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The Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition is ended with a sentence of Bao Zixuan, "Everything is not in love with the purpose of marriage." I can't smile, this is the electronic technology exhibition, as if it is a large blind date. But in Los Angeles, the world entertainment is not understandable, that is, feeling is not related to technology, some weird.

However, Baozi Xuan "I don't talk about the purpose of marriage." I have won the recognition of many feminist groups, making many female power groups hope that he can go to class. For these Bunxuan can only make people feel polite, I don't want to leak this face, and I can't afford it. Also said to protect many women to a certain extent, and the later AIDS prevention has played unexpected effect.

Ended the Los Angeles Electronic Technology Exhibition, the black cloud staff play in Los Angeles, shopping for a week. Baozi Xuanzhi did not have such a relaxed mentality. He has to return to the school, complete his own papers, this year, graduated this year, it is no longer suitable for learning. It is necessary to invest in the business operation in the heart of Xiangjiang, only this will maintain a state in the next competition.

Going back to the school to come to Harry Roland's laboratory, watching this old man is still meticulous to the student. This is what the teacher should look, never waste him every minute in the classroom.

Bao Zixuan did not bother him, and the old man called him to the office after class. Laughing: "This time you are in Los Angeles, I am bigger, my lady said that you are not just a business leader, the character is even more wrong. If I have a daughter, she wants to marry my daughter."

Bunzi Xuan: "Where I want to thank you teacher, when I have time, I invite you to eat a meal together. I haven't visited Mirace for three years. I am really sorry."

Harry Roland: "I want to hear this news. She must be very happy, but listening to your means to graduate this year."

Bao Zixuan: "Yes, there is no challenge in school. Always not in the course of the lessons, and I have been preparing to enroll in September. If I don't accident, I will become the principal, this position is not ready to give it to other people."

Harry Roland smiled and said: "I am afraid that there is only you can do this in this world. I have just graduated as the principal of a university. This is the luck of education or the misfortune of the children."

Bao Zi Xuan: "This is not you refused to come over! If you come to the principal, I will stay."

Harry Roland: "I only interested in teaching, the principal's mission-to-management work may not be suitable for me."

Bao Zixuan is also thinking about this problem.

He also hopes to be able to recruit a manager management of the school. This will not have problems in management, and you can release your own time. "

Harry Roland: "You don't have to worry about computer majors, you will graduate for you with the graphic prize. As long as you graduate, you can take out a papers like a style. But I know you still apply. Electronic degree, this requires you to do it yourself. Clay-Fremman is also a very strict person, which is also responsible for the school. The famous arrogance will have a solid professional knowledge to make you graduated. "

Bao Zixuan: "I understand, this is not to see when you can arrange a defense. After the computer defense, I will go to the electronic science professional to study for a while. Then leave MIT after the end of this semester, go back to peace of mind Running a company."

Harry Roland: "You are really some of them to be reluctant, but you can use your Huaxia to say. There is no banquet in the world, and the eagle always fell blue sky."

I am here at any time, but your reply can not be sloppy. After a week, I arranged your reply, so that you can have a preparation, I can also call you to help you. It is estimated that they also want to listen. Listening to what is good for future computer science. "

After the conversation with Professor Harry Roland, Bao Zi Xuan came to Kevin - Bowman's home with a gift. The professor who gave his greatest help during the development of the black clouds has become his loved ones. Although there is not much communication, just sitting in school when there is idle time.

I saw Bunzi Xuan, and Bowman's wife was excited. This young man is not forgiving with the increase of wealth, still can not forget the initiative, really do not have a bitterness of the white feet, put the family in the machine tool to him is really a very correct choice.

After Baozi Xuan came to the living room, I saw the advice of Bowman and Bowman, two people were quarreling. It seems that this is different from the opinions of the father and daughter. I saw Bunzi Xuan came over, and Professor Baoman said: "Pack, you come over. When is it coming back."

Bao Zixuan: "I am not coming, I just came back from Los Angeles today; this is not exactly the weekend to see you."

Professor Bowman: "I have always treated you as my son, maybe some high climbers. This is a family, but you are not outsiders, let you know that there is nothing to do. After I am preparing to graduate, I will go to Hollywood after graduation, where is a The huge fame, I and her mother are in the east coast, and there is something that happens to help, and a girl likes photography. It doesn't matter. Go to the country geographic magazine to make an editor or photographer is a good choice. "

Aiwa - Bowman: "What challenges have to go to the country geography, my goal is to open a personal video. Hollywood gathered in this area of ​​the world; going to talk to them to learn, there is a lot of potential The rule exists, but I am not a person who is lacking in others. If you have no money, you can find you, or if you find a package, you will not reject it! "

Professor Bowman: "I still hope that you can work near Boston so you can go home."

Aiwa - Bowman: "In Los Angeles can also come back, now the plane is very convenient, and you can go to Los Angeles vacation while the holiday."

Professor Bowman: "Bao, what do you think, I want to hear your opinion!"

I have to ask myself to ask myself, watching Aiwa - Bowman Chuchu Poor eyes. Baozi Xuan knows that this is the professor of Bowman to take him a daughter.

Bunzi Xuan: "Aiwa is going out to be a good, so that you can grow up. But the girl is inevitably lost, I think what we can do is, I don't let her be worried about the money, I am arrangeing a woman The bodyguards accompany her. This can guarantee her safety and take care of her life. "

Single Kemin-Bowman is sold to the technical information to hire ten bodyguards to protect her daughter a lifetime, Bowman couple is not a person who is not aware. Mrs. Bowman said: "This is also a feasible plan, but the bodyguards are still our coming out, can't always make you money. And we just have such a daughter, protect her is what we should do."

Bao Zixuan: "Teacher, these are small things, let alone love, my employee. Since you want to work in Los Angeles, you have also changed in the future of the black cloud. You are the chief experience of the black cloud digital camera. It means that every new product is developed, you have to use improvements to design unreasonable. "

I heard Bunzu Xuan said, this is not a clearly, let you use the latest product in white, and give you money! Kevin-Bowman heard that the eyes were firm, it seems to be the last obstacle before being made.

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