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On July 25, 1981, Baozi Xuan came to Shenzhen City with Jane-Lorri Hugz. This time I came to the Far East to let the Jane-Lorri Hugs are very magical, and the other reporters have worked hard, she actually be named directly, and it is easy to come to the China Mainland.

To know that the reporters who have come to Huaxia Continent can make a few, it will make people crash. The previous reporters who have been allowed to come over, the main media is not the main media, which is the kind of ranking in the world. After all, Huaxia mainland, but I just made reform and opening up, and many things have not been fully launched internationally.

The celebration of the steel plant put into production is on July 28, Baozi Xuan came over to see the toy factory and the upcoming large industrial equipment factory. Iron and steel plants have been put into production, then large equipment projects can also put a schedule. This Bao Zixuan chooses a person who is single, after all, this is part of the core of the black cloud industry. And he is also afraid that people who have a knife behind a boat king, some people can't manage their families.

In fact, before the departure of the deep sea, Huo Yingdong has already called Bunzi Xuan, putting Jane-Luoli Hugs. After all, this person is Bao Zi Xuan to take it. If you really have any problems, his face is definitely can't hang.

Huo said his concerns and Bunzi Xuan, but it has been announced in the airport hall; if you don't fulfill anyone, you can't believe you, this is my own place. Baozi Xuan is also reflecting at this time, there are still many things you have to learn, such as in the human accident; and what else should be done, what else should not be done, this is a lot of Xiangjiang tycons. Mainly, it is too smooth to forget, it seems that it is necessary to think about it. Now he is not a general engineer before, but a famous business tycoon in Xiangjiang and the world.

Jane - Lorri Hughes basically has been able to adapt to new identity after two days, and I have always wanted to worship the buns under her pomegranate skirt. Therefore, in the car, there is no intentional to bunxuan, this is a big thing to be happy in the future.

If there is no investigation and Huo Yingdong's notification Bunxuan may not be prepared, you are nothing to have anything else. At this point this scene regrets this woman, how can it make it succeed.

Fortunately, the cars in Bao Zixuan are very enough. The Knights fifteen is a fixed car that he goes back and forth and Xiangjiang. The road condition in the deep sea this year is quite bad, and it is nothing to find crimes.

Jane - Lorri Hugas also knows this, but the legend of more than a million dollars, can not be able to accept something in this car, is not acceptable.

Baozi Xuan saw that the beauty reporter saw that he was very uncomfortable like a prey, what he was also a man. However, there is a woman who is beautiful, and there is no idea.

Then there is endless suffering.

Bunzi Xuan: "Lorri Hugs reporter, are you open to the camera; you can take some material."

Camera is not good, this is also a way to protect yourself, or you can't die.

Jane - Lorri Hugs is very reluctant to open the camera, saying: "Okay, I am sorry to have just been forgotten."

There is two people who have a self-contrast of the camera to the Shekou Black Cloud Production Base, and two security personnel are sitting in front, a passenger driver drives, a deliberate go outside. They don't know what the boss is ideal, but I don't want to find trouble to myself. The more things know, the faster it is dead.

Jane - Luoli Hugs started shooting the roadside scenery, and the scene in front of him seems to have a feeling of returning to the primitive society. The deep sea in this era is changing from a small fishing village to the world's first-class city, but just just just Start.

In the heart, I think about the poverty and backward in the legend of Huaxia, how happy you live in the British Empire. Looking at the people on both sides of the street wearing and dressing, you know that life conditions are not good. It doesn't say that compared with London, it is a last 100 years compared to the UK's smallest town. The British always wants to spend a long time, and therefore, it is very backward and poverty of Huaxia publicity. This makes many British people think that Huaxia is better than they, and the difference is far away.

When the car is driving to the snake mouth - Lorri Hugs is shocked by everything in front of you, here is in a city, it is simply two worlds. At this time, the snake mouth seems to be a big construction site and seeing many workers in a busy construction. And there are still many modern buildings that have been built in the distance. Here is what is not bad than Xiangjiang.

This world in Shekou Industrial Zone is more rapidly developed by Black Cloud, and many companies in Xiangjiang come to work. Enterprises who started early have started to put production, and the company just came to build their own plant and office buildings. This makes it a huge site that has a lot of workers every day to add bricks in the construction of Shekou.

Shocked after the shocking - Lorre Hugs began to record everything he saw today, the deep sea is a magical city. On the other hand, it is the primitive society, and it has entered the modern society. Is the Chinese people jumped directly into the first industrial revolution and entered the second industrial revolution. How can it be, the UK has used a feat in nearly 200 years.

In most British people, the first industrial revolution is the biggest for technology, after all, Watt is the British. They also started the journey of the Empire from that era, and the national strength began to gradually be strong.

Although it has now entered the third industrial revolutionary time, only a few super big countries such as Meisu are really entered. Other countries are not particularly extensive and proficient in the application of atomic energy, so most developed countries are in the peak state of the second industrial revolution.

Now that the Chinese people can actually skip the first industrial revolution directly, so that they have been very dissatisfied with the British heart. But the scene in front of you is in the eyes, you can't say anything else. She wants everything here, seeing Bunzu Xuan estimates to the other party. Your own main business can be a reporter, seeing such a commemorative meaning and huge news, if it is not able to record, it is dereliction of duty.

Entering the Black Cloud Production Base is like a huge sublimation, so that neat and clean factory is very rare in the UK. However, it actually appeared in China, one of the most backward areas on this earth. This is the idea of ​​beauty reporters, just embarrassed.

Jane - Lorri Hugs knows a lot of people like her in the British people, and everyone is ignorant and fun. After all, Huaxia has a country with a history of 5,000 civilized history, and there is anything that is struggling to develop his footsteps.

This time, I have to let the British know that our opponents have been different from the historical textbooks; even more than the news reports, they are being developed in the development of economic construction, one day, according to this speed. One day Will go beyond the UK.

Why did she be so sure, because I have not seen a large-scale industrial building group that is building like the Shekou in the UK. The development of a country is inseparable from the support of the industry, and China is increasing its industrialization process.

Jane - Lorria Hugs has completely entered the role of the reporter at this time, and began to shoot the situation about the black cloud in the Chinese mainland factory. She came with a political task, and she looked at the idea that Bao Zixuan did not transfer assets from Xiangjiang to the Chinese mainland. Or is already doing this.

In fact, this is also bunxuan intends to make it, let everyone see that he has a lot of investment in deep sea. But the construction of Xiangjiang is still a little witch, there is no research institution here, it is a simple labor intensive production base. This is also one of the purposes of the British reporter, after all, they still believe in their own eyes.

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