Bao Zixuan fell asleep because she had a lot of wine back to the room, but others did not be so happy. Tonight is destined to have insomnia, the most typical representative of the Wall Street Journal of Bremen. This fast 50-year-old person is in the office to write tomorrow's reports, and has determined the photo of the headlines of the headlines. The picture should be equipped with a text, so this time he decides to write the article itself, but also to write. This can be said to be absolutely heavy news, at least this year is more sensational than this.

Recel Morgan did not return to New York, but lived directly in Cambridge City. The Morgan family may have a property in any of the people they want to stay in the world, not to mention here is the place where the University of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute. Every year, family companies will definitely have someone to see what excellent graduates can use it for them.

Retchell, returned to the room, Morgan, couldn't sleep, today her move is very crazy. At least for her identity, but Bao Zi Xuan did not refuse it to have an idea for himself. If the two people walk together, they will til it to that party, and the two are not becoming people and people who are able to live under each other.

At the same time, I think about how to face the question of my family. After all, I don't have to get a father's license, I don't have a precedent in the Morgan family. She is the most worrying about Bunzi Xuan's identity. As the most powerful family in the United States, she will not marry her daughter to the Chinese.

With a lot of questions, Rayser Morgan entered a dream, it did did a few dreams at night. Some are particularly true, some are even scared.

Most graduates will choose to report to the company after graduation, or have a good condition to take a break in a period of time. Baozi Xuan did not have such troubles, today he is ready to play with his mother in New York, Boston, etc. Then look at the mother's thoughts, if you want to continue to go to Los Angeles, then where to return to Xiangjiang.

Today, the report of Boston Post is hard to go out, Baozi Xuan's friend and mother come together to celebrate its graduation. Many media want to interview, see what this super rich is to say.

The title of the Boston Post directly uses "Bao Zi Xuan 's Friend Friends", which girl can conquer this super genius. Detailed reports in Yesterday's Graduation Ceremony, Bunzi Xuan, mother, girlfriend three photos with frames. And also said that the left and right sides were the most important two women in his life. One is a mother, from a small life; one is a girlfriend, and getting a girlfriend approved. It can be said that the parents have been seen now, and they have got a blessing of parents.

The Cambridge City is a small town in the city of Boston, which is the main distribution of the Boston Post. Baozi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group have a very large influence here. Now I see this Chinese rich girlfriend is American. This makes the local people very excited. After all, the Black Cloud Group has a lot of investment here. Black Cloud employees can say that local consumption power is given to some extent. There is also the academic qualifications of the black cloud, the quality is very high, where is a popular type.

Now I saw Bunzi Xuan actually found a girlfriend here, then prove that he would not give up here. The Black Cloud Group will not reduce investment in Cambridge, which makes the local parliament and the people very happy.

This time, it is not a report of the air to the wind, but there is a picture of the truth. Now that everyone in the Cambridge City wants to see the girl on the photo, there are many charms to capture super rich in Xiangjiang bags.

The United States is a place to pay attention to "American Dream", although most people can't realize. However, Bunzu Xuan's child grew up as a single family, can start a big family, which is a typical "American Dream" representative. Just even the movie is, I don't dare to shoot like this, the story is too legendary.

This also made him have become a famous celebrity in the United States, and this genius is unparalleled in IQ, but in the emotional life, it is like white paper; there is no more reports. There are many gossips to confirm that some people want to take the opportunity to take the opportunity. Baozi Xuan has never had an emotional entanglement with the other party. Now this lucky girl has finally appeared, so how can I not be looking for. Everyone is also very curious, this girl looks very general from the photo.

If the readers of the Boston Post must go everything possible to find the heroine, the Wall Street Journal readers should be happy. They have seen all the information about girls from the report, and many people have seen it. Some people are afraid that they have a mistake to see a few eyes, reflecting fast people have begun to buy all company stocks on the same company's relationship with the Morgan family.

The Wall Street Journal reports is really too amazing and straightforward, and the title is directly used in the pomegranate skirt of the princess. " The Morgan family is the most powerful family in Wall Street, there is not to lose from the king's dominance. When JP Morgan died, the Wall Street stock market was resting, and it can be seen. After all, this is the President's treatment, and it has further confirmed the reputation of JP Morgan's "Wall Street".

Reachier Morgan as a family of family, can say that in Wall Street is the existence of the princess. From this point of view, Wall Street Journal has suspicion of joining the Morgan family, after all, in Wall Street Bunxuan is just a foreign household.

Wall Street Daily analyzes the three people on the photo and exposed information, Bramer last night, the end of the morning. As a high school in Columbia University News, his literacy skills are also deep.

The opening detailed explanation of Bun Zixuan's super rich whole white hand started to the entire white hand, and also explains that the new expensiveness of the technology and financial industries is a good root cause is for Rehel Morgan. The conditions that the Morgan family choose the son-in-law can be said to be very demanding, and the average person does not meet the requirements. Baozi Xuan's worth, character, etc. The only lack of possible is cultural differences, in fact, the relationship between Chinese. However, as a worldwide media, I don't dare to report this. Is this not a contradiction between nations and countries?

Many readers believe that two people can even change the world's financial and technological patterns. After all, the Morgan family is in the financial industry itself, the existence of the sky, Baozi Xuan's Blackstone Fund is the highest return rate of the two years of foreign military. In combination with the annual sales of the Black Cloud Group, there are many national GDP super companies that will stop their business.

Affected by the Wall Street Daily, today's stock market opened after the opening. Morgan's business is able to drive the entire Nasdaq market, now Rehel Morgan and Bunxuan two people have publicly open, so how high will the Morgan family will reach what is the development of enterprises? Many people don't dare to imagine. Just know that it is not an opportunity to start now, there is no chance to win, and there are very many people who have queued behind.

The two major companies under Baozi Xuan have not been listed, and they can't buy stocks at all. Then you can choose very little, business, not only single Morgan family, is usually the same as Bao Xuan and the Morgan family have cooperated with the company's share price. Partners are powerful to drive the rapid development of enterprises, which is recognized.

After the news came back to Xiangjiang, the share price of Huang Whao continued to rise again, so that the employees of the black clouds were excited. It seems that just asks to follow the boss, don't think too much. Not only have enviable salary, but also stock bonus can enjoy, this is the voice of many employees.

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