Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 355 Last Campus Life - Real Bowman

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Baoman couples heard that Bunxuan can be so arranged very pleased, it seems that this student has no white education; it is really like a loved ones.

Professor Bowman: "Since the bag has been said this, then you can go to Los Angeles development. But you can't lose yourself, once you hear any negative news about you. I must bring you home, it is Nourishing you a lifetime, it is impossible to make you a matter of humiliation. "

Aiwa - Bowman: "Have a package to help you can rest assured! And I heard that the black cloud has a branch in Los Angeles, I usually have difficulties to seek help, you won't matter!"

Bao Zixuan: "How can I rest assured that I will arrange everything. We don't have trouble, but you are not afraid. If you have any questions, you can go to the black cloud in Los Angeles, they will help you solve."

Professor Bowman: "Okay, Aiwa! I agree with you to go to Los Angeles, but take care of yourself. Go to the kitchen to help your mother do something delicious; I have something to find a bag."

I heard the father agreed, and the Bao Ming was smile to the kitchen to help, and Bao Zixuan followed the professor of Bowman to study.

Professor Bowman: "I have been paying attention to you, see if you are worthy of people. If you don't find the right person, I will put this secret to my belly. After so many days, especially It is your performance today, I know that the person you want to find is you. Only you have the ability to do this, get what you want. "

"You can choose not to listen before I said the secret, just when I said. Or after I said, I haven't had your choice. There is no relationship with me in the future, I don't want to completely Depends on yourself. "

Seeing Bowman's professor so solemnly, this is the first time. It is not so formal when I am ready to sell the machine to myself. I hide what secret. Since there is a secret that you can know, you don't listen to yourself.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Teacher, my wealth you should have already understood, if you want to treasure, I don't have much interest."

Professor Bowman: "More important than treasures, at least in my eyes."

Bao Zixuan: "Are you only knowing this thing! Are you only ready to say to me!"

Professor Bowman: "Of course, I am the only one who knows this thing is still alive, and I will only say to you. Then I die will not leak half a word. Some people know that it is useless.

They can't get it. "

Bao Zixuan: "You can be so optimistic that I can get it."

Professor Bowman: "At least in my opinion, you are the most suitable candidate."

Bun Zixuan: "Listen to me very curious, I want to know. And I am very interested in things inside, and the adventure is what everyone likes to do every young man."

Professor Bowman: "Have you heard Martin - Bowman!"

This name made Bun Zixuan once again remembered a lot of things, this is a non-unbeatened and legendary figure in Germany.

Martin - Bowman, "No. 2 War Criminal", Party Secretary, Hitler Private Secretary, He has mastered the party's money bag, and people call "the shadow of the head". In the last day of the Hitler regime, Bowman became the second important person who was second only to Hitler, Director of the Party Headquarters. After the end of the World War, Martin Bowman mysteriously disappeared, however, Nuremberg International Tribunal was still sentenced to him in October 1946.

Bao Zixuan: "You are the private secretary of Hitler, Martin - Bowman!"

Professor Bowman: "Yes, he is Martin - Bowman, my name is Kevin - Bowman. You don't have to think too much about his son, but we have relatives. Exactly he is my uncle, just this Uncle relationship is not very close. Just belonging to the Bowman family, but also my grandfather's generation, and because people know almost during the war. After all, Martin - Bowman's position is too important, afraid that there is a person who is interested use."

"When the final defeated in Germany, he found my grandfather. The grandfather is the chief engineer of Rhineble metal. Martin-Bowman hides some important scientific research materials of the Third Empire to the East Plaus area, which is the current Poland."

"You can rest assured that there is a secret road, just a relatively remote location. And there is no golden jewelry, you can't see those. Where is it just the crystallization of German technology, may have the highest scientific research in the German science Result. "

"Some technologies have been behind this era in the past few decades, but I think some genius scientists in Germany still bring some inspiration to the current research."

I heard that Bunxuan is very excited, with Martin-Bowman's level of technical information absolutely many we have heard of weapons or machinery. This is very attractive to the current Bunxuan, after all, he has the ability to produce these Tianma star design, just don't want to be a bit difficult. However, it is necessary to return to Xiangjiang immediately, and these becomes the well-being to be able to drive these popularity in Yulin Institute of Technology. More talents can be recruited with scientific research materials, as for others. Seeing that it is not your own personality after a care; but some things have to be considered from new considerations; protect and hide themselves.

Bunzi Xuan: "I am very interested in these, if I have a chance to get it, I will not miss it. But I can't bring the information back to the United States. If you want to see you can only go to Xiangjiang, I hope I can understand."

Professor Bowman: "This is your business, I said that when I gave your secret to you, I didn't have a relationship with me." After I took out a piece of yellow paper, Bao Zi Xuan saw an address; No other else.

Professor Bowman immediately picked up the lighter to ignite the paper, and there is no information in this regard later.

Professor Bowman: "I know that only death talents can keep secrets, but this is not a big deal. I will have a daughter. For the sake of love, I can sacrifice everything. You have to take care of her, I don't have to worry about it. "

"The relationship between you and the Soviet" should go to Poland, and you have investment in Poland in Poland. This is what I said that only you can get these information, and it is not a lot of technical information, just collect it. German core part of technical secrets. "

Bao Zixuan: "Nothing, I will find a way to get the information. Everyone has fantasy to Germany's technology, I am no exception."

To be honest, many black technology in Germany now can't explain, and can have the opportunity to get these no matter how much. I haven't heard that some people have found these technical information may be in a secret study, or the professor of Bowman did not find the right person, and the hate.

However, Baozi Xuan also understands that it may be gold ore; it may be a chicken rib; it is more likely to be a hot lady; but these will stop him from curiosity.

At this time, II, Bowman, said: "Dad, package. It's okay, hurry out!"

Things have been talked, and Powman came to the restaurant with Bao Zixuan. Bao Zi Xuan took the Maotai, who had been prepared, and saw that Bowman, who is Bowman, can put light in both eyes.

Professor Bowman: "I have ordered a batch through friends in China, but the taste is not your good."

Bao Zixuan: "I am the biggest customer of this winery. I will purchase a batch every year. I have brought you old wine for more than 30 years. Of course, I have a better taste. I don't have to go to my friends next time, I Every year gives you a batch. "

Professor Bowman: "That is said, now there is nothing to taste now. It is the best in Maotai, and many professors of Massachusetts."

Four people ended dinner in a happy laughter and sent Bao Zixuan left. Mrs. Bowman said: "What is this mysterious?"

In fact, Professor Bowman of Martin - Bowman did not mention anyone, after all, this is not a glorious thing, it is likely to bring a disaster to his family.

Professor Bowman: "Bao Zixuan is ready to return to Xiangjiang after the end of this semester, I want to invite me to go to Xiangjiang. I didn't agree, but I didn't have a part-time. He is not my son-in-law, how can I follow him back to Xiangjiang."

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