Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 351 Xiaovusen's determination

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After a week, Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition came to an end. The staff of the Black Cloud Group is constantly being statistically data. With more and more sales outlets around the world, the exhibition effect is not very obvious. Baozi Xuan and Phil Hawkins, Diana Rockefeller and other people combined with the high-speed expansion period, there will be new stores every month. In addition to special new products, you need to be released globally, otherwise you can directly sell it on the shelves.

Black Cloud Motor's electronic product convenience store allows customers to buy some electronic products in the maintenance of. In addition, there are many sales channels such as major supermarkets, electronic wholesale markets, the most important of which is the black cloud experience store, and the world is currently built in a large city. It can be said that Bunxuan is changing the sales channel of electronic products, which has been fully enough before e-commerce.

More than the purpose of exhibiting is to let some small salesmen signed contracts, but this time some exception is because of the emergence of Black Cloud GY1 computers. Make a lot of research institutions around the world to go to the Black Cloud Exhibition Hall, want to know the performance of your computer in the first time. Only IBM large industrial computers in the market can meet scientific research needs, but the US Department of Commerce is hard to make IBM to make some market share. Some opportunities for other computer production companies, watching fair, let everyone grow.

But no company can dare to take a $ 5 billion in the 1960s, and there is not enough scientific research to make a good grade. It is difficult to estimate it. Black cloud is because there is a previous reference in plus Bao Zi Xuan's operational principle of the industrial computer, and understands the development direction of future industrial computers to bend to overtake.

After the exhibition, the reporter reception was held in accordance with the practice, and the chairman is still familiar with the face. Los Angeles Electronic Science and Technology Exhibition President Rodel, Motorola's president Robert Galvin; Sony's Tiantian Zhaov; and IBM representative, Baozi Xuan is also here.

However, Siemens who have been selling before, have been filled, this time mainly wants to pull the sales of sales with mobile phone, and the product is too far from the expected value. Make itself a highly promotion of home appliances such as technology leadership, which is the root cause of IBM.

IBM is on the list because of the efforts of the next few days, the Black Cloud GY1 computer is amazing, making the US business department in the middle of the show will temporarily cancel the anti-monopoly investigation, which is also the benefit of money.

Orders who have never dared to pick up, the United States, local research institutions. It is also something that involves national security or choosing IBM. Before they bought a group of industrial computers in small companies because of the anti-monopoly survey, they had failed to keep up with the era. Now the Ministry of Commerce is universal for IBM, allowing them to come over the order in the first time.

In fact, these scientific research institutions can only be counted as a second stream in the United States.

It is also the business department and does not dare to interfere with IBM transactions. If the US military will certainly see the business sector as a spy, it is now the US Soviet Cold War period, absolutely guarantees the leading technology leading status.

At this point, Xiao Tobmas sitting on the chairman is in order to declare to the world. Once the shackles are removed, any enterprises cannot be an IBM opponent, at least in the computer field. Baozi Xuan is also the first time to see this legendary figure. For people who can take 5 billion dollars in the 1960s, they can have a legendary legend.

Take more than a decade in the United States, the US, the United States spent 20 billion US dollars, although it is not synonymous. However, I also see their courage, this is a respectable opponent.

Rodel stood up: "I am very happy to complete our mission again. Every time I have a break every time, I can say that I can say that my brains can be said to be comfortable, safe. The environment is negotiated, signing a contract. Let me be pleased that everyone is responsible for each person, exhibitors all cooperate. The Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition will get better and better, more and more customers come, we The influence is gradually increased. "

"Many people say that the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition is a place where you can have a miracle, many of which are well known here, selling products to the world."

"This is also the same, sitting next to me is the most four companies selling the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition. Sales data will be announced next, this time is to meet them with everyone. Talk about future business Development, what kind of products will be launched. "

At this time, several people did not look at Xiao Tobass Watson. After all, he is the first one who represents the exhibitor's speech.

Xiaobaas Watson said to the microphone: "Thank you for letting me say two words, I haven't already appeared in front of the public in the past few years. Mainly old, the energetic. Sitting next to me is a global excellent Entrepreneurs, I didn't expect to be so young, especially Mr. Black Cloud Group's Bao, I think it is almost the same as my granddaughter. "

"This age has created a big family, earning huge wealth is really hero out. Their industrial computer I went to see, although many things borrowed some IBM design philosophy, there were a lot of ideas. No image So exciting, this is very rare. However, IBM never fears any challenges of any opponent, especially in the computer field, will fully maintain technical advantages, as the world's first company launched commercial computers, we have faced a lot of challenges However, all competitors have been behind us. Any company is not threatened in front of powerful IBM, and our goal is to change this world's work efficiency and method. "

"IBM will take 3 billion US dollars in the next five years to invest in research, mainly for the upgrading and application of large industrial computers and the application of home computer performance. It will study new algorithm in the world, the new algorithm is studied in the world. The revolutionary transformation of the computer. At the same time, I also hope that major research institutions around the world can contact IBM, we have jointly developed products that you think of feasible products, in summary IBM is moving toward all the fields about electronic technology products. "

"The future society will be inseparable from electronic technology products. IBM is one of the world's greatest electronic technology products production companies. It is more impossible to waste this opportunity in my hands."

"Just as my family is now using the black cloud phone, I have a better product to serve the world, this is also everyone wants to see!"

Xiao Tomas Watson did not say much, but his level of big thoughts will be said. Bao Zi Xuan knows that it has been angered this blue giant, and the next part will definitely compete in various markets. His words are excited about the following reporters, researchers, and university leaders. I will now look at the rack of IBM and black clouds. This gives them a research funding while solving employment problems. The fairy fight may be mortal, but the two companies compete to all major research institutions will benefit more or less.

IBM has too many other companies in the bottom and technical reserves in the computer, and the black clouds are not comparable. However, Bao Zi Xuan knows that the Black Cloud Group wants to climb higher mountain peaks to compete with very many companies, and they will not have any allies. I can only go on myself, and the next time will face the trend of the decline in business benefits, let him gratifying investment in other fields to make up for the huge investment in black clouds in scientific research.

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