Seeing the media report, Dong Hao Yun is very uncomfortable. Baozi Xuan is because his own things have conflicted with the media. If this time does not show up, who will dare to communicate with Dongjia and a friend. Others help you, don't ask for returning, so there is therefore troublesome, you still don't talk, it really shouldn't.

Dong Haoyun looked at the newspaper and said: "Our Dongjia who reports on the newspaper has cooperated with them. I will find a few of our relationship with good media. It is also the family of our employees to buy these newspapers. Who will be driven directly after buying.

"And I want to tell me all reports, I still have the person who doesn't open it."

At this time, Dong Jiagong is a question of the new ship in RB, and Dong Jia is preparing to buy some big ships. This time, the two sons are in the eyes, so I don't hesitate: "You will watch it. Dad! I will never let this respect the little person."

At this time, Huo Dayang is reporting to Huo Laogon reported on the media.

At this level of Huo, the level and level have already been mood in the colors, but this is really an angry. After all, these people can bring themselves to China. If this is implicated, how do you still in Xiangjiang in the future.

Huo Yingdong said to the family: "Although this thing is because Bunzi Xuan is caused by Bao Zixuan, it is the return of the roots or I will bring you to the mainland. At this time, the two sides are more powerful. Huo family can't relax, I believe Dong Haoyun At this time I have made a choice. We must also make a sound, can't let people laugh, and China is not ignored. "

In fact, China has already known the pressure of Bao Zixuan when he conflict in the airport, and it has already thought of responding measures. Although the current force may not be busy, but it is still a big role in the speech. And this is also a measures to protect patriotic businessmen. After all, the stability of Xiangjiang is hoping to see.

Zheng Yu has this time due to the purchase of diamonds, but not going to the mainland, but now thinks about it. Nowadays, my own situation is very embarrassing, and the relationship between myself and Bunxuan is not very close, but it also said. Let's make a son-in-law, the thoughts are more strong, after all, can be cleaned up, the young rich, and it is difficult to do your family.

Zheng Yu said to Zheng Jiajia: "I have time to let Bao Zi Xuan to eat at home, we will put low gestures, please, you can always!"

Zheng Jiajia did not expect Dad to say this, so he said: "When did you change this enthusiasm.

Zheng Zhou Yue, I understand the husband's idea, so I said: "You are not small, it seems that Bao Zixuan is really right. But Jia Jia, you have to know that the man who wants to conquer such an excellent § is not an easy thing. You The competitors may be a girl in the world. It may even be the princess of some countries. Because no one thinks that Bunxuan can still be so, the most stringent family will not pick out what is wrong, Xiangjiang is a clear flow. "

Looking at Zheng Jiami, I wanted to speak, Zheng Yu said to say: "Your mother is correct, at least your big brother can't do this."

Zheng Jiachun said: "You don't have to bring me anything! This makes me more difficult, and if you are old, Bao Zi Xuan is compared with me, if he becomes my brother, I am also happy, I don't have to use it. Consider competing for home production. "

In fact, this is also a joke. After all, the tradition of Xiangjiang is rarely transmitted to the girl to the girl. Unless there is no way like a boat king, the traditional concept of Xiaoxia people is not easy to change easily.

Zheng Yusong: "Look at your time, I am still there! I didn't let you suffer from small, now I have harmed you."

The boat king returned home and looked at his family. "" This time we can't stand by,

It is not only a close one of the relationships with Bao Xuan, which has chosen the station team. This is not a single reporter event, behind the integrated comprehension of the business and politics between Huaying. However, some people don't know that they have been treated as a bird.

Everyone in the Governor's government is also in full swing, although Mai Hao is going back to the country, but now he is still in the position of Hong Kong, it is impossible to set out.

Mai Hao said to the scene of the scene: "What is the view of the incident of Bunzi Xuan bodyguards, and it is to deal with Xiangjiang businessmen close to the mainland. The future work should be taken to the direction."

Joante as the assistant of Mai Hao at this time, it is also thinking about the countermeasures, but what is involved is not that he can decide. More than yourself can express your opinions.

Talking is not what he wants, Mai Hao is watching him at this time. After all, many strategies are implemented in accordance with his program, and now it is impossible to make this kid.

Joante can only say sharply: "This thing we can't let it be ignored, but you can let the reporter advice Xuan and his bodyguard. Although these are not big, but also let them know that we are not No idea. "

"There is also the Chinese richer of the rivers, let them get the interior. Only in this way can we get the interests of the capital."

Mai Hao: "You have a good idea, make a plan to give me. As for which people you have to make detailed analysis, after all, these are not ordinary people, and I will move the whole body. "

After receiving the instructions of Mai Hao, Joan Kerit knows that this thing has not returned. If he doesn't want to do so, don't think about it, but if you are pulling this, you can fall in causing a little inadvertently in the process of rising this. At that time, he will definitely sell it as a victim, but it still helped the money.

This incident is now not only a problem between Bao Zi Xuan and reporters, which has been involved in the official and capital confrontations between Huaying.

But let Bunxuan is pleased to be a lot of Xiangjiang Rich to call him and can support it at any time. It seems that with Huojia, Dong Jia, the family's statement, Xiangjiang's old man has begun to accept him. So no longer need to fight, this is what I didn't want to think before.

Since there are so many people support yourself, then I am not doing something. Since this thing is caused by the airport, it takes the airport to open the knife. As for these jumped beams, the clown is really not looking for them. At least it will not put them in the eyes, and bullying is weak and not your own style.

Although the holding of a media helps yourself, it is not a mana of the management newspaper. Since deciding to develop in high-tech direction, then it is not advisable.

The aviation industry can be in the industry, and the black cloud aircraft manufacturing plant will also be established. It is just that the timing and technical reserves are not mature. Black Cloud currently does not have too many technical reserves other than the aircraft engine.

Baozixuan's past generation has a deep communication with the executives of major airlines, and if you want to set up aircraft manufacturer, if you don't buy it, you can have sales point. As long as you do your company's order. can. This console has already started unconsciously, but now everyone is accumulating power.

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