Everyone has lived very quickly in the chat, unconsciously, the plane has arrived in Xiangjiang International Airport. In fact, each rich also wants to come back. After all, the Kyoto in this era is a lot of rivers, whether it is condition or the environment. There is also a lot of things that companies can't stand, and communication is not very convenient.

But after all, it is possible to talk to the highest layer, and it is possible to take the relationship between Bao Zi Xuan, Huo Yingdong, etc. Therefore, everyone has been staying for so long.

I didn't want to low-key, the rich rivers and rich people did not wish, many people have ladies, and some more than one. This has caused each other to compete with each other, and several Tycles, the lady dressed in the branches of the branches are proud of the airport. They originally mean to give their husband, but they also have a good violence.

When this is the case, the people who do not play their families and pick-up are all in the airport, there have been many reporters. And it is not only a medium in Xiangjiang native, even the foreign media is also incorporated into.

Bao Zixuan did not expect this to help this reporter so hot, they can be said to be complete in order to get the first piece of information. The bodyguards around Bao Zi Xuan just received him, and immediately was surrounded by the reporter. Recently, the media in Xiangjiang is discussing Bunxuan is a male question, they all want to get the most authentic results.

A reporter asked: "Born, hello! I want to ask if you have any gains in the mainland this time, I heard that you have signed a new investment agreement. Can you introduce it, you want to increase investment to the Mainland? !"

I haven't waited for Bao Xuan to answer, a reporter asked: "Banheng, I heard that you are still male, I don't know if you can introduce it."

At this time, everyone is quiet, after all, the formal media cannot ask this question. It is definitely that the gossip of the Xiangjiang, only such a talent will ask, Bunzi Xuan will not have a good result, say how to arrange him!

Bunzi Xuan: "This is my private affairs, and today I don't accept interviews, just take a little tired. Black Cloud will regular press conference, where can you ask questions, the staff will answer your questions, as for my Please don't ask if private questions, I will not answer. "

Seeing Bun Zi Xuan wants to go, how can this guide to wait for a long time? After all, I didn't get angled now, I met when I met. Fortunately, the current bodyguard is a soldier who is in a War War, and it is the role of Hole Wu. There is no chance to give reporters, so many reporters don't want any opportunities.

A reporter said: "Mr. Bao, the public has the right to know. As a well-known person, you should not refuse interviews."

Bun Zixuan: "I am not a star, it is an entrepreneur. I don't like to live under the magnesium light. If you like the black cloud product, I welcome. But I don't like excessive exposure."

A reporter asked again: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I want to ask you to reach a cooperation agreement with the mainland. This is related to the life of Xiangjiang, I hope you can answer."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Black Cloud's investment does not need anyone's hand, we just know that there is profit in that place. As for you to affect people's lives, I think there is still not so much energy. These related things to national planning people can Going to Hongguo to conduct an interview, after all, he has more voice. "

Seeing Bao Zixuan does not cooperate, there are too many sides of the body. Moreover, Bunzi Xuan is not a good speech. The last time the mixed is sinned in Huifeng. Now the hand is interrupted, and it is still a meal in the prison! It can be said that it is better than death, life has basically can't take care. Although there is no evidence that it is made by the buns, but who will recognize this kind of thing!

Journalists who have not received satisfactory answer from Bunzi Xuan began to run toward other tycoon, Dong Haoyun's family has received him.

The reporter began to make various problems to Dong Lao, but Dong Lao's age is not small. It is already tired from Kyoto to Xiangjiang, and it is now surrounded. If there is so much energy to answer the question, think about how to quickly go back.

However, this is a reporter who has not received a satisfactory answer on Bunzi Xuan, and there is no look at the old leave. Make Dong Lao very annoyed in it, after all, the age is not small, the body is less than young guys.

The most important thing is too small to bring, can't stop this reporter; Dong Lao is in the end of the country. One of the black cloud security departments focused on the surrounding situation, and immediately returned Dong Lao's situation to Baozi Xuan.

Seeing the old man's heart is tired, Bao Zixuan can say very angry. After all, everyone will surround an old man asking the east, and I have not considered the feelings of others.

Under the command, the bodyguard began to go to Dong Laoguan. Since soon, the reporter protects people to the middle, Dong Haoyun's face is finally a lot.

Baozi Xuan arranged a person to send Dong, said: "Everyone is best to pay attention to the order. Do you want to be at your own risk?"

At this time, because the bodyguards divided some people to protect the old man, there is some reduction in Bao Zi Xuan. A reporter took the microphone directly on Bunzi Xuan's face asked: "Banheng, you haven't answered it yet, it is not a man's problem, I believe that many women in Xiangjiang are concerned about this issue."

The people who saw the gossip media were not over, Bao Zi Xuan was indeed a bit angry. Directly grabbed the microphone and throw it on the ground, the bodyguards were put directly to the reporter.

These are all completed between electric firms, and others have not reacted at all. In fact, it is not strange that this gossip reporter is mainly, it is mainly to push him back, or if you borrow a few courage, you will not dare to put the microphone to the buns.

In fact, there is still an airport security guard, and they have not fulfilled their responsibilities. It is mainly the airport of Xiangjiang also controlled in the hands of the British, deliberately wanting to see this helping from the mainland.

However, no one thought that Bunzu suddenly turned around, and even more thought of someone dared to put the microphone on his face. But now everything is late, this time the airport will definitely have conflicts. Bun Zixuan is not an ordinary person, and the reporter is not a group that is willing to suffer.

A reporter said: "Banheng, you don't think this is too much."

Bao Zixuan: "I advise you not to find things, just put the microphone to my face, how did you see what you say. Now maintain justice, you are not enough."

I heard the Bunxuan said that this is the sin of the king. So the beginning of the 7th tongue, after all, now everyone will start with the enemy.

Many reporters still take pictures to Bun Zixuan, and is most prepared for tomorrow. Everyone is already good, what Bao Zi Xuan and reporter are big, what young tycoons are angry. In short, it will not say anything, it can be said that all media reporters have been sinned.

However, Bao Zi Xuan did not take serious events, after all, who now, if you dare to write one. It will definitely let the newspaper can't eat, and money can make the ghost.

Seeing the reporter still wants to block, Bun Zixuan said: "Whoever is blocking your road, don't let them stand up."

Seeing the bodyguards put on the battle mode, many people are somewhat scared. At this time, the airport security captain walked again: "Mr. Bao, please don't stop in the airport."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "What did you have to do, now how come it now. This thing you have, we are walking. It's going to leave, leaving only the airport security captain's face is very ugly Standing there.

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