Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 383 Large Equipment Factory

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After a simple eating for lunch in the canteen of the steel plant, all Xiangjiang merchants began free activities. Mainly taken by deep sea market to see what good investment projects in this city, this opportunity is very rare, after all, can come, so many tycons are also ahead.

Baozi Xuan was called the deputy of the deputy government of Zhao.

Zhao Xiao Xiao said: "Little boy is not very satisfied with our work efficiency, here I want to say sorry to you. It is our work. However, please rest assured, we must improve it."

Vice President of Zhao can say this, but it is very difficult. After all, the status is. If Baozi Xuan is talking about other, then I don't know how much.

Bao Zixuan: "You should not say this, that is, it is to kill me. Mainly my character is too urgent. There is also a place."

Zhao Deputy: "I heard that you are going to invest in a new plant in deep sea, it is about that."

Bao Zixuan: "Mainly large machinery, have you heard of the shield machine!"

Zhao Deputy: "I just have heard, but it is not very clear about his principle, so I will give us a good introduction to us."

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "Shield machine is a tunnel excavation machine using a shield method. The construction method of shield is the" shield "of the excavation machine to build a tunnel, which means supporting tubes, which Open construction method. "

"International, generalized shield machines can also be used in rock formations, just different from open non-shielded tunnels. And in my country, it is used to the tunnel drum into the soft soil floor, called the narrow shield Will be used for the rock formation called a narrow sense. "

"Shield machine is generally divided into licensed shield, extruded shield, semi-mechanical shield, global pressure, mechanical shield, braised cutting shield, air pressure shield, Mud water pressure shield, earth pressure balance shield, mixed shield, shaped shield. "

Zhao Vice President: "This is said that the shield is designed specifically for the tunnel."

Bao Zixuan: "It can be said, not only the tunnel, the construction of the subway can also be used. It is difficult to produce in China. If the parts are all from West Germany, Japan imports are too high, and there is no market. Now Bao Huo's steel plant can solve this problem; the alloy we produce can meet the requirements. "

I heard the Bunzi Xuan prepared to build such an important plant to build such an important plant, and the Mayor of Zhao is very happy.

This is capable of solving the gap in the domestic industrial field.

Zhao Vice President: "I am afraid that the baby is more than just a single production shield machine! How much is the size of the investment, let us be happy."

Bunzi Xuan: "The first phase of investment is 1 billion US dollars, the shield machine is just a representative. I defined him as a large equipment factory. All large equipment in the future will be involved, such as cranes, bridge equipment, etc. "

Li Mayor listened to the more happy. If you really can set up such a factory in Shenzhen Sea, all companies that need to use these devices in Shenzhen should be purchased in the deep sea, which is a huge market and sales.

Mayor Li: "What is the requirement of small bags, I mean that we need our deep sea."

Bunzi Xuan: "Site and personnel, I hope to sell the land around the steel factory to me. In addition, this factory requires a lot of technical workers, so I want to ask the deep sea to coordinate."

Baozi Xuan knows that people in this era pay attention to iron rice bowls, and large mechanical plants can be all state-owned enterprises. It is difficult to get this part of private enterprises to work, and cultivate a technical worker is not as simple as steel plant workers. Many times I see that the local policy can attract talents, now I look at how the Mayor of Li is expressing.

Mayor Li: "Little Bao Sheng is in the willing my army! But can contribute to the development of deep-sea, it is necessary to do some people. We will increase the introduction of talents, while solving their account issues. Other Dare to say that there is absolutely no problem on logistics support. "

Bao Zixuan: "That's good, or cooperate with the Mayor of Li. If there is no agreement in the Shanghai City in the short term, I will also build the automobile factory in deep sea."

I heard that I am very happy that the Mayor Li is very happy. But let the sides of Zhao, who are sitting next to him, although it is not big in the domestic problem. It can be a business card in Shanghai. The reform and opening up cannot be single in the deep sea, the use of the automotive factory in Shanghai is the signal of the reform and opening up. If there are not a lot of foreign investment, it does not dare to invest in the deep sea. After all, Bao Zi Xuan can't do anything, who dares to say than him.

The deep sea itself has limited resources, not necessarily suitable for all industries. It will be buried in many cities, this is a huge loss in the country. Baozi Xuan is not a person who is gently empty. It seems that this thing will urge, and the work efficiency of Shanghai in Shanghai is too slow.

Zhao Deputy: "Don't worry about the small boy, I must urge the relevant personnel of Shanghai, the fastest speed to solve the problem."

I heard Zhao's deputy is obviously biased towards Shanghai, so that Li Mayor is uncomfortable. However, he dare not show it. It seems that there is still a hard work on Bunzi Xuan, and it is really possible to make it.

Mayor Li: "Little Bao lives to be in charge of coordination in the city, we must hand over the venue for the first time. In addition, we will also go to major machinery factories in the country, as long as it is willing to come. Priority to resolve the problem of the household registration and child. I heard that the women's wages of the Black Cloud Toys Factory are quite high, and they will not be small for technical workers' small branches! "

Vice President of Zhao saw Li Mayor, it seems that it is very suitable for him to put him in deep sea. I didn't find this kid before Kyoto. It seems to be observed.

Mayor Li can say that such advanced eyes can be said to be very difficult in this era, so that Baozi Xuan does not have a little problem.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Then thank Li Mayor, as long as the venue has, I will start building."

Since the big direction has been determined, the remaining people will be able to coordinate. After a few words, Baozi Xuan left the deep sea municipal government.

Deputy Mr. Zhao said to the Mayor of Li: "Is it uncomfortable to I have just met Shanghai."

Mayor Li: "I can't dare."

Zhao's deputy: "I just don't dare, but I still have grievances in my heart! You have not failed as the leadership of deep sea, but there is a big view. Shangchun City has a very high popularity, if this black cloud can't Falling on Shanghai is a kind of damage. Other companies have seen Bunzi Xuandu did not reach an agreement with Shanghai, then who dared to invest. How to speed up the reform and opening up, how to make everyone Are you going to invest in deep sea? "

After listening to the deputy general of Zhao, Li Mayor knows that Bao Zixuan is interested in the deep sea construction plant. In order to consider the overall situation or persuade him to build the factory in Shanghai, the deep sea is still no play. However, there are many factories in Bao Zixuan, you can do your idea of ​​other factories. The bus factory has been talking about so long. Now inserting a bar is definitely bad, it will affect the relationship between the city, and everyone will say that he doesn't care.

After returning to the residence of Zhao, I immediately dialed the mayor of Shanghai, and the part of today and Baozi Xuan said with the other party. This is, but the other person is worried. If the black cloud car really settled in the deep sea, then he is a sinner of Shanghai. This is hard to grab it from the hands of Kyoto. Now you can't let the deep sea grab.

Shanghai City held a cadre meeting overnight, and it has been very clear at the meeting. Everyone's work efficiency must be improved, and the project will be finalized as short ago, who dares to drag the legs to be free.

Baozi Xuan and Zhao Signal Summary said that this is to hit the city, and the work efficiency is too low. The automotive industry involves many parts and supporting facilities. If it is really inconvenient to build in the deep sea, this piece is not a small number of single transportation costs.

Sure enough, I listened to the man's attitude towards the attitude of Shanghai, a 180 degree turning, almost all of the requirements of the black cloud. Moreover, it has also made a huge concession in the price, and the demolition issues are all coordinated by the city.

It can be said that this time, Shanghai is really a blood book. After all, Bao Zixuan said that it is nothing to build a car factory in the deep sea in the negotiation. As a super rich, it will not easily let go, then who will dare to believe in you.

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