At the end of the first day, Bun Zixuan came to Morgan's restaurant in accordance with the agreement. I know that today's beautiful boss is going to ban the important guests, so the whole restaurant has no other people in addition to Bun Zixuan, Feier-Hawkins, Diana Rockefeller, and Rehel-Morgan.

Every evening can be dressed in a dress, Bunzi Xuan still wears the exhibition to go to the suits, still counting the medium. This restaurant next to the Star Avenue is not large, but the consumption can be very high. All the ingredients are all the top, Miss Morgan has put many hearts here.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The environment is good, how have you heard it before!"

Recel Morgan: "This is just open to internal members. There are not many guests every day. More I am in a casual place in Los Angeles, I like to come here for cooking food when I am free."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Morgan Miss to cook food, it seems that it is really small to see these top giants. Others may not do it, but they will definitely. This is the problem of education, and it seems that there are many things to know.

Looking at the more and more speculation of Raise-Morgan and Bunzi, Diana, Lockefeller sitting next to Rockfeller. On the ability of the ability to never lose to Rehel, the general phase is even more than a few streets. Now Bun Zixuan is ignored himself, and I want to chat with Rehel Morgan. This makes her to endure, and she did not lose to Reher - Morgan from Xiaoya.

Diana Rockefeller: "I have known you for so long, why don't I know that you will also cook. Not here?"

Recel Morgan: "I will not need to report it to you, don't let you know!"

Looking at the two people, there is a little cautious, Phil Hawkins knows that Dianna does not want to think about the relationship between Baozi Xuan, and I don't want Raise-Morgan's hobburns to go too close.

Phil Hawkins can only be said to be said: "Pack, what you want to drink, we haven't been drinking together for a long time."

Bunzi Xuan: "I don't have much requirement for the wine, just as long as the degree is right."

The investigation is incomparable detailed Reedr - Morgan, of course, knows what Bao Zixuan likes, said: "I have my grandfather to return to the daughter brought back in Huaxia, you can take it."

This altar is indeed in his grandfather, but it has just been shipped from home. It has not been in the wine cellar in the restaurant. Everything is to swear the sovereignty of Bunxuan in front of Diana.

Although the daughter red and the whole decoration of the restaurant, the dishes are not very good, but as long as Bao Zi Xuan likes the luck.

Bao Zixuan: "This is really a fee for Miss Morgan, which is definitely more than a hundred years of superior daughter red. At the time of some families in Huaxia, they will put the good wine to the tree under the birth. Wait until the daughter is married When I took it out, my daughter will wear red wedding clothes when I marry, so this wine is called a daughter red. "

Reach - Morgan: "This is a happy thing, the American history is very short. But there is not so many historical stories, I am very interested in the Chinese culture, I really want to see it."

Bao Zixuan: "Waiting for this year's academic completing me to return to Xiangjiang, most of the time will be in the future. It is only an occasional business trip to come over. You can go to Xiangjiang to find me. I will take you to turn, and enjoy it. The scenery of Huaxia. "

I heard the news that Bunxuan wanted to go back to Xiangjiang made a few people falling quietly, yeah! People themselves are Xiangjiang people, and most industries are in Xiangjiang. One day after the early evening, but can be married to Xiangjiang people as a family of families! It is estimated very difficult, especially in the hearts of Morgan, more concerned about the Lockefeller family, and the Morgan family members are too small.

Reach - Morgan: "Don't say other things today, listen to people say your wine is very good,

Bao Zi Xuan: "There is no other hobby, drink alcohol is one of them! People can't be a little hobby, or if life is not very boring, but the previous year is a life, now there is economic strength to do things. However, it is not allowed for time. "

Seeing the waiter is ready to use the red wine glass to pour the daughter red, let the buns Xuan have spendless. Is this not banned? Hurried out: "Give us a few bowls, this wine is not drinking like this."

The waiter was listened to the bus and prepared, Bao Zixuan slowly get rid of the mud seal on the wine, wiped it with a towel. After all, it is not one of themselves. Why do you have to pay attention to hygiene, in front of a girl, you have to pay attention to it.

After the cover is opened, a rich wine is spread throughout the restaurant. Suddenly there is a kind of intoxicating feeling, the family's bottom is not how much wealth on the surface, this wine bag Xuan knows that it is easy to buy, people who can keep it basically lack.

The waiter was released in accordance with Bun Zixuan's command to put the bowl, this is a old wine altar nearly 20 pounds. The liquid in it has become yellow, but there is no turbidity, it can be seen that the superb of the wineman's skills, and is the superiority of the Morgan family.

Bao Zixuan picked up a bowl, a bowl of wine. At this time, wine incense is more rich, and people are fascinated.

Recert Morgan, who is familiar with Huaxia Culture, said: "Welcome everyone to come to my restaurant to be a guest, especially good bags, we are also a partner, actually the first time to come to dinner. Today is a memorable day. I still drink so drink. "

In fact, this is also buns Xuan deliberately, let people look at him is a soil bag. At the same time, I also see what the Morgan's Miss will react, after all, this is his site. Others are not so uncomfortable, and at this time, in addition to the service personnel will be five people.

Diana Rockefeller said with a smile: "I am also the first time, but I have a lot of eating. When I got a marriage, I was a companion, one is a bride."

This sentence seems to be sworn sovereignty, in fact, Diana Rockefeller bones can't afford Bunxuan. It is considered that he is just a lucky one, an outbreak. It may be a bit a job in scientific research, and other yourself did not put it in your eyes.

But where is the wealth of Bunxuan at this time, almost all media now write him into the world's first diamond king old five. It is the future of the Rockefeller family that will not have money than him. The most important thing is that business courage is also big. Actually, I have a relationship with the Soviet high-level, and most of the natural materials of the Soviet Union can only be purchased by black cloud. This is the bottom gas of people, but Bao Zixuan is not very imagined. But you can't let the Soviets are chill. So I promised, but the consequences of bringing any companies that need titanium alloys must be obedient; otherwise I will not sell it.

Many intelligence agencies in the world have investigated this matter, and finally did not conclusion. In fact, they don't know that this is the result after Britinger and Andropov discussions after discussing the Black Cloud as this general agent, which may sell a price. Finally, the verification found is correct, so this policy has been implemented.

However, other countries don't know what is going on. Everyone thinks that Bao Zi Xuan and the Soviet high-level relationship are close, who is not good for him to pass by KGB, many people do not have this gut. This is also one of the reasons why any institution has not made a clear look, the reason why the black cloud and Bunzi Xuan will be, and the Arctic bear standing behind will not be good.

It is not in the mouth, the dinner is over. Bao Zixuan did not stop much, directly called the driver to drive back to the hotel.

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