When I returned home at night, I saw my mother waiting for myself. Baozi Xuan has some don't know what to say. After all, I have heard some matter on the people in the road. Now I should consider how to explain with Li Yulin. After all, the whole world is now in the tendency that Bunxuan has. As a person who cares about yourself, if you make your mother misunderstand, it shouldn't be. It seems to be a girlfriend, but there is really no one who makes yourself. This is the most troublesome thing, you can't get ridless!

Li Yulin is not very friendly: "It is back."

Bao Zixuan: "Yes! Just go home directly, you told me to bring you back. I am buying the oldest store in Kyoto, and there are still a lot behind, the last two days will transport "

Li Yulin: "Do you know what I want, what do you think. There is still a report on you in the past two days. Many of them are gossip media. You have the tendency that you have not, your mother is not An old antique. But you have to guarantee to give me a grandson, and I have no matter what you. "

Bao Zixuan: "What do you say! How can I be such a person, just one is not found."

Li Yulin heard a lot of words, after all, the media in almost all over the world reported that the son may come out. If you don't understand as your mother, then your son will be very painful.

I saw my mother's rest assured that Bao Zixuan had a lot of mood. He can't care about what people around the world, but it is impossible to pay attention to your only loved ones.

After handing the gift to the mother, Bun Zixuan returned to the room. However, he doesn't know, now the media in Xiangjiang is desperately written, that is, the name of Bao Zi Xuan is odor. This beat of the journalist can't rise. If you let go of Bunxuan, there is anything to take them.

The reporter is not a mixed, they will not use violence. However, their pen will not be in a point, sometimes even more acceptable than using the knife gun.

Sure enough, the second day, the media in Xiangjiang is reported on the conflict of the airport, but the media reports are not inverse. Why is Bao Zixuan who will conflict with reporters and the entire process of the last beatings. However, many media chooses to delete the things of Dong Lao's things. After all, two tycons are not dare, and there is also a siege that they have never takes place.

Early the next morning, there were many media in Xiangjiang a report of the report of the airport conflict. Especially your entertainment, report Bunzu, because it was said to be angry and the reporter shouted. The title of use is that the scientific matcan and the kind reporters are big, and they are suspected to be derailed.

The reporter completely as a victim to explain this matter in detail. He said that he just wants to interview Bunxuan. And let the bodyguard beat it, it is completely a bastard.

In fact, in the evening, the major newspapers and gossip media have been brewing this matter, especially with Bao Zi Xuan, has a long time, and a lot of news from the new version. It is to report the bunxuan, so the snow is as shameful.

The Sing Tao Daily is the old family of Bunzi Xuan, and this time I see such a good opportunity. How can Huxian can let go, so the big report is reported to the incident.

The Sing Tao Daily can say that this finally knows the opportunity. Now, it is still reported that it is still not painful to have a lot of Xiangjiang Media. That is really sorry to be wronged, Hu Xian is not a person who has a hatred.

Although the days of Huxian and even the entire Sing Tao Daily have not been better in recent time, Hu Xian has not been in the past. However, the reporters of all newspapers today saw this female boss's face finally showed a long-lost smile.

Hu Xian said to the reporter under the genus: "Everyone knows that Bao Zi Xuan let the bodyguard beat the process. Many more people see it. We must use this opportunity to make him uncomfortable. After all, I went to the mainland, and back I also beat the reporter. I think that Hong Kong Culs will not talk to him. This is a good opportunity to make a good opportunity. I must make his reputation. I don't have to say more of these days. Let's! "

The remaining reporters in this Saim Island Daily are the old people who follow Hu Wenhu, and they have not left make a lot of life. Now I see their old-to-head, how can I get this opportunity?

When everyone thinks about how to burn Xuan, Shu Shu sitting next to Hu Xian is a little frowning. Because he knew why Bao Zixuan conflicts with the reporter, it is not only the problem of Bao Zixuan. The most important Bao Zi Xuan is to help Dong Haoyun takes off. Now this is now, it will definitely cause Dong Haoyun's guilt and dissatisfaction. It is not as simple as sin, and this is the continent of Huo Yingdong to organize Xiangjiang Rich. If it is too much, Huo Yingdong's face is definitely not good, and it will even touch the continent. This is something that is not compensated. The main strength of the main Sing Tao Daily is really not enough, and even the opponent.

Looking at the expression of Demai, Hu Xian knows that this old man may worry. But now it is not a discouraged thing, so I said to everyone: "I know that you are a little worried, but this time Bao Zi Xuan is going to the mainland. The British does not want them to be so unscrupulous, this is our chance, don't think about others. We have to make this matter, let Baozi Xuan is not good, let us be shameful by this matter, or because this thing turned over. "

Looking at the boss is so interested, the journalists and editors really don't want to violate this female boss. These days are also because the last thing is lost, and now it is a good time to revenge.

In fact, it is not only Sing Tao Daily, many media are written in the direction that is not conducive to Bunxuan. Especially the reporter who is beaten and his newspaper behind him. If this is not perfectly solved, who will take them more in the future.

The Xiangjiang Media is a lot of power, after all, the British is here to advertise free. It is the first rich and there is no greatness. These gossip media are relying on the life of the report star and these rich children. Now not to take the opportunity to use it, you are sorry yourself.

Sure enough, if you expected, the second day, in addition to all media, all reports of Bunzi Xuan's quaint and unreasonable. In particular, he repeatedly reported the reporters.

In fact, this is also related to the Black Cloud and many policies with the Huang Whao, after all, the black cloud does not advertise in the media of the Xiangjiang. The newspaper wants to earn his money is not very good, and Huang Po is just advertising on some well-known media. Many media in Xiangjiang can't earn the money of Bao Zi Xuan, and there is nothing to take care of it.

The Sing Tao Daily is still the first, and it is also the most embarrassing. The header of the head is written: "A person who can make things that you want, this is the progress of society or retreat."

Detailed explanation of the personality of seeing Bunxuan flying , as well as letting the bodyguard beat the journalist. The reporters completely written into a vulnerable group and victim, and also recommended that the police department grabbed Bao Zixuan. I want to get the punishment of the response, and even say it is recommended to expel such a person.

The gossip media reported more reports that Bun Zixuan had an legs, but this reporter is a normal man. This is only angry and angry, because I hate. These things in normal people seem to be empty, but there is really people who are deliberately creating and deliberately creating and helping people.

Looking at a lot of not reported that there is no deletion, the PRP is even more explanatory. Everyone knows that Bunxuan has been targeted, this is also a concurrent style of the British. After all, who makes you dare to go to the mainland, but also invest so much. This is just a small lesson. If you don't give you some color, I really don't know who the Xiangjiang is about.

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