On the evening, Bao Zixuan was left first, and the Phil Hawkins couple saw that the atmosphere was not very good. At this time, if the big restaurant is left, Diana Rockefeller and the two of the Rachel-Morgan, they are standing there, waiting for each other to talk.

Finally, Le Chel Morgan took the lead in the opening: "According to my investigation, you should not see Bunxuan, he should be what you think is very soil, there is no emotion. What is going on today, why do you want to do a stalk. Is it? As long as I look at things, you like it, or deliberately do it. "

Diana Rockefeller: "I can't see it in the beginning, but I didn't expect him to be self-satisfied. It is a person who is particularly strong. I look at the latter's chance, so I found it to make He worshiped under my pomegranate skirt is also a good choice. It is important to make money. It is estimated that no one can get better than him. I have not planned to marry him. You know that our identity is not realistic, but play, or get some point What is also a good choice. The first woman who can conquer Bunxuan is also an object of everyone, you said! "

Reach - Morgan: "Do you think people are stupid! You are careful not to use it, or you can only be your own. In addition, I don't have the opportunity! I just have it. I can't watch you, I can't see you, I didn't find that Bao Zixuan was now deliberately avoiding you! "

Bao Zixuan didn't know that he can be seen by the older name of the American old man, and two people have more or less ideas for him, and he is thinking about a problem. If you really have a gossip in Rayl Morgan or a gossip. The results of the two people are good or bad. For the direction and technology that they want to develop, whether there is a deficiency of the heritage; do not say comparison with the top luxury giants in the United States, the old family of Xiangjiang is also stronger than him.

The more I want to have more headaches, I finally didn't know when I fell asleep. Early the next morning, the employees of the Black Cloud Group began to assemble the exhibition. But what they can't think of is that the boss actually doesn't start, this is never had. Is it completely confident to them, know how to let go. There is still something delay, I heard that last night, I got a dinner with the beauty. Is there some uncommon stories in this, and Black Cloud employees began to show up.

But when the work is, it is still necessary to take care of it, and wait until the exhibition hall will immediately enter the working state. Bao Zixuan got up at 10 o'clock in the morning, which didn't rain in previous exhibitions. After reading it, I started to reflect on myself, I thought this is still nothing. I can't get yourself in the next day. If you don't have good things because this small matter is handled, then you now sell your business and make a rich family.

At this time, the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall is also in a hurry to wait for the arrival of Bao Zi Xuan. After all, there is a retrieval. When the large-scale agency comes to negotiate the purchase of industrial computers, this is not here, but the boss has not come yet. In order to delay the time, it is desperate to introduce the product performance to the customer, and I saw the Bunzi Xuan walked over. The staff immediately had a main bone, in fact, this is also related to the rules that Baozi Xuan is able to build long-term cooperation with major scientific research institutions. Some deployments may be disrupt in business operations, but it can play unexpected effects on forward-looking and grasp of scientific research.

This boss, such as the black cloud, came over because the agency that Bao Zixuan is very concerned with the door, which is a recognition of the black cloud GY1 computer, and is also recognized through the entire Black Cloud Group.

The headquarters of European Kinds Studies is located in Meihan region in Switzerland Geneva. Its main function is to provide particle accelerators and other infrastructure for high-energy physics research to carry out experiments with many international cooperation. At the same time, there is also a large computer center with strong data handling ability, and assisted the analysis of experimental data for researchers in other places.

European Nuclear Research organizations have hired about 3,000 full-time employees. About 6,500 scientists and engineers from 80 nationality, representing more than 500 university institutions, tested in CERN. This accounts for approximately half of the world's particle physics circle.

The particle physics museum welcomes the public member to visit the office, and you can visit their actual work in some time and have multiple languages.

For this institution with important influence in the world, Bun Zixuan has always wanted to cooperate with it. However, it's hard to knock on the door, now the other side seems to have a very rare opportunity to have a black cloud GY1 industrial computer.

The deputy director of the European Nuclear Research Center named Kerviv Deeley is a French. In 1954, it was working in the nuclear research center, but it was the world's top nuclear physics expert.

Kville-Desili said: "I am very happy to see you, package the students. We are still alumni, I am also graduated from Oxford University."

Bao Zixuan: "The seniors are polite, you are a well-known alumni in our school."

Kvil Deeli: "I am afraid that Oxford is not more well-known alumni than you, I am very interested in this black cloud GY1 computer. If you use it, you can increase the capacity of the entire European Nuclear Center, you will make us The work efficiency is greatly improved. "

Bao Zixuan: "Due to the performance of this computer, and it is also aware of its computing power. If the nuclear research and development center introduces the black cloud GY1 computer must give you a qualified leap, I think everyone understands. The seniors have not negotiated contract issues, it should be waiting for me! "

Kvil Deeli: "Although the Nuclear R & D Center does not lack money, each scientific research requires huge funding. No one will disappear, so I hope that Black Cloud can sponate a batch of computers, while replying As long as it is the thing I can, I can solve one or two. There is also the research and development of research and development, and many of the technical reserves of Black Clouds are not perfect. The European Nuclear Center has the world's best engineering team, It is not a problem in front of them. And you are the best product manager in this world, and the combination of the two must reach 1 + 1 "2 effect."

Bun Zixuan: "If so, I have no problem with this side. Who will make you open. But the research results of research results are all assigned, and there is a research investment ratio. I can't be busy. What is it? I can't get it! I haven't made a realm of greater and white contributions to human beings. "

Kervie De Sley: "This should be specific to the specific questions, we are not agency for profitability. More is the yearning for science, after all, human potential is endless."

Bun Zixuan: "I understand the meaning of the school, the black cloud is funded, donation! I mean hope that the European Nuclear R & D center can help the black cloud to jointly develop a industrial software, and now the industrial software can say vulnerabilities. Take the external link to simulate clear, the calculations are not credible. "

Bunzu Xuan wants to use this opportunity to get the help of the nuclear center, so that the data that has been accurate will be more accurate, and the software is also more realistic.

I know that there are still many things at the exhibition, although the two do not reach the final consensus. However, Bao Zi Xuan believes that only know how to pay, will be able to get the huge sudden situation of the European Nuclear Center. In this regard, Huaxia's reserves are almost no, and there are too many years of development in these years. This is the idea of ​​every Huaxia's wish youth, but also the driving force of not only efforts.

In order to express their sincerity, Bun Zixuan gave Kvil Deeley 10 Black Cloud GY1 industrial computers, to be able to enable each other to participate and help black cloud completion of industrial simulation software. This is a huge project that requires a lot of data, and the general place has no reserves.

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