the chief engineer of the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company, 42 years old this year. Like Bunzi Xuan graduated from Massachusetts Institute, and returned to the motherland after 10 years of work in the US Boeing. For this purpose, the US high salary, high welfare and treatment, and also put all your savings into this company.

It is pregnant with the enthusiasm of aviation and the national industrial needs, Silwa is hard to achieve the level of developed countries in a developed country in Brazil.

Walter Dida gave two people introduced it, leaving. At least his mission has been completed, and then he will also participate in the negotiation of the automobile factory. After all, this is what you should do.

Silva looked at Bunxuan said: "You are a student who got the map spirit during school, and also proposed the idea of ​​three rotor engines."

Bun Zixuan: "Hello," Hello! I have listened to school teachers to mention you, but I haven't gotten it. "

This is the benefits of the famous school, especially the first academics such as MIT. As long as it is often able to meet alumni in the industrial field, although I don't know, but after two sentences, everyone is already very familiar. After all, everyone has a common value and recognition of the alma mater.

Silva: "It seems that there is no return to the alma mater for a few years, and Massachusetts science workers have stepped forward in cultivating talents."

Bunzi Xuan: "You have a prize, but you can give up the best treatment of Boeing, returning to Brazil itself is a great thing, the average person can not do it."

Silva: "This school brother came over, our company won't be an oldest!"

Bao Zixuan: "Of course, I came over this time, I wanted to talk about cooperation with the seniors."

Silva: "I don't know what the project we can cooperate. According to I know that the black clouds have not yet entered the aviation field."

Bunzi Xuan: "The three-rotor engine who just said that we have developed in the laboratory of Xiangjiang, and the first prototype has been verified. This is a specific parameter, please have a profit."

Silva looked at Bun Zixuan for a long time, after all, this data is too amazing. He can't believe that the company producing a game console can make such an excellent aerospace engine.

Silva said: "The school brother, according to the reason I should believe you, but this data is too amazing, I really see it is difficult to understand and accept."

Bun Zixuan: "This, please feel relieved, we will never let the company's reputation is joking, and it will not take the passenger life. This is the result of repeated verification of the black cloud engineer. We have passed a lot of experiments in the previous period, absolutely The data on the report. "

Silva: "However, we only produce small and medium-sized passenger aircraft, using this opportunity to have some waste."

Bao Zixuan: "I can supply the supply price to your supply price, in order to express my sincerity, I can provide 4 original machines to your company free test, so that we can get the most authentic data."

I heard this Silva laugh, I was waiting here! It is definitely that this engine does not have a specific test fly platform, which is found to find Brazilian Aviation Industry.

Silva: "This is not the case, but you need to sign a protocol. During the test flight, the loss caused by the engine factors is borne by the black cloud during the test flight."

Bao Zixuan: "This is no problem, I am absolutely confident on my products."

Two people completed the fastest negotiation in the history of aviation, and many experts and scholars in this negotiations were that Bunzi Xuan really wanted to test the engine actual test flight, and Silwa needs free aviation engines to let the plane fly together. Enhance the confidence of shareholders. However, MIT's scholars believe that they have a common belief, facing students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have natural trust.

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