Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 359 Last Campus Life - Request for Boat King

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Knowing the father's illness is busy, Wang Ji, is busy driving the driver to the Huo Manna. At this time, I will receive a minute in a minute.

Huo Yingdong is basically handed over to the sons at this time. In addition to going to the mainland, he is recuperating at home. After all, the Xiangjiang has not returned, and the Hong Kong and English government has never stopped to his pressurization. In order to save trouble, he is very small, and it is not good to handle the work at home!

Seeing that Bao Yushang came home this time, it certainly had any important thing. Is it a problem with the father of the package. There is a short period of sick of the old man, and there is no secret in the river rich circle.

Huo Yingdong: "You are born! This time is there any important thing to come here? What is important? The old body is, it is good."

Bao Ship King: "Thank you Hui Sheng's hidden, family is now awakened. It is a little bit of physical machine. Some declines need to be adjusted. This time, there is something to do, it is also for the sick of the family to come to find you. "

Huo Yingdong: "The birthplace is polite, but I am not a school doctor. There is no panacea in my family, I am afraid that there is a little love to help, but if I can help me never resort."

Bao Ship King: "Now you can say it from it, this time really pleases you. Mainly the doctor's illness is not allowed, please ask Huchon to help the package."

Huo Yingdong also listened to the more confused, how he didn't know that he would cure his father's disease.

Huo Yingdong: "You said that I am confused. If I can save the package, I will show it. Do you have anything to say, our relationship does not have to turn the corner."

Bao Ship King: "I invite the doctor to help my father to see the condition, Huang Doctor uses people to let the family wake up. But the father's illness is not able to cure it one day, it is necessary to have a long process while needing a lot of old ginseng. There is basically no more than a hundred years of old ginseng in the market, all of them have been bought alone. "

Huo Yingdong: "I bought it by a person. Is it not necessary to give a face with the name of your boat king. Then I will not necessarily use it. After all, I can have such financial resources."

Bao Ship King: "It is the buns of the black cloud to buy people, last year, his mother's illness needs to use more than 500 years. The Black Cloud Group buys this old ginseng in the world, and hears that buns Xuan also took a trip to the Soviet Union. "

Huo Yingdong: "Bun Zi Xuan goes to the Soviet Union, I know, he also let me help introduce officials in the northeast of Huaxia. But I just play a referral root,

The follow-up is not careless; as for the content they talk, it is even more unknown. "

Bao Ship King: "I know that Hakon is looking for people. Bun Zixuan knows the local official through your relationship. Then hire all of the Northeast Regions to find 500 people in the Far East of the Soviet Union. A lot of medicinal materials in many other years were also obtained in this process. "

Huo Yingdong: "This is said that the birth is to buy medicinal materials from Bunzi Xuan, not I don't help, I feel that this is better, I want to be a small package, I should not see you."

Bao Ship King: "I dare to buy medicinal materials in your name, I just hope that you can say hello to Bao Zi Xuan. So I am talking to him, I have a preparation, please, please."

Huo Yingdong wanted to say it: "I can do this people who take the bridge, but what you need to communicate."

Bao Yugang: "Then thank Huzon, your kind man will remember forever."

Huo Yingdong: "It should be, the package is also my elder. But now I am not suitable, I will call him for a while."

Bao Yugang thought about it, now it is, but it is indeed still not suitable for people in the second half of the United States.

After the package of the boat king, Huo Yingdong knows that this thing is to see Bunxuan's attitude, you always do so and don't know that it is right, but carefully think able to promote the unity between Chinese businessmen. It is right. Huo Yantong's character and the feelings of the motherland are many incenseous businessmen.

At this time, Huo Ergong saw his father's brow, said: "Father, is it not good to do Yugang's things, Bao Zixuan this person I know some, I should not see you."

Huo Yingdong: "Bunzi Xuan will not see the death, but the boat king does not want to pay too much price. Otherwise, you will not come to our home, I want to let Bao Zi Xuan look at my face."

Huo Zheng: "That said that the boat king is, you are counting."

Huo Yingdong: "You can't say this, but he is not enough to understand Bao Zixuan as a person. The last time the boat king is already impeccable, and Bunzi Xuan is not a revenge. At least in this piece of Xiangjiang Hua Shang, he is active I have some good dust, I have a little dust. "

I heard the father's evaluation and made Huojia two masters shocked. The father's pattern is obvious to the whole Chinese society, and now I am more than Bunxuan. How high is this, is it as good as my father? It seems that the opportunity should be in depth.

Seeing time, Huo Yingdong picked up the phone: Bao Zi Xuan did not expect that someone called himself, and the time was just right, it seems very familiar people.

Huo Yingdong: "Is it a small boy! I am Huo Yingdong, everything is fine in the United States!"

Bao Zixuan did not expect Huo Yingdong to call him at this time, is there an urgent thing to do if there is any urgent thing on the other side.

Bao Zixuan: "Hello, you are fine! How old is you always remembered to call me, in the near future, go to Huaxia Continental!"

Huo Yingdong: "Is there a small bag to think about it, then I will accompany you."

Bao Zixuan: "Huzon said, I am now preparing the papers. I will return to Xiangjiang, I will go back to Xiangjiang, and there may be no time in the short term. If you contact me so early!"

Baozi Xuan learned Huo Yingdong's personality, and people who do the tycoon level will not be warm and warm. And it is definitely something at this time.

Huo Yingdong: "You don't often learn a lot of things in Xiangjiang, Xiangjiang, and the father of the boat is sick. Suddenly I want to buy some medicinal materials from your hands today."

After listening to Hu Yingdong, Bao Zi Xuan suddenly understood. Following memory bag, the father is dead next year, and now the body is definitely not very good. Can find yourself is definitely the information that Huang Chunqiu leaks, he can't involve innocent life because of a little grievance. Since you have the ability to help, you will not refuse.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since you have moved out, I can say something. But buying, there is not much money. How much I need to give him, save people's life is also a good thing."

Huo Yingdong did not expect Bun Zixuan so much, this is what he didn't think of. So say: "Then I will let the boat king contact you."

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, you can make him call me now. I told him that the address sent by the family will be able to take it."

Bao Yusheng returned home, I have been waiting for Huo Yingdong, and I heard that Bun Xuan has agreed. Let you call him to call him, he will explain home.

After Thank you, Bao Yugang made a call of Bunxuan. I know that it is the phone of the boat king, and there is no difficulty party after the Bun Zixuan is connected.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Is it born! Huo Sheng said with me. Or rescue is important, so as for money, there is no such thing as a money, wait back to Xiangjiang, please take a meal."

Bao Ship King: "Thank you, the small bag can not be considered, and after the way you can use it, you can use it."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Bao life is polite, you directly send people to my home to take it; I will explain the family later."

In the boat king, Baozi Xuan told him at home. Baozi Xuan is not angry is fake, but both sides have no deep vetement, not to see death.

Early businessmen were also a trunk, and became a charity after older. A lot of money is also donated in his life, calculate a patriotic businessman, Bao Zi Xuan has not born because of a little desperate, he is not a blind man.

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