Ended a day, let these Xiangjiang Tycoon deepened again for the recognition of the motherland. It turns out that China has a 5,000-year civilization is really existed. Although it does not see 5,000 years, it is also a good way to see that the Great Wall for more than 2000 years is also a matter.

Originally planned to stay in the mainland for a week, but because some things were delayed. These riches in Xiangjiang have stayed in Kyoto 8 days, and it officially met with 3 times during the period. Mainly about some topics in mainland investment, the return is now just a touch. However, whoever opposes the determination of Huaxia to recover Xiangjiang, which is related to the dignity and territorial completion of the country.

On the 9th day, these riches of Xiangjiang can go to the street to buy a special product back. After all, it is not easy now, and everyone is the Lord who is not bad, bringing back to the motherland specialty is a good gift.

Xiangjiang Tycoon began to go to the street, although there is no special requirements. However, the security department is also sent to Bunzu et al. To the security, they represent the representatives of Xiangjiang businessmen come over the continental investment. Once unexpected, it is not a small thing, this is related to the entire Huaxia investment policy and security image problem.

Bao Zi Xuan went to the streets of Kyoto, watching people at this era mainly focus on bicycles. Who can think about 30 years, Beijing, the city can become one of the most congested cities worldwide, and the speed of development is expected.

Looking at the crowd of fast walking on the street, Bao Zi Xuan felt more than one. Is it going to do something like this, or it is too not worth it. Peng Yifei is following the buns Xuan at this time, watching the boss suddenly there. However, he is not asking, after all, sometimes Bao Zi Xuan thinks about the problem.

Come to Kyoto's oldest silk store, Bao Zi Xuan wants to explain Li Yulin. I didn't hesitate to go in, watching the ancient antique renovated in this era, and this store has been in Kyoto for many years, can be said to be a century-old shop. It is also driving in later generations, and there is no problem with the credibility.

I saw a young man who wore this era, and the shopkeeper in the store immediately greeted. After all, I looked at the dress of this young man, I know that it is not that Xiangjiang is back overseas, it may be an overseas Chinese. Their consumption and purchase capacity are not suspected, and things are so happy to worry about prices.

A middle-aged man is coming to say: "Mr., hello! I am Liu Zhiro, which is the shopkeeper of this store, and what can be for you."

Bun Zixuan: "Hello, Liu's cabinet. I want to buy some silk products to my family, I don't know what you have to recommend."

Liu Huancai: "I don't know how old my wife is old, I am in accordance with the age."

Bao Zi Xuan: "50 years old."

Liu Shuncai: "So what is the requirements for the price, after all, there are still several grades in our store."

Bao Zixuan: "As long as the best and the most appropriate, the price is not required."

So the Liu's cabinet began to introduce silk products for Bao Zixuan, after all, there are too many types in this store.

Liu Wei is the daughter of Liu Shuncai, that is, Bunzi Xuan from the girl who pours the wine in the plane from Xiangjiang. Originally, their family has been operating in this silk shop, which can be said to be a pro. Later, after a public-private partner stage, now reform and opening up have become their family. After all, Silk business is generally not understanding, it is difficult to get started in a short time.

So every time Liu Wei has a holiday will help the store, after all, from a child, grow up in the silk pile.

Today, I just gave birth to the dad, and I saw that Dad actually received a young person. And I looked very familiar with my back, I found out that the Bao Zi Xuan returned to the moment. It turned out that the head of the head was in their own store. Is it a girlfriend, but not saying no?

Liu Wei curiously went forward,

Baozi Xuan heard someone called him, he looked at the voice. I saw the girl who gave himself down on the plane actually appeared in the store. This is coincidental or he is now skeptical.

Bao Zixuan: "Hello! Special Miss, you are coming to buy things."

Liu Wei: "This is the store opened in my family. This Liu's footer is my father!"

After listening to my daughter, the Liu's cabinet was more shocked. After all, my daughter has said that I have seen a Xiangjiang young rich, and some things happened on the plane. Is this young man in front of me that there has been reported in the TV and newspapers.

Liu Shuncai: "Hey, you know this gentleman."

Liu Wei: "Dad, this is a Mr. Xiangjiang Bao, we have seen it."

Bunzi Xuan: "I have to introduce it to me, how much is it. Another is that all high-end silk here is 10 horses, you calculate the price."

I heard the Bunzi Xuan actually ordered so much thing, was it because of her daughter.

Liu's hand said: "Mr. Bao, so many silk prices are not a small number. And you are in Xiangjiang, our family in Beijing."

I have heard the banga cabinet and some threats, and there is also to tell Bunzi Xuan from his own daughter. What is this? Not beaten.

Liu Wei said: "What do you say? Mr. Wang Bao is a silk, and what is the relationship with Xiangjiang, Kyoto. And you don't have to worry about the financial resources of the package, just use the best thing."

I heard my daughter's explanation, this Liu's boarder has a lot. After all, the daughter is the little cotton jacket of Dad, and no one wants to marry too far.

Liu Shuncai: "I am not worried about Mr. Bao, don't use it so much!"

Bao Zixuan: "Nothing, my mother is hard to like to like items. These are not a problem, but I just have to control the top products, quality and quality. In this way, we can have a long time, so please don't think more. "

Liu's hand has apologized to say: "I'm sorry for Mr. I, I will follow your list."

After a while, Liu's cabinet came in: "Mr. Bao, we have 12 kinds of silk here, each 10 is 120. Each price is 8,000 yuan Huaxia coin. Total 960,000, and you are The price of the finished product has just been 43,000 yuan. You can give more 1 million to the integer. "

Bao Zi Xuan's eyes, Peng Yifei immediately walked forward: "This is a $ 1 million bill of exchange, you can be exchanged at any time; you can ship it again. However, these finished products We have to take away, don't know if you can't know."

Looking at the daughter, I have been noddion to myself, and the Liu's cabinet said: "No problem, according to your mean!"

Bao Zi Xuan did not stay, leaving the silk store. I'm not easy to think about what I continue to buy, I will not be easy to come to Kyoto.

The Liubima watched her daughter said: "Who is this young man, what is the relationship with you."

Liu Wei: "Dad, you are stupid. These TV reports have not seen it! This is the first river of Xiangjiang, that is, he is the most money in Xiangjiang. It will be bad, so money. you do not need to worry."

"I am just a flight at the charter you come from Xiangjiang, and people like Bao Zi Xuan do you think I will watch me! You don't have your own love, let people jokes and misunderstandings."

Liu Houcai: "You said that I am relieved, but there is no relationship. You are still far from him. You must be you at that time."

Liu Wei was really defeated by Dad, how did the other silk things are not concerned. It seems that I have to give him a lot of international things. Otherwise, it will not be a joke.

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