Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 363 Last Campus Life - Technology Charm

John - Qian Bos knows this is a bite, it is difficult to use money to touch him. Thinking of the information given by the boss, it seems to use the killer.

John Chambers took out a data bag from the briefcase: "This is the boss let me transfer to you, many of whom have been demonstrated in the laboratory, although I applied for a patent, but I still hope that you can keep it secret. You first Take a look at these things, I will come over tomorrow. "

This means that it is obvious that it is telling you. We have developed things in advance, if you don't participate, even soup can't drink. Chambers left down the information, he was estimated to chat with such a person without gas.

Leonard-Posac did not put the information in his heart, but San Ti Lener as a woman, but there was a strong curiosity. When you open it, you are very unclear when you see the content of the information.

Seeing that the fiancee is stupid, Leonard feels unsatisfactory. Hurry up and look forward, when he also saw the content of the information and the fiancee is basically the same.

I saw the concept, function, design principle, and operability of the multi-protocol router. What kind of technical indicators have to be achieved after, what materials are used, and some technical details, in detail, do not need him to develop products, may be slower.

After the unmarried couple, he read the information left by Qian Bos, or the man took the lead to react, said: "Sang Ti, it seems that our research and development is destined to stop, the black cloud has led us too much, R & D patents are also in Bunzi Xuan, there is no way to go public at all. "

San Ti Lener: "Yes! Now it seems that Baozi Xuan should encounter technical bottlenecks and want to invite you to develop together."

At this time, Leonard-Posac's heart has begun to shake, after all, it is possible to develop the most advanced large network switches and multi-protocol routers have always been his dream, and now I have seen the black cloud already in this area, and R & D progress leads so much. Also think of that the black cloud is to give money when research and development; the material gives it; but in addition to the meager salary, the school is only willing to have a devices and venue.

With the strength of oneself, you can fight against the entire black cloud research and development system, even if the soul of God's soul does not complete such a high difficult task.

Leonard - Posac: "Dear, what do we do."

Santi Lener: "It seems that the black cloud is still very sincere and invite you to join. Otherwise, John Chambers can't come out. His whole black cloud group is able to take the top three people, can not Directly put the work of Stanford. You have a contract with the school. In addition, we are not long-term separation. You can take a look at this weekend, can you see multi-protocol router is not your dream! "

Leonard-Posac: "I will call John - Quebus now, say that I agree to go to the black cloud on the weekend."

Santi Larna: "Are you stupid, he didn't say it tomorrow! And the opening is the salary of you twice, I think far does not go to the bottom line of the black cloud, and you can do it yourself. Recruiting people, so wage, welfare, treatment is not as small, is part-time, also have a salary that matches your talents and ability. "

San Ti Lener is worthy of being a business school teacher, considering the problem than the engineer's mother-in-law is more comprehensive.

John Chambers also reported to Bunz Xuan to report the situation with Leonard-Posac couple, and he now has no bottom to take these two, but Bunzi Xuan knows. As long as they also want to continue to be active on the multi-protocol router, it must not be ignored that information. Finally, if the other party agrees, the package machine immediately contacts the package.

At this point, the electronic science professional reply is getting closer and closer. If you can't complete it on time or even affect his papers.

Unlike computer professions, the level of electronic technology is poor. Otherwise, it is impossible to develop multi-protocol routers so long without knowing the principles.

When John Chambers came to Leonard-Posac Laboratory, the other party had too much attitude. After all, it is ready to work in the black cloud.

It is a person who is low, and it is also known that a business and colleagues do a good job, let alone this person may also become your head boss, even if it is a temporary, it is not a sin!

When I saw Leonard Posac compared to their attitude yesterday, it was sentenced to two people. I thought it was open, or some of the boss said to conquer him by the charm of the technology.

I know that the negotiation is not my strength Leonard-Posak, I chose to shut up after I chose the shutdown. At this time, he has handed the right to Tongbus to hand over the unmarried wife.

John Chambs: "Mr. Posac, the information believes that you have seen it, the sincerity of the black cloud, you should already feel it. You still have any requirements, we must be satisfied."

Baozi Xuan did not think about cost-saving problems when recruiting top engineers, and the black cloud earned more. And you don't have money to hit the other party who can give you a good job, you are not his pro.

Santer La Na: "Mr. Chambers, Leonard can consider making part-time technical consultants in black clouds, but we hope that the salary can not be lower than 50% of the top engineers of the black cloud, and we are us Requires the profit assumption of the R & D product. "

Chambers knows that Santley Len is working in business schools, although it is also a professional computer. However, it is absolutely hard to negotiate and strive for interest. Unexpectedly, I have already touched the Top-Level Salary Standard of the Black Cloud, twice as much as the current salary, and more than half of the salary of the top-level engineer of the black cloud.

In fact, Qian Bes really thinks more. Where is San Terne to know the benefits of the black cloud employee, just feel that part-time can get half of the salary, or will chaos the entire black cloud system. She is not a woman who doesn't know how to be, it is more than a person who is more than a.

John Chambs thought: "Half of the top engineer has no problem, but the product sales commission is not the actual example reference. After all, the router has been basically developed, this project is, I believe that you also understand us For this project, it has been put into huge sums of money in MIT. Now you will get the sales commission to give someone else. I can guarantee you that you must have sales commission, but in order to express Sincerely Black Cloud will take out $ 2 million in bonuses, that is, you can get 2 million US dollars after successful Route Router. "

After listening to the success of R & D, you can get $ 2 million in bonuses, let Leonard-Posac feel the same as white. After all, the R & D of the black cloud has been close to the end. If you can't send a charcoal in the snow, the most is the scenery.

San Tie-Liner heard it, is it we also have a copy. I haven't waited for them to reflect, John Chambers took out two contracts. When I saw the salary amount, two people were surprised when they were 1800,000 US dollars. I didn't expect that the top engineers of the Black Cloud were so high. No wonder that almost no business can dig from the black cloud.

This contract that made them excited at the time, let the two will regret after a few years. In particular, I saw the details of this negotiations in John Chambers memoirs. At that time, Bao Zixuan licked to Quebus to make them no more than 3% of the multi-protocol router sales profit, I didn't expect to be Si's $ 2 million easily, let them all have the idea of ​​Qian Bos.

Many economists in the later generations have calculated Leonard Posac couples, and if they were submitted in accordance with 3% sales profit, they at least more than $ 2 billion in wealth. It is precisely because they have not persisted, and there is a classic textbook for countless business schools.

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