Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 358 Last Campus Life - Father and Son Dialogue

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After listening to the doctor of Huang Chunqiu, let the boat king caught in meditation. Bao Zixuan spent so high price is not to make money by sellers, if you can go to seek medicine before, now this relationship is so embarrassed.

Seeing this situation, Dr. Huang leaving his family with his son. The boat king has long prepared check to the hand of Huang Doctor: "Thank you, Dr. Huang, I will have trouble. I will find a way to get people, and I don't pay tribute."

Leaving the boat king family, Huang Ergongzi opened the car and looked at his father. Knowing his father's character, he knows this time, it is definitely a disaster, let his father fall into contradictions and trouble.

Huang Erchong said carefully said: "Father, I am troublesome to my family."

Huang Chunqiu: "You also know that there is at least to save, many things should not come out from our mouth. Just because your own mouth may destroy our doctor's reputation!"

Huang Lao 2: "Not so serious!"

Huang Chunqiu: "Bunzi Xuan and Bao Yu just why people are people who have a huge impact in the world. At their level and level money is the smallest thing for them, they can earn. But There is only one place, especially the family's life is not worthy of gold. "

"Bun Zixuan can help the Soviet military for the mother's pathogen, this is necessary to take a lot of people who are owrer. Instead, we believe that the most important billion dollars is that he is not at your heart. Through HSBC this Do you have not seen the horrible financial resources of Bunzi Xuan! I heard that the cash taken in HSBC exceeds 100 billion, such a person will be able to save the money for money! "

I heard the father said that Huang Lao also knew that she had made a lot of mistakes. After all, he said that it is likely to be sinned by Baozi Xuan.

Huang Chunqiu looked at his son and continued: "Do you feel that you can pay the boat king's sin, there is nothing, then you can make a big mistake."

"We can leak Bunxuan today; then as the ship's boat king will not think, we may also leak the family because of greater benefits. This is not able to keep secret hospital you. Which rich, political, star will also believe in us! Up to your medical skills, wait for you, you will kick you. No one wants to put a timed bomb around, but still Sell ​​you. "

"And you think the boat king is really worth confiring than Bao Zixuan! Then you are more wrong; you can see it from two people. When you shoot the style, you can see the mother,

We just provide a venue and opened a prescription. All herbs are basically people themselves, but you look at our income. Bun Zixuan's respect and gratitude are from the heart. "

"But you look at the boat king to give us a lot, you can't get one tenth of Bao Zixuan. This is the position of two people to our minds or in their hearts."

"The boat king believes that we value so much money, he gave it a lot. But Bao Zi Xuan believes that it is invaluable to save his mother, and it will still be owed to a human condition, in our family When I need it, I will find Bao Xuan help, I want to be absolutely refused with his character. "

"But now there is a change in the situation, just in our hidden people, there is a lot of ginseng. After leakage to the boat king know. Bao Zixuan does not come up with it, it is already finished, the family encounters the crisis, the boat The king will help us! "

"So what is going to be too impulsive, I have already regretted you now. According to reason, I have reasonable that your age is not small, when doing things, I have to pass the brain before speaking."

Huang Laodi listened to his father's analysis and learned the seriousness of things. He said: "Father, then what do we do now! Is there any method to remedy!"

Huang Chunqiu: "Now, I have been late, I want to buy Bao Xuan help through the relationship. Bao Zi Xuan is in Xiangjiang, in addition to the last airport, it has been very low, and it is not easy as super rich. Exposure to collect so many noble medicinal materials. Once the customer or business partner is on the door, you are giving it or not, so I conclude that I know this matter only we and a few black cloud high-level. "

Huang Lao 2: "That said that Bunxuan must know that we leak information, what to do next."

Huang Chunqiu: "Wait until Bao Zixuan will send people to come and find us after the sacchair Wang Shangmen seek medicine. Just see what he did!"

Huang Laodu: "This is too passive, we must contact Bunxuan to indicate the situation."

Huang Chunqiu: "Don't be smart in your own, and you will be more disheffected."

After Huang Chunqiu, after leaving, where the boat king was in the king; now it is involved in Bunxuan. How is it to think about people, but I think that my father's body decides whether you have to try it anyway.

At this time, my family came over and said that the old master would like to see him, heard the old man told him to come.

I saw my father finished some porridge, and my face was a lot. The boat king finally worked, and it was also more firm to seek the determination of Bao Xuan.

Bao Master: "I am not too long."

Bao Ship King: "No, Dr. Huang said that you were only seriously injured when you were young, there was no conditioning. Now that the body can decline, the problem is not big. He has already opened the medicine, I am trying to get medicine."

Bao Master: "You don't have to comfort me, I know although nothing is terminally ill. But through this coma, I saw a lot of things, and people have such a day in the morning and evening. I have to think about the medicine that we have the financial resources of our package. It's hard to find, life and death, everything is enough! "

Looking at the father's open-minded mind, there is a taste in the king of the ship. After all, I hope to extend my father's life. Now I can't let this opportunity slip away, or I will regret it for life.

Bao Ship King: "Pharmaceutical, there are many people in hand. He has bought most of the drugs on the market, just ..."

The father of the bag is very waiting, immediately heard the sound of the outboard, robbing: "Just have some festivals with us, and seeing the opponent of this trend should not be bad. Is it a black cloud? That is said that the mother is seriously ill, Zheng's little girl will take care of it. "

At this time, the boat king also remembered that Zheng Yu chatted at home, but didn't care too much at the time. It seems that this time Bao Zi Xuan bought it in the market in the year.

The father of the bag continued: "I am not worried about my body, don't you feel this is also a chance to pay from the new Bao Zixuan! I have no relationship between my life, but I can use this opportunity to make the same bunxuan to ease the relationship. feasible."

The boat king heard that it is also bright, yeah! Bao Zixuan did not see the death of the iron stone, if it was a bohemian savior, please go home to make a reason, this is really a way to relater relationship.

There is an old man with a treasure is not unreasonable. It is a thoroughness that people who have been alive. Bao Yugang knows that it is not to face it now, and it will take the contact of Bunxuan to let people feel. It seems to be looking for Huo Yingdong, and can hire so many colleges in the mainland that Huo Yingdong does not help Xiangjiang no one can do it.

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