Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 350 of the conspiracy of the Ministry of Commerce

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In the 4th day of the exhibition, the name of the large industrial computer of the Black Cloud Group has been fully launched. At this time, all employees are very serious about every customer, especially those who come over to buy a black cloud GY1 computer. More than 2 million prices can put sales, which is about the actual economic benefits of employees.

Bao Zixuan is still as if he is talking about his product, not he is him, now many of the bosses of many companies are imitation him to explain their company's products. It has become a landscape of Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., and other industries have partially emulated.

When the Heart of the Black Cloud staff, there is another scene in the Room 1401, the Huafu Building, Washington Constitution Avenue. If familiar with friends, friends who are familiar with the United States must know this place, this is a big name top-top US business department.

Howard Malcolm Puerto Ladu as the Minister of Commerce, sitting on the following report, looking at the report in his hand, he actually couldn't believe his eyes. This is really a sales data for the establishment of the company, which is that God will not have such a perfect answer.

Howard Malcolm Pudori said: "Is this data accurate!"

Administrative Officer Robert Adam Mosbach replied: "This is not only the report of the Federal Taxation Bureau, as well as the data provided by FBI, and we also apply for the overseas sales to help investigate. Data cannot say 100% accurate, but I can There is absolutely no problem to get more than 95% to you. "

Howard Malcolm Puerto: "What opinions are the Federal Taxation Bureau, after all, I have seen that Black Cloud Company has a lot of sales, but all the high-end products in the market are all high-end products. The overall share has not reached the minimum number of monopoly. We are now difficult to investigate it. Bun Zixuan is a person who is not lack of money, and it is really not good to be able to play the lawsuit. "

"It is possible to let the people of the Federal Taxation will start from taxes, rich or less want to pay less, even if they can't take Bun Zixuan, but his image is ruined. We have reason to His children's toys are going to hand, and the Kaigu cannot let a child's product with a bad company. "

Robert Adam Mossbach said with a smile: "This federal tax bureau does not have any ways. Baozi Xuan can be said to be the most seriously fulfilled tax in all entrepreneurs. The Federal Taxation Bureau does not even ask our business departments to suppress Such a company, he did not steal a tax, or even the shopping for taxes was disdainful. Now pay more than 3 billion US dollars per year, and all the companies are registered in the Xiangjiang and the United States. Not like other companies. Registered in Cayman Islands and other places. This year can be ranked in the top five of the tax payment, which is a horrible data. "

Howard Malcolm Puerto: "Do you have any good advice,

Things to investigate the black cloud are all coordinated from it. "

Robert Adam Mosbach: "Minister, we should now get started on a large industrial computer. The industrial computer of Black Cloud has exceeded IBM, we should give up investigations and accuses of IBM. Only in this way can Ibm It is completely used in product development and corporate operation. At the same time, support the US local enterprises against black clouds, from all aspects of the black cloud business. "

Howard Malcolm Puerto: "There is no detailed plan, you should have found a company that can fight against the black cloud!"

Robert Adam Mosbach: "Currently, it is not possible to be a black cloud in a single or several enterprises in the United States. His product coverage is very wide. This is his advantage, and it is his disadvantage."

"The product is much better is that other products do not make money, other products can be added, at least not to lose money. But one, the company does not know the key to keep that, the research and development power will be very dispersed, the promotion is not too big "

"So in order to better suppress the black cloud products, we must support a number of US companies. Only in this way can you defeat the Black Cloud Group on various bats, and then occupy the market."

Howard Malcolm Puerto: "I have seen the report, many American local companies do not allow them to fight against black clouds, how to solve this."

Robert Adam Mosbach: "How we win the victory of World War II, but this time the opponent becomes allies."

Both people are smart people, they can say a little. Robert Adam Mosbach continued: "Now German Siemens, Japan's Sony, Panasonic and other enterprises are suppressed by black cloud. Do you think that the characteristics of the two people will be willing to be willing? Everyone understands The surface is our allies, but if there is no Soviet military pressure they can never make the United States in the United States. "

Howard Malcolm Puerto: "You do a detailed plan to give me unless there is such a strong and unlimited enterprise in the United States."

Bao Zixuan did not know that he and the Black Cloud Group have been stared by the two most important people in the US Department of Commerce. But the days have to pass once every day. Can only be solder, water to the earth, don't have him.

Robert Adam Mosbach returned to his office and took out the mobile phone, smiled and said: "I am also a black cloud product. Is this not going to help him? But there is a coming back. Motorola's mobile phone not only appeases not only The weight is heavy, the main thing is that the signal is still very poor, the call sound sounds very hard. How to help can catch up with black clouds, it is estimated that it is difficult to in the short term. "

It seems that your next work is not good, but good in IBM is already complete, it is time to invite the other party.

After the call of the phone call, only the phone came to the phone: "Hard work, things have been put in Switzerland, you can take it at any time."

Now everyone has not paid attention to mobile phone monitors, or it will still say some simple nouns. When the future communication security is getting more and more popular, everyone will converge. When talking, it will be more implicit; the secret number will be more and more.

Thinking that IBM is so good, how can Robert Adam Mosbach wants to feel worthwhile. Then I can get more when I have something, after all, no one likes to spend money.

Where is the plan from where, which companies can join the camp against the black clouds, they are to consider. Sometimes I really want those companies that don't stop, and they don't have to wait until the Ministry of Commerce. The Federal Taxation will make things properly.

Who can let this encounter a freighter! Only one step by step by step by step. If it is just a single business, it is also necessary to understand the technical advantage of the Black Cloud Group. Without good products, attract consumers is that the Ministry of Commerce is also impossible to force the people to buy who's products. If administrative intervention, the Ministry of Commerce may be demanded. The United States is a dominant, free country, and the surface kung fu is still in place; the actual situation is estimated to be clear.

Before the conspiracy came, Bunzi Xuan also thought about how to get some core technologies. There is too much behind Huaxia. He can reach the world is God to make him up for these shortcomings. Taking advantage of a little influence in the United States, it is a king. The gap of the teacher of the Yulin Institute of Technology is still not small, and no one will be too much.

The Black Cloud Group and the US Department of Commerce have their own plans, and they will see who is more high, and the investment in scientific research is larger.

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