Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 364 Last Campus Life - Multi-Agreement Router

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After arranging school matters, John Chambs took Leonard-Posac couple to fly to Boston. I saw that the black cloud attached to them, and suddenly it was a good choice if it was unhappy in the school. It was also a good choice, at least not so excluded.

It takes six hours from San Francisco to Boston, although the ride is a private aircraft. However, it is still far away from the relative woman. After the Gong Bes, Santley is going to rest. Leonard-Posac is to talk to the black cloud with the two people of Chambers, and he needs to know more about the company, so it can be quickly integrated into the work.

John Chambers feels that this scientific man is not so annoying, it is also a true person. Two past friends, partners, people who are kicked by Chambers talk about issues such as Black Cloud, Baozi Xuan in this occasion.

Through the communication of Chambers, Leonard Posac has neidned the Black Cloud Group. Before it just believes that Black Cloud is a company with great development potential, which can be said to be recognized in the world.

Now I found that the original black cloud is so popular, you can say that as long as you enter the black cloud, then your child, the family has almost no worries. Black Cloud has built a lot of children in Xiangjiang, and all black clouds can go to study inside, and it is free.

What you have to do is doing your job, don't worry about anything else. Some people will bring you, and send them directly to home. The company has a professional cafeteria, and I heard that the food standard of Black Cloud has been very high. The more you talk, the more you have completely joined the idea of ​​the black cloud, it seems that you can see that his attitude is decided.

Boston time 2 o'clock in the morning, Chambs and a party finally arrived at the destination. Although I have a rest on the plane, how is it comfortable and can't catch up? John Chambs and Posac couple will take a break in the Boston Hilton Hotel this evening, and then go to MIT to find Baoxuan report.

After coming to the hotel, the Posac couples are all. Whether it is a private aircraft or a Presidential Suite for them, they are too far away from the American middle class unmarried couple, and they did not think in this regard. It is now nothing to do now. It is no wonder that many professors like to cooperate with the company. They seem to have a very extravagant life, and it is so insignificant in front of entrepreneurs.

Two people were lying in bed for a long time, I can't fall asleep for a long time, San Ti Lener said: "Dear, this is true! We have been too dreamy today, it is a dream I hope I can do it."

Leonard - Posac: "I am guaranteed, we will definitely every day. I will sleep early! I have to see Bunxuan tomorrow, and may discuss the knowledge of multi-protocol routers; still leave some energy ! "

I heard Leonard-Posac.

Santer Len knows that fiance should have a choice. I don't know if it is good or bad, but at least high quality life can guarantee, as for other future!

Early the next morning, several people have taken them to Mike's artwork after breakfast. When coming to the Fremoman laboratory, the Sac couple was deeply attracted by the equipment and routers in front of him. These can be the object they dream of to buy, and they are naturally visible here, and they also have a surplus.

It is no wonder that people can lead themselves, they are blamed with the big knives and people's tanks. Posak couples are constantly envisioned.

Bao Zixuan: "Hello! Professor Posac, I am very happy that you have come here, you have also seen it here. I want to know your opinion on multiple route agreements."

I know that I have not angry with Leonard - Posac, after all, he is equivalent to using knowledge from the black cloud. You should also be the goods, you should also hope that things are worthwhile. Although this metaphor is not very appropriate, it is true that it is true.

Leonard-Posac laughs and said: "The route protocol is an online protocol for specifying a packet transfer method. The main node device of the network is a router, and the router forwards the received data through the routing table. The forwarding strategy can be Artificial specified (by static route, policy routing). In a smaller network, manually specifying forwarding policies have no problems. But in a large-scale network, if you specify forward policies, you will Bring huge workload to the network administrator, and is also very difficult to manage, maintain the routing table. In order to solve this problem, the dynamic routing protocol is born. The dynamic routing protocol allows the router to automatically learn the network of other routers. And the network topology automatically updates the routing table after changing. Network administrators only need to configure the dynamic routing protocol, which is greatly reduced compared to manually designated forwarding strategies. "

I heard such a professional return, not only the Bao Zixuan. It is the technology of other Massachusetts science workers to be shocked by this person, from the answer to the knowledge point, the allegation of each other in the multi-protocol router must be much deep than them. It is no wonder that Professor Fremman will recommend Stanford's people. It turns out that people have really good.

Polytechnic men's thoughts are very simple, who is more professional, more capability, and everyone will convince you. It can be said that Leonard-Posac is just a simple answer to a question, which has been recognized, providing a good foundation for the next R & D.

Bun Zixuan: "Very good! It seems that you are the most correct choice, I hope that you can stay in MIT in recent time, and of course, Stanford will have a professional legal counsel to deal with follow-up."

R & D multi-protocol router has always been a dream of Posac couple. Seeing such a good research condition is that Bao Zi Xuan does not say that they will stay here. After all, I saw how people are produced from their own hands. Excite.

Leonard-Posac smiled and said: "No problem, everything listens to you."

In this way, with the joining of the Posac couple, the multi-protocol router project has developed rapidly. Baozi Xuan's work basically only proposes technical indicators, and then someone will be manufactured according to technical indicators.

While constantly improving the multi-protocol router function, Bunzi Xuan is also constantly improving its own papers. There is a Posak couple to join a lot of advanced knowledge points to be close to the present. After all, the electronics industry has been too fast. I have just felt that he was developed and the laboratory had a better replacement.

Baozi Xuan's doctoral thesis is about the research and development of multi-protocol routers, which can only say sorry to Posak couples. Because the foreigners belong to their honors were grouped by Baoxuan. However, everyone has no opinion, but I can't say it. Throwing the bunxuan is the factor of the boss, it is the idea, function, principle and other problems of the technology itself are embarrassing. They are more like an executive, and many people think that the boss has seen this router. Otherwise, how to assemble a new, just test, you can't do it, even Posak couple think it is.

On June 6, 1981, this is an important day for the history of world network development. The first multi-protocol router in the world has completed the laboratory of MIT, reached all design indicators, and commercial use can be realized.

Looking at this length of 40 cm, 25 cm, the thickness of 4 cm, Bunzi Xuan is also speechless. This is true that this router has a lot of performance in the former Boosac couples, and the shape is more beautiful. However, it is a bit cumbersome. Baozi Xuan has a lot of techniques and feelings that are implanted in this router. It can be said that it can reach the 90s level, but the cost will not be low, but I think that there is only a large research institution and well-known university in the previous period, the cost is high. Click!

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