These rich people have stayed in Kyoto 10 days, today is the days they go back. Baozi Xuan bought all the things in the last two days, the first is to bring some things to the mother, and the second can make the mainland people add some income. The lives in this era are really hard, and the average people will not understand.

However, there is not all taken back, just choose a few representative objects. After all, there are a lot of people who come over, it is impossible to compress other people's baggage space, each with a fixed quota.

Bao Zixuan can be said to be full, after all, buy so many things in one time or the first time. Peng Yifei did not follow it, he will basically stay in Kyoto. As a person in charge of Black Cloud Kyoto, he works here. It is mainly to buy real estate and acquire antiques, which are more golden objects, Baozi Xuan does not want to stand the hand of others.

Still last, the plane, or even members of the unit did not change. I saw a girl who had two sides called himself, Bao Zixuan responded to show respect.

When everyone sat down, Huo Yingdong said: "This time you can put down your business so long, it is really rare. Here I would like to thank everyone, and I hope you can contact domestic contact."

Huo is always the official bridge of Xiangjiang businessman and Huaxia. It is also in the warranty. It can be said that the rich here can come over the mainland. It is basically seen in the face of Huo, in order to be able to unite Xiangjiang businessmen he can say that many individuals and family interests are sacrificed.

Joy just said: "Huzon must don't say this, before we don't know the country's construction. Now I know people's life is really unfortunate, we are not enough."

Dong Haoyun also said: "Yes! Here is the capital of the country, and now life is not very good, it seems that our country's development is some backward."

Other tycies are all in my words, I am talking about the day, only Bao Zi Xuan continues to write the program. When I saw this situation, Liu Wei took the initiative to pour a cup of Maotai, and two people were very tacit, and one drunk.

Looking at everything, it is as if it is like it, let everyone 's eyes again focused on them. Looking at the two things like a young couple, but everyone knows that this is impossible. Especially the boat king, he wants to bun Xuan to do his own son-in-law, but especially Bao Zixuan is so self-disciplined, it makes it more robbed. After all, a person is so rich, and it can be so clean, this is what the vast majority can't do.

Now I have seen two people with tacit cooperation, the boat king can't let them be as will. No matter what the Bunzi Xuan is idea, but the girl who wants to stick to it is too much.

The boat king said: "Little boy, how can someone drink? Talk to your thoughts, after all, to say that in mainland investment or you, and there is no new idea. We also take it."

I heard the boat king and myself, Bao Zixuan put down the wine glass, and closed the notebook: "You are the predecessors, I am not good. And the investment is all people. If I said, I didn't make money after it. "

Li Chao said: "Everyone is just to explore each other, and the little boy will not leave one."

Hu Yingxiang also attached: "Yes! Little boy, here you have the youngest, but you have to say that the assets can be more than you, the people are teacher, you don't have to hide."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Since everyone talks to two sentences, then I am ugly. If you don't want to blame me, you will be a music."

"The best in mainland China is the labor-intensive enterprise. After all, the cost advantage is very obvious. There is also a product that can be purchased in other countries, such as I bought a lot of silk and other products. You can also try to do electronic Optional company,

Li Chao: "Little Bao believes that the real estate in the mainland has to do it."

I have asked this question last time, I still asked now. It seems that Li Chao still wants to make the room to the end. However, everyone came here, I personally read it, I definitely feel deeper.

Bunzi Xuan: "This is not more than Li Sheng professional. After all, I am not engaged in the real estate industry. But I think so many people need the house in the morning and evening, but now the market has not let go, I can't do it!"

Dong Haoyun: "The small bag, this time I heard that you are going to build a car factory in Shanghai or Kyoto, what is the tendency to do. So we also drink some soup."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Dong Lao wants to build a dock business, or want the freighter to enter!"

I can build a terminal and there is a freighter to enter. Dong Hao Yunli Ma Ming Baozi Xuan's tendency, after all, Kyoto is not a terminal, which is showed that it is in Shanghai.

Joy just said: "It seems that the little birthplace has made a choice, then we know the next plan."

In fact, Bao Zixuan also understood why the top Volkswagen would choose a factory in Shanghai. After all, in comparison, there are many other cities in other cities. Whether it is hardware or software, it is not possible.

As for the next issue, the Black Cloud Auto Team and Shanghai Communication, and the national patent should be clearly clear. After all, there is no patent law to protect this feeling, Bunzi Xuan can make a wary of the wedding dress.

Li Chao: "Little Bao Sheng eats meat, we are drinking soup behind, but I think it is estimated that it will jump after the news. But it is not a good thing relative to Kyoto, where else can be investive For example, after all, a person is limited, we all contribute to the national development. "

Listening to Li Chao finished, many Xiangjiang rich people wanted to hear how to answer Bunxuan. After all, they also want to know the next step of Bunxuan to invest in that field, this kid looks at the situation and the problem of the problem, and everyone wants to divide a piece.

Bunzi Xuan: "Li Sheng is a difficulty, I am just relatively good at industrial fields, others are far away. However, I want to invest now is to build a clothing factory will make money, as long as you grasp quality, you will not have problems. "

At this time, the crocodile brand Lin Baixin suddenly said: "I heard that the small boy used a lot of modern cutting equipment in the deep sea factory. And it is also the black cloud itself, and now there is no sales on the market. I don't know if I can sell me, I am prepared Invest in a clothing factory in deep sea. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "These are small things, the people who call your company's purchase department can negotiate."

Lin Baixin: "That is thank you small boy, I think there will be a lot of opportunities in our cooperation."

Looking at everyone is discussing the issue of investment in mainland, Huo Yingdong is very satisfied. If you can implement all items, then his purpose is really reached. This is a great achievement. In Bunzu Xuan's driving, Shang Xiangjiang merchants can play in mainland China, which is a good propaganda point.

It can be said that the Xiangjiang businessman who came to the mainland is full, Baozi Xuan determines the investment of a car factory and a home appliance plant. The sales of itself is not mentioned, that is, after 30 years, the value of the land can earn a few times the money invested.

There is also the link has been established with the highest layer, which has made important guarantees in the development of the mainland. Baozi Xuan's name is very large, plus important bonus, will definitely make companies invest in all directions in China.

In fact, this time, the other tycoon, which is more concerns about policy changes, but it has worked a lot after seeing the determination and attitude of the country's highest level. After all, this is the best way to protect them, and confidence is the prerequisite for deciding on important decisions.

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