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Bao Zixuan said that he smiled and left. He said, "Your Thames are appointed enough to make the whole Times shareholders and high-rise very angry. Since this, all reporters in the outside of the future, all the latest mobile phones, let you see how much Thames have. Bao Zixuan did not expect a little joke to let the other party attach great importance to it, but also sold a lot of mobile phones.

At the end of the airport hall, the reporter in the airport hall will be over, Jane - Lorre Hugs can be said to be the biggest luck in today. This reporter from the Times actually went to Bao Zixuan's phone number; and also got the mobile phone sent by Bao Zi Xuan; the most important thing to get close to Baozi Xuan. It has a lot of morality in our last life to have today's luck.

The Thames rewards did not expect the reporters just sent to Xiangjiang, there was such a chance, it seems that the beauty of beauty is large. How to say that Baozi Xuan is also a young man who is a bloody, how can it be uncomfortable?

Although the British reporter did not have so many tasks, the Soviet newspaper and TV stations were owned by the country. But more or less to accept intelligence organization training, which is Jane - Lorre Hugs is one of them.

It is now possible to get close to Bunxuan and have reasonable reasons to go to the Chinese mainland, so that the British intelligence department quickly found her. For the British people in Xiangjiang, the British is still unsatisfactory. After all, the current Xiangjiang is more eye-catching than the last generation. The Black Cloud Group will be included in the strategic corporate in any country, and the British electronics industry can be so developed in the United States. Now Xiangjiang has a black cloud, no idea is fake.

There is no much in the heart of Baozi Xuan, after all, it is possible to let more Xiangjiang people know the Huaxia mainland policy is what he is willing to see. With reporters, it is right, but it is wrong to bring a British reporter, and there is a British reporter with intelligence organizational background.

However, Bao Zi Xuan is not a little ready. Since the other party has to investigate it. If you really have a spy, it is clear that you are jumping into the Yellow River. And he already thinking, it is really impossible to think someone, so good to give her mobile phone have a stealing device, and the heart is inherent, the heart of the anti-human is absolutely no.

Bao Zixuan's reporter in the airport can be said to be domineering side leakage. Now it is high-profile announced that it will go to the deep sea after 3 days, and there is also a beautiful reporter in the past, this is a big news.

Since Bao Zixuan has promised to bring a simple-Loli Hugz to the deep sea, Huaxia has immediately begun to review the beauty reporter. Almost all agencies are investigating the identity of Lorre Hugs, which is afraid of problems.

In fact, the original beauty reporter can be better, but the British is too urgent. After the reporter will end, Jane - Luoli Hugz just returned to the newspaper. I saw a few British intelligence departments waiting for her in the session, at this time, I have to conduct a special training.

In fact, I can't blame the British. After all, Bao Zi Xuan has given time too short.

In order to be afraid, several people in these two days will conduct training within the newspaper. These include miniature cameras, micro camera, and beauty instructor teaches him how to seduce men, which is obviously prepared for Bao Zixuan.

Jane - Lorria Hugs was very embarrassed, but he said in the instructor: "If you can become a girlfriend of Bao Zixuan, even if it is temporary. It is estimated that it is estimated that if you have children, you will have a child. Safe. "

After listening to these, Jane - the excitement in the eyes of Lorori overflows. Seeing such an easy excitement, several instructor know that this mission is probably difficult to complete. Agent requirements can be angry and not in color, but a small star star in this eye is in the future, then it continues.

But who makes her a person who buns Xuan at the airport, now there will be anything that will be perceived. It is Baozi Xuan not found that Huaxia mainland will also have a suspicion, it seems that it can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, catching the fuck.

Dai Shuhang's back is somewhat depressed, two people interviewed why women get mobile phones. It is also possible to observe the buns of Bunxuan near, and he did nothing. However, compared to other reporters, it is still a lot of luck, and 10,000 Hong Kong dollars giving Japanese reporters are also worthy of this.

Just came back, I feel that the atmosphere is somewhat, why didn't you go to get off work? Is it waiting for yourself, after all, today he is a person who is headed by the first rich.

The boss of the Oriental Daily Little Magoga watched Dai Shuhang said: "Xiao Dai, you know what I hate most."

Dai Shuhang saw a serious expression of the boss, after all, the boss can be a famous big brother. Although the newspaper is started, it is still there.

Dai Shuhoid said: "The boss hates people outside."

Pony: "Since you know, you dare to do this, just don't put me in your eyes."

Dai Shuhang: "Boss, I don't understand what you are talking, and I am not eating people outside."

Pony: "Usually you do what I basically smashed, close one eye as I didn't see, save trouble. But today you actually take the money of the Japanese, will Bao Zi Xuan army. Don't say what I said more Let's! "

Dai Shuhang quickly smashed: "Boss, I am really wrong, I don't want to ask questions, can earn some money and music! You will spare me this time, I don't dare again next time. "

Xiao Ma Ge: "The Black Cloud Group is our largest advertising company, we are doing bad things that have not been said to Bunxuan, there is no report, anything is not able to get business. And you really think is your character. Baozi Xuan told you to ask questions? That is the name of the Oriental Daily, give us a face. Now I am destroyed by you, you said that I can let you go! If you are like you, I will still How to do business. "

In fact, the childhood analysis is quite reasonable. The two reporters selected by Bao Zixuan is to read the head of the newspaper. Xiao Ma Ge was a gift to Baoxuan, which was a gift to Bunxuan, said that it is a reporter's personal behavior. He will definitely not let the embrace Xuan's meaning, and the reporter has already handled.

Baozi Xuanxin smiled, it seems that the little horse is still playing the rivers and lakes. This kind of person is easily guilty, and it cannot be connected to the depth.

It can be said that the bag is rich, but it is harmful, and a beautiful reporter is accepting special care training. A reporter greedy and cheap and took himself in, and it was able to get in close contact with Bunxuan; I don't know whether their luck is still unfortunate.

China is not only investigating the identity of Lorre Hugs, but also preparing to meet how to meet the arrival of the tyranny of Xiangjiang. This time is the first phase of the Bao Huo's Mining Company Iron and Steel Plant. As a large number of tycons of the company's shareholders, they will have to pay for it. After all, it is also a company directors, and it is also able to take the opportunity to close the relationship with Huaxia.

Bao Zixuan heard the people's people returned: "Since Jane - Lorre Hugs returned to the newspaper, he didn't come out, even in the evening, did not go home."

There must be a demon abnormally, it seems that the British wants to use the beauty meter. Still young, it's not enough, it's time to refuse, why do you have to bring people to the mainland, this is not to look for things!

If this is to train the beauty reporter into a killer, he doesn't pay attention to it. It is estimated that it feels that it is , but this is also looking for it.

Huaxia also feels a little wrong, and if anyone doesn't go home in the evening, I still live in the newspaper. And this person is ingenious and uncomfortable, and if you have no problem, if you have no problem.

The British also began to realize that they were wrong, they were too anxious. In fact, it is not the difference between the British intelligence, but now Xiangjiang is not their main position. They are currently not happy in Europe and Soviet intelligence organizations. All elites have been exhausted over there, most of them are civilian staff. Xiangjiang lives in the British soldier, this is what they are in the air.

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