In Brazil successfully completed the task, Bunzi Xuan was directly returned to the United States. The Brazilian automotive factory project has landed, and there will be a professional team to follow up. With the Brazilian Aviation Industry Company, the initial negotiation of engine supply is also completed, although there is no penny now, but currently can only open the market.

The Black Cloud Aviation Dynamics requires the cooperation of the Brazilian Aviation Industry, and gets real test flight data, and then obtains the air flight gas flight. Only in this way can guarantee that the black cloud engine is flying over the world.

There is still a reason for Bao Zixuan to the United States. After a few months of attempts. Yier-Engel has led the team to overcome the technical barrier of mobile phone text messages, and now the black cloud phone can send SMS services to each other. This is an amazing achievement, especially in this era.

SMS: means you can send and receive text or digital messages on your mobile phone. In this era, it is definitely the existence of Tianfang Night, but it is just an idea innovation, and there is nothing more difficult for technology. Especially for these elites of Bell Laboratory.

Bao Zixuan plans to make a relatively large upgrade of the mobile phone every year, and position the mobile phone department as the company's most important department. All resources will be prioritized, while the professional lawyer team is a service. The current black cloud has more than 200,000 employees, and the mobile phone department staff is about 2,000. However, 1800 people in this 2000 people belong to R & D staff, and the rest is to cooperate with the development of administrative personnel.

It can be said that he is absolutely proud of the research and development power, and other companies do not pay much attention to the role of basic patents. Because Bunxuan and Motorola charged a relatively low patent use fee, this is why other manufacturers feel that they are not cost-effective. However, I think of a lonely noble aristocrate in Postshore, and the annual basic patented use cost can receive $ 5 billion, Qualcomm has a huge high-turn tax, visible to the importance of basic patents.

Back to the Black Cloud R & D center in Cambridge City, see Yier - Engel is debugging equipment. Bao Zi Xuan said: "Yel, how is our new phone ready."

Yier-Engel has a habit, that is, it doesn't like others to bother. Bao Zi Xuan is too excited to forget this rule, but now I know late. Yier - Engel is angry and wanted to swear, seeing Bao Zixuan time to control his emotions.

Baozi Xuan saw the way of the old man, and even quickly explained: "Sorry, I am too excited, it is destroying your ideas."

For these top scientists want people to work well, light is not good, it is necessary to give them enough respect. The boss is also tired enough, but for the future happiness, it can only be moving with their temper.

I have apologized to my boss, let Yier-Egn's mood have a good mood. He is not completely unhealthy monsters, sometimes it is necessary to give the boss enough face, or how to mix it in the future, his future generation will be crowded.

Yier - Engel: "There is nothing, just a little bit. But the boss, our new mobile phone has been completed, and all technical indicators can reach the requirements, the most important thing is that the SMS business has been opened, ready to send text messages. "

Bao Zixuan: "So about the old mobile phone upgrade problem!"

Yier - Engel: "Our old mobile phone can be upgraded to the black cloud mobile phone store, as long as there is a computer to connect a data cable, it can be done. But after all, it is the first product, only 32 SMS, do not want new Mobile phone can save 64 text messages. "

The Black Cloud generation mobile phone considers an upgrade problem in the design, and it is still not understood. After all, this will increase a lot of costs at the time. It seems that the boss is far-sighted,

Baozi Xuan: "This is nothing relationship, we just guarantee that my technical advantage can, and what we have to develop other functions on mobile phones. For basic patented technical patents to do the ultimate, you can achieve my requirements? R & D is available. "

Yier-Eagl smiled and said: "Boss, I didn't see you, other investors think about how to save money, but you have desperately develop funds, if there is such support for the Bell Lab, never Martin will take the lead in developing a mobile phone. "

It seems that this old man is still very concerned, it is estimated that it is impossible for this life.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Yel, sometimes it is the most important, the black cloud phone is now stronger than Motorola, which is your credit. No you lead this team, continue to develop new technology, black cloud The sales and reputation of the mobile phone will not be so good! "

Yier - Engel: "I know, but the boss, sometimes it is really difficult. But I think I will try to develop some new things, and the father of the mobile phone; I want to let people remember me in other fields. "

Bun Zixuan: "You can think about it, but it is not complete enough. How many languages ​​can I support now, and how many languages ​​can be supported?"

Yier-Engel: "Theoretically, our text message can support all places sold now, but some places have not rain necessary. So we just designed the commonly used language versions of the United Nations."

Bun Zixuan: "It is indeed enough, but our aim is to try to meet all customers. Be sure to collect text information in the world, so that our mobile phone will meet the needs of any of the people in any country in the world."

Hearing here to let Yier-Eagle have some doubts, after all, doing this to increase a lot of costs, but it is a little lost for the benefit. However, the boss has always had his truth, and at least have not missed it.

In fact, in Baozi Xuan's heart is the cost more, it is also made, the name of the black cloud is not very big. After all, the founding time is too short, there is no heritage. Brands need to be continuously promoted and put in, and they cannot be relaxed every moment. Black Cloud mobile phones will be used in any country in the world. This is a huge benefit for the promotion of the brand, and it is possible to take advantage of the patent.

Yier-Engel: "I know the boss, but if we want to recruit a lot of language and text scholars."

Bao Zi Xuan: "This is your business, you just have to reach my request. Then tell me how much you need."

I heard that Yus-Egn smiled and said: "You can meet your boss, I don't know if it is my luck or misfortune."

Bao Zi Xuan: "These things have their own posters to evaluate, but you have confidence in the black clouds to retire. I have a university in Xiangjiang. If you are interested, you can teach, it is a departmental director. There is no problem. "

Yier - Engel: "I think, I like it with the young people. But I am worried that my family, after all, my lady is a professor at the University. I can't be selfish, this is not my own thing."

Bao Zixuan: "You can let your wife together, so my school has more excellent professor. For salary and research and development, you have to be confident."

Yier - Engel heard the heart, this is a good time to make more money. And his wife is not very happy in the school, sometimes it is necessary to pay attention to the capital; often find him to receive funds.

An excellent university professor is impossible to leave in the short term, which is not responsible for students. Baozi Xuan has now arranged a person in the world to find teachers for the next year's start. After all, there is no good teacher, and there is no good student, more don't mention what teaching quality.

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