Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 360, the last campus life - the shock of Wu's house

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After Bao Zixuan hangs the phone of the boat, I quickly went to my house. I learned that my mother still took a break of the boat king to take someone to take a ginseng. Let Axiang will give the other ten ginseng, the rest don't use it.

The boat king is also preparing to arrange people to pick up the ginseng in the end of the call, but the arrangement will be more difficult. Bunzi Xuan's home only has a female personself to definitely be unsuitable, and his wife is not familiar with each other. Seeing the old man around the package, he said: "Wu Shu, still go to you personally, after all, Bunzi Xuan family only has a female, I don't very convenient."

The old master is satisfied, saying: "Ali went to the most suitable."

Wu Yonglu went to the bolden father from the king, and he was a Bao family to the Xiangjiang development. He still did not leave. Although it is just a housekeeper in the package, it is seen from him as a person.

Wu's house: "Okay, I will prepare a gift."

The boat king wants to be a Wusian family, and he is busy, even the number of gifts is forgotten. It seems that the hard work is still farther than the family, and it is far from Dad.

The father of the bag: "I heard that there is only one old mother in Bunxuan's home. You will prepare some tonic of middle-aged women."

The Wu's house will go to Baozi Xuan's home according to the address of the ship king. However, Bao Zixuan still bought nearby houses, relatively quiet, and security personnel also have enough place to rest.

Li Yulin is getting breakfast after getting up, and has not worked for a long time since the last illness. Every day, in addition to recuperating at home, I can say that I want to be bored.

When I saw a lot of people, I asked: "This is what it is going to do, is it necessary!"

Axiang: "Just young master called and said that there is a friend to come home, the young master makes us ready to give people."

I heard that Bao Zi Xuan arranged things Li Yulin did not have a question. After all, the son business did so much to have some entertainment and humanity.

After a while, I heard the doorbell rang. Aixiang saw a 60-year-old man standing outside, and there is no danger to check the surroundings.

Wu's house didn't expect Bun Zixuan to live in this place, but the status of Xiangjiang is serious.

Wu's house: "Hello! Ms.! It is Banheng called me to come over.

In fact, Wu's house is said to be the king of the boss, and Axiang believes that it is Bao Zixuan. It's good to have a surname package, so there is no misunderstanding.

Axiang: "Hello! The young master has already got it, please come with me."

Just caught up with Li Yulin to finish the breakfast from the restaurant, I saw the Axiety came in and said: "Axiang, is the guest coming?"

Axiang: "Yes, lady. It is a young friend to come over."

Wu managed home heard Axiang's answer, he knew that this must be the mother of Bao Zi Xuan, but how is it so familiar. Have you seen this old lady where you have seen this old lady.

When Wu's house and Li Yulin saw each other, it was a glimpse, and after 5 seconds were seen. It is also a priest that the Wu's response is relatively said: "You are a deputy account, I really didn't expect you to see you for so many years."

Li Yulin: "You are a Wu's house, saying that it is old and sick."

Wu's homes: "It is A! The father of the father has not been very good, but the benefits have not changed so many years."

Axiang: "Lady, please ask this gentleman to sit down, you can sit down and slowly talk."

In fact, Axiang also knows that Li Yulin is not good since the illness, and today I can see it. It is also a happy thing.

At this time, Wu's house also reflected it, this benefit of this benefit is that the mother, identity and status of Bao Zi Xuan are not synonymous.

Wu's house: "Integrity accounting, oh! Listener, changing!"

Li Yulin: "Wu's family should not say this, or just like it is good to spend the accounting; recently boring, you can talk to me, the boss is okay!"

Wu's house: "You should not say this, now your identity is different, if I am calling you, I don't have a gift. Everything is very good, that is, the body is not too good, but there are so many old entangs I believe it will soon get better. "

Li Yulin: "Axiang, take a few years to bring back to Wu's house."

Wu's house: "Ms. Xie Deli, I thank you for your rescue."

Li Yulin: "Don't say this, we are also old acquaintances. Save people, I will not stay you. If there is time, you can sit in the house."

Wu's family is also the master of more people, and today I saw Bunzi Xuan's mother asked him to calmly. How did the departure suddenly miss it? And there is no audio letter, and so on. Bunzi Xuan did not have a father, from a small and mother.

The constant thinking on the car makes a bold idea to appear in his mind, if this thing is true is the lucky or unfortunate. And he really didn't dare to think about it, it seems to find a chance to report to the old lady.

Li Yulin also thought after the Wu administers left, I didn't know how to explain it with Bao Zixuan. Now my son is big, everything is still determined by himself!

Wu Shang, who returned to the package, hurriedly called the people in accordance with the Method of Huang, and did not have a husband in the whole package. It can be said that the number of people bought from Bunzi Xuan family is more a long time. It is a real 100-year old ginseng, which is called a silkworm.

After the father of the bag, I felt that I was very estrus, as if I returned to ten years ago. So smiling: "Now I suddenly feel that the body is full of strength, it is to be so comfortable when you are young. If you are tuned for a few days, you can run boats from the new sea."

Although this is a joke, you still laugh at everyone. The package recently has been worried about the condition of the old man, and now I see the old man's body is already good, and I feel that all the clouds are all spread. Finally, you can restore normal life, how can you not be happy.

I didn't say that the Wu administers came back since I came back. For this, I follow my household bag, I followed my family, said: "A Lu helped me walked away, others were scattered! Take a good job! These days, because of my condition, you must definitely delay a lot of work. "

The words of the father are now the sacred desire, and Wu's house holds him to the garden. And the boat king wants to ask the home of Bao Zi Xuan, but seeing Dad wants to know in advance, don't grab him.

After coming to the garden, the father said to the House: "Alu! You have never said that you have come back, is there anything. You follow me for 50 years, is there a heart or you can see it."

Wu Tuist: "Yes, the master! For you, I don't dare to hide. Really there is very important thing to say to you, just don't know where to say."

The father of the package: "When did you change this mother-in-law, what is going on? Is it necessary to conceal me?"

Wu's house: "I dare to hide the father, you guess I see who is in Bunzi Xuan home today!"

The father of the bag: "Is it itchy, how do I guess!"

Two people are not only the primary servant, but more like a friend, it will occasionally open a joke, mainly a picture!

Wu's house: "I have seen the foregad of the previous work of our ship."

The father of the package: "You are Li Xiaomei, how can I encounter her! Will n't it be wrong!"

In fact, Bunzu's mother is originally called Li Xiaomei. As for why the rename is estimated to have a hard work!

Wu's house: "She also recognized me, and you can't think of her now."

Bao Fang: "What is she doing now! Do you make accountant in the black cloud."

Wu Tuist: "She is the mother of Bao Zixuan, and the interests in our mouth are the biological mother of Baozi Xuan."

I have been shocked by my father, after all, the identity of the two is too disappeared, no matter how never dares these two people together.

Wu's housekeeper then said: "I heard that Bunxuan is so hit from a small and mother, but the accounting suddenly disappeared.

Bao Fang: "This matter does not mention anyone, including the family. When I can go out, you take me to see her."

Just when the old master and Wu administers were talking, the Spring and Autumn Medical Pavilion came to a suit in a suit. It must be a soldier, or if you can't be so straight. Take out an envelope to Huang Chunqiu, say: "Banheng makes you a good, he does not want to have the next time."

If you don't return it, you will leave. When Huang Doctor opened the envelope, I found a check of 5 million Hong Kong dollars inside. Looking at the check: "Old 2, this is the medical fee for people to give us. It means that tell us that the human condition has been finished. If there is a discrete situation, it is not possible that you are not possible."

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