Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 362 Last Campus Life - Cisco Prequel

John Chambers is also a person who has decisive, and boarded the plane to San Francisco after understanding the progress and technical principles of large switches and multi-protocol routers. If the money can't drive the other party, use the technology and platform to attract each other. If you can't make John Howard, the boss will make him feel obvious, that is, it is tied to people.

This is the understanding of Chamber, in fact, he misunderstand the meaning of Bao Zixuan. Because John Howard daughter is also studying in Stanford University, Bunzi Xuan wants to arrange a guide, and can also let John Howard and daughter reunite.

Two John came to Stanford University, although the idea is somewhat different. Just like this, it is to bring Leonard Bobasac to the boss.

Stanford University, full name Xiaoliland Stanford University, referred to as "Stanford", located in the southern part of the southern part of San Francisco Bay District, USA, near the high-tech park Silicon Valley, is a famous private research university in the world. Stanford University was established in 1885. It has been officially enrolled in 1891, accounting for about 33 square kilometers, and is the sixth largest university in the United States.

John Howard has already called her daughter before coming, and two people after getting on the airport directly came to Jenny Howard. As John Howard's daughter Jenny inherits the height of Dad, it is also Kong Wu's power, it is not like a girl.

Jenny Howard has always been the pride of John Howard. For the excellent daughter of the best university in the United States, it is estimated that no father is not satisfied.

Jenny Howard: "Dad, how do you have time to see me."

John Howard has been served as the Security Director of the Headquarters of the United States, found in Cambridge City. Usually work is relatively busy, see very little time at home, let alone this daughter far on the west coast. He understands that it is really a high salary that cannot afford the boss, and this trust.

John Howard: "This time, come to your school, and come over and see you! I will introduce you, this is my colleague, John Chaborz; You can call him Qianbus uncle."

John Chambers said with a smile: "You don't listen to your father, call me John. This time, it is mainly going to find you, we are not familiar with Stanford."

Jenny Howard: "No problem, are you coming to find someone here!"

Know the father in the black cloud, and Chambers is the man in charge of the United States, but often appears in the media. Black Cloud is a high-tech company, with cooperation between colleges and universities in the United States, but Money can be found to be very important academic experts in an invitation, and the average person may not reach this level.

John - Quebus: "Yes, I came over this time, I want to invite the computer center, Leonard, Boba, want him to work to the Black Cloud Group, you are familiar with him."

I heard this name Jenny Howard, I had an idea, laughed and said: "I don't know him, but his girlfriend is my teacher, I heard that they are currently preparing for the wedding."

John - Qian Bos: "This is indeed a good news, can you take me to see your teacher!"

After coming to the business school, Jenny made a introduction to John Chambs and San Terne, one of the most successful professional managers in Chambers, is certainly unfamiliar.

After understanding Chambers, San Terne is very excited. After all, this is an approved for fiance. Corporate cooperation with black clouds is a dream of many professors. With the product of the black cloud research and development, the Black Cloud R & D mechanism has also been reported by the media. Moreover, the professors of MIT have replaced the big house, and the family's life level rises.

At a certain extent, Professor of Stanford is very eye, everyone can support your family.

Bao Zixuan is a student of MIT, and many resources are tilted to the alma mater. Now I can find my own fiance shows that her choice is not wrong, Leonard is a talented person, his talents are now finally appreciated.

When John Chambers was taken to Leonard Posac's laboratory, I saw very familiar scenes, here is basically the same as the scene seen in Mirace, but it is not yet formed. It may be restricted by R & D funds. He saw a lot of electronic components that were removed from other machines, all of the electronic components of the Massachusetts Laboratory were new.

At this time I saw a diode burned, it may be the problem of aging equipment. Different from Leonard-Posac's trepidation, John Chambers is very happy, this is a good opportunity, the lack of black cloud is money, there is money, what equipment can't be bought. Who also uses second-hand, it seems that the work of the boss will soon be completed.

Seeing the state of the fiance, San Terre said: "Dear, take a break!"

Seeing a few people with a few people, Leonard Posac reluctantly squeezed a smile: "San Ti, nothing, mainly the equipment used overload, from the new one."

Stanford University is not very optimistic about this project, and the research funds are not fully. Otherwise it is impossible to collect a patent usage fee after the success of R & D; of course, this is related to the school's pattern, and most of the majority of research funds are both small, the school is only providing equipment and venues, this is not It is so embarrassed to have it.

Santi Lea: "This is Mr. John, Vice President of Black Cloud, Mr. Chaser, today, now come over to find you."

I heard the vice president of the Black Cloud Group, Leonard Posac carefully looked at the money. It is a person who doesn't care about the window; also knows what the status of the black cloud is in the entire computer industry, what is the meaning of the group's vice president to come to the end?

Leonard-Posac: "Hello! Mr. Chaser, don't know what you have come over! According to most of our research projects, most of the scientific research projects in the black cloud are cooperative."

John - Qian Bos: "Hello! Mr. Posak, this time is entrusted by the boss to invite you to join the Black Cloud Group. Some people recommend you to him, saying that you are the world's top expert in the world in multi-protocol routers. "

Leonard - Posac: "Thank you for your kindness, and I also take me a thank you. But I am very happy to work in Stanford, and I haven't left it yet."

John - Chambs: "Do you not listen to the treatment of Black Clouds!"

Leonard - Posac: "I didn't leave Stanford, it was useless to do more money. If you make money, I would rather choose not to make this money."

Seeing that the fiancee wants to say, Leonard continues: "Santi, you know my character, now the most hope is to complete this project, this is the common dream is not! If you go to the black cloud Not our project. "

Sure enough, as the boss analysis, this is a researcher who is not too interesting to pay. I only use the second trick. Chambs thinks: "Black Cloud also places a large switch and multi-protocol router, my boss has been explained, if you do not agree to join the black cloud, you can consult a consultant The identity is guided by this project. The cost is twice that you are in Stanford salary, I think this is not a way. "

Leonard - Posac: "Sorry, I am ordered to be a project, or don't participate. Thank you for your kindness, please tell him, I will not serve as the technical consultant of the black cloud. After the success of my project, it is absolutely able to prove who is the first university in the world of computer. "

Baozi Xuan said in many occasions, the Massachusetts Professional World First. Stamford with their strength is very uncomfortable, which is almost included in all students and teachers.

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