Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 357 Last Campus Life - Bao Siki

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Baozi Xuan successfully took a Ph.D. in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but for his feelings about the network, people were still discussing. Many people are paying attention to the study of Black Cloud to this step. When will people enable the life and working state mentioned in Bunxuan's paper.

The next day after the computer science papers ended, Bunzi Xuan came to the Clean Fremman office. More professors in this Massachusetts e-Science technology is a kind of cooperative relationship, and the relationship is not good. Compared to Kevin-Bowman, Harry Roland relationship must be worse, but often cooperation is to take care of it.

Kle - Fremum: "Your view about the network, but I haven't fell asleep, I am thinking about how to transfer and communicate between networks, which equipment need to be used. You propose technical indicators After the effect of this, our people who engage in electronic technology hardware will find ways to achieve it. At the same time, I hope that you can study this aspect before graduation, and these technical reserves must not suffer. "

Bun Zixuan: "You said that I put the network in the end, electronic science paper mainly published large switches technology."

Kle - Fremum: "Don't you think this is a good topic! And you can complement your paper on your computer network, so that everyone will see the feasibility of the World Network."

After Bao Zi Xuan thought, I thought that Professor Clay Fremiman did good, and it was indeed possible to network network. You can see some of your own water, it seems to be some helper.

At the same time, in the Xiangjiang Baojia, it is exactly a little nervous. At this time, the father of the father is in the hospital bed and can only rely on the nutrient solution.

After the Western Medicine has no good treatment, the boat king decided to find a Chinese medicine. It is possible to exist in this world. If you use it, you can be eliminated. After all, no one is so big, deceiving the people for thousands of years.

As the first doctor in Xiangjiang, Huang Chunqiu came to the ship's Wangjiali with his son. I am older, sometimes it is necessary to shop for your son. Bringing over to play more, it is also possible to establish relationships with the boat Wang family.

The boat Wang Xixus said: "Doctor, the doctor, the father's disease."

Huang Chunqiu gave the old man to check the old man and said: "When the body should be young, the body should be seriously injured. In addition, the conditioning is not good, there is no more, after all, a person is very uncomfortable enough to fight the disease. But the age is a big Body function is not possible to have a sick, this is a coma. Now it can only replenish his vitality through external force, and this is still a long-term process.

It can be said that how long can the package can live depending on how many drugs that can make a large energy supply. "

The boat king heard that this disease can be cured, but the good news of the ancestors. So say: "What kind of medicine Huang does not find a way, I will find a way."

Huang Chunqiu: "The old disease needs to continue, and I have some of my hands can only take a short resumed effect. If you want to achieve a good effect, you must use a long-term ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and other drugs. "

The boat king smiled: "I have already prepared these you said, I have bought the best medicinal materials on the China mainland through relationships."

Bao Yulang also knows that the old man is not a terminal illness, just the physical function aging. Can people who have some basic medical knowledge can think of what medicine to use!

Huang Chunqiu carefully viewed the medicinal materials prepared by the boat, and suddenly frowned. In fact, it is not a blade of the boat. Last Li Yulin's sick Bunxuan launched a preserved Chinese medicine in the world's black cloud employees. Nowadays, the medicinal materials on the market will not reach the year, and they are not used.

I saw Huang Chunqiu so expression, Baoyang said: "Does Yellow doctors have any questions!"

Huang Chunqiu has prepared, so I took out my own medicinal materials and said to my son: "The second, first take this to the old medicine."

The last time Huang Chunqiu did not choose medical expenses, but got a few good ginseng from Bunzi Xuan. This time, I will be out of order for the old man.

The second son of Huang Chunqiu begins with the medicine handed over to the father, and it will be able to smell a rich medicine.

It is also strange that when the medicine gave the old man, he fed in a moment; the old man woke up, and said that he was somewhat hungry. When I saw such a scene, I would like to come out, Bao Yulang quickly thanked.

Bao Ship King: "The yellow doctor is worthy of God doctor, so soon, I will see it."

Huang Chunqiu: "Mainly medicine, I don't dare to work."

Bao Ship King: "Some people will use in good medicine, and this medicine itself is a yellow doctor brought it. But Huang Dr., you said this is a long process, you have to go to the end; rest assured I must satisfy your drug and medical expenses. "

Huang Chunqiu: "To tell the truth, my current reserves can only maintain the old and short-lived health hours. If you want to cure, you still need more good medicine. After all, the old man is not small, can't have a half hunger."

Bao Ship King: "Where is Dr. Huang to buy these herbs, you only give me to buy. How much is it can, I only ask my father to be healthy and longevity."

Huang Chunqiu: "I also got a little in accidental opportunities. The king of the ship is very close. Where can I go to find a look, after all, the China Matsuka is never lacking in the sky."

Bao Ship King: "I also know these, but you can't see it from Huaxia mainland. This is already the best medicinal material there, you are an expert in this area, the road is wide. You help me I purchased a batch, no matter how much money, I will give you a double. "

At this time, the two sons of Huang did not see his father and said that Bao Zi Xuan had a lot of medicinal materials. In order to be able to show in front of the boat king: "Father, you can find a package," I haven't waited Huang Ergongzi. .

Huang Chunqiu immediately broke: "What do you know, the child should not say."

When Huang Ergong looked at his father's angry eyes dared to talk, he also knew that he would not say it if he said.

How many smart people are boat king, how can he see it clearly. So smiled and said: "Doctor, is there any difficulty, save the people to win the seven-level floating. You can't see you, then it is too uncomfortable! And listen to the meaning of Lang. With these precious medicines, you can't hide, Bao, please, Baojia must thank you. "

This is a threat, seeing, thanksgiving, there are too many emotional colors, Huang Chunqiu knows, now I can't hold it. I don't know if it is right or wrong, so I said: "I know that the boat king and the black cloud group Baoxuan are very familiar, but later I heard that you have some festival."

The problem of double packs have been reported in the world, and Xiangjiang is more known. However, how is this thing that would not understand that this thing involves Bun Zixuan. Is there any other story that is not known?

Bao Ship King: "I and Bao Zixuan are some festivals, but they have been looking for someone from the middle adjustment. Now I can't say it is a friend, but I can't talk about the enemy. There is a bunxuan in this, is there anything in his hand? A large number of medicinal materials. "

Huang Chunqiu: "This thing must be confidential as a doctor, but I saw this situation. And saving the hurting, this is a doctor's own division, then I will tell. This although there is a violation of the doctor's confidential principle, it is also able to save the package. Old way. "

The king of the package: "Huang doctor's big envelope, I have no more than forgetting, please tell us, in order to save my father, it is a big difficulties. I have to do things."

Huang Chunqiu: "Last year, Bao Zixuan mother is seriously ill, I need more than 500 years of ginseng to help. I first saw the terrorist strength and financial resources of Bunzi Xuan, and I was looking for ginseng in the world. Every day, a large number of people will be transported to me. Inside the hospital, no one can reach more than 500 years. "

"So Bao Zi Xuan parent-child went to the Soviet Union, but said that the Soviet army dispatched the help of the Soviet Union to help together. And all the colleges in the northeast of Huaxia took the technical guidance, and did not say that it was hard to be found. This. Only the mother's illness was healed, but I heard that a single sheet was a subsidy for the Soviet troops, and this kind of medicine can be saved to the rich. Bun Zixuan is not a person who lacks money. , I know where he is a lot of people, the boat king can try to seek to buy one or two. "

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