Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 370, the sensation of the photos

Bun Zixuan did not think that a photo can bring such a big impact, mainly with him not fully adapted to his identity and is not less than the surname of Morgan.

One of the two young people has a move that many countries and agencies have begun to interpret this photo, the first one is definitely a Morgan family to give shareholders a statement. Although the stock price is rising speed, it is one but the situation is unfavorable, and everyone will make you lose weight. If there is no such thing, you can now have a part now. If things are real, then they are another matter.

At this time, the Morgan family has retransted Rayser Morgan to the Morgan Manor in New York, and W-Morgan gave him a dead command. It must be brought back, and it is right. He wants to know the daughter's idea. If it is just ordinary friends, it is of course best; if you think that the intention of Bao Zi Xuan is so early, the Morgan family will not agree to a Chinese. It is the tribe of the Morgan family, it is difficult to refuse the proposal of the long-term conference on this matter.

I wanted to accompany Jurlin to the street, Morgan, very reluctant to follow the coming to New York, she has guessed what is facing. Just can't accompany Yulin to have some regrets, I feel some embarrassed.

In fact, her worry is redundant, with the report of the Boston Post and Wall Street Journal. The whole beauty of the United States is coming to the direction of Cambridge City, that is, Bao Zixuan does not dare to go out to go shopping. For the media reporter, it is handed over to the company's press spokesman. About the things on the photo "I don't know, this is the private affairs of the boss, there is no reason to redeem." At the same time, please pay more attention to the black cloud product itself, Don't pay too much attention to the private life of the boss.

Of course, the media refused to give up, it is doing everything in all the way to find the parties, and there is a great potential to swear. Li Yulin also knows the development of things, and it is not well controlled. So Bao Zixuan quickly arranged her back to Xiangjiang, and faced the media every day. And she has already understood the idea of ​​his son, if Reher - Morgan is willing to return to Xiangjiang, it is not acceptable.

Lili Lin has seen some worlds, knowing how unrealistic thinking of their son, but this also shows that the son will not lose her, soon, it will be able to reunite.

Back to the Toron Manor, Raise Morgan, saw his father smoked in the study. For nearby bodies, the body is not too good, it can be said to be broken. What kind of person is her father, is it because of a lot of things. She is also a little girl's mindset, I don't understand what it means to make a combination of Bunxuan.

Reach - Morgan: "Dad, how do you smoke; don't the doctor suggest you can't smoke!"

W-Morgan: "I know it back, do you know how much trouble is there?"

Recel Morgan: "What is the trouble, isn't it a photo! Can you explain what!"

W-Morgan: "Is this a photo of a photo! If Baozi Xuan does not mention the nationality, do my son-in-law can be said very qualified, I can't find what is wrong. Whether it is the ability, education, people The product is a leader. At least there is no very good young person, but it is the most deadly, and the elder will give me a warning. "

"And you know what you mean! That is to have the strength of most national economies around the world, everyone will prevent us. Wall Street Journal is just a photo of a catch, which makes all the stock prices of all family holding enterprises have risen. Not 10 percentage points, many directors come to consult, this is the company's propaganda or you are already together. "

"Many people think about the stock price, the premise is that the photo is not the one in the report."

Recel Morgan: "You said that Bao Zi Xuan is the best young person, is we wrong with us!"

W-Morgan: "You are all right together,

Bao Zixuan was originally thinking that the Morgan family can block some attacks, but W-Morgan this person wants to fish from him. It is too young, and it is too ideal when you think about the problem.

I heard the father's analysis of Rayl - Morgan's change, she is just a little girl. It is also a white paper in emotional life, and I want to think too romantic. But now she also knows that she is wrong. She is destined to make marriage is not the combination of two people, which contains the development of two interest communities, and even rises to the national level. Rights distribution.

Looking at the daughter's slightly painful expression, W-Morgan's heart is not very good. You can understand the daughter from a child, you can say that you have always been the most petty of the family.

W-Morgan: "You don't have to be sad, don't you happen yet! Just as a partner well, then go to the courier company later, I will arrange professional managers to take care."

Morgan family bodyguards will report to Miss at home at home, and W-Morgan also knows that the daughter and Bunxuan meet very short in the last time, and there is no night.

I heard that Lechier-Morgan has some reaction, so I said: "I will deal with these things. As for the company, I can do it! In addition, I haven't considered marriage problems now. I don't have this thing. I will explain. I hope you can understand that as for the family, you should help me block some time, as for the future things who know! "

Listening to the daughter's answer, W-Morgan didn't know how to say, but he believed that his daughter had heard it. It is likely that the little girl wants to do the last strike, let her have a loss, accept lessons. The flowers in the greenhouse do not experience the cold cream is always too bad, just as an experience!

Reachier Morgan said that it would like to see what the Bao Zixuan is, and she wants to prepare the US Commerce to the Bunzi Xuan. Let her be prepared early, not so passive. Dare to talk to W-Morgan also have a bottom gas, the family is too small; if you are driving your daughter, there is a place where a son can take a place.

In addition, Reher-Morgan so confident, father can drag the long and old conference because the Morgan family's system, the Morgan family's children's children's children, so rights are basically on the length of the family. As for the elderly, more institutions of a circle family, saying that he is a long meeting, and it is not good to listen to people who do not work.

At this time, Bunzi Xuan just sent his mother to the plane of Xiangjiang. Li Yulin did not expect to face so many media in a United States. It's too annoying, or I will return to Xiangjiang. And the son will go back immediately after processing, then there is no need to stay here to add a chaos here.

Baozi Xuan received a call from Raise-Morgan on the way back to the road, and learned that Li Yulin left the United States so soon, let Rayser Morgan unfortunately, saying that time must take her to play all over the United States. Play. The idea of ​​her at this time is that it does not suffer from the body of Bao Xuan and Li Yulin, and at least a lot of things will be bunxuan, still listen to the mother's opinion.

At the same time, the Bunzu Xuan revealed that the Ministry of Commerce is ready to launch an anti-monopoly investigation against the black cloud, so that he must be careful. Finally, I asked a question about what they thought about them, there is no need to continue.

Bunzi Xuan replied: "If you can return to Xiangjiang, I must marry you, at least it is thinking now."

This sentence makes Rezier Morgan very happy, she got the undressed. Nowadays, two people are needed to work hard, waiting for you to take care of you when you feel, what you want to do, who dares to stop. The two are now very young, this is the money and opportunities.

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