Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 389 Building a Campus Network

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Baozi Xuan did not work hard to take care of this assistant. At this time, he is engaged in the network construction of Yulin Institute of Technology. After the Successful Agreement Router has been successfully applied to the campus network of MIT, Bao Zixuan wants to grab this past life in Stanford, the first school in the world to install a campus network must be the Yulin Institute of Technology. This is what you can write into computer history, how can it easily give others.

At the beginning of the University of Construction, I thought about how the network cable was layout, and the large computer is to be placed in that position. The drawings on this area are all personally. Let his two roommates have a bit confused, but now I see so many network cables, switches, and routers, you are very admired about Bunzu Xuan's layout.

Romanski said with a smile: "Do you know that you have to install these things, but the multi-protocol router is not developed when you open."

Bunzi Xuan: "The US military conducts research in this regard in 1969, it is not secret; we just make him more perfect."

Romanski: "There is any insider message and I say some, go back to at least the information can be reported. Otherwise, in the United States staying for such a good job, it is not easy to explain."

Bunzi Xuan: "You still check the drawings for me, I don't want to be wanted by the Central Bureau and FBI."

Bao Zixuan doesn't want to explain, but some things are too advanced. There is no point to be doubtful, but just about it, I want to think about the identity of Romantski, it seems that I still have to pay attention.

In order to build a campus network, Bunzi Xuan spent a huge summit. Not only will the multi-protocol routers produced in the laboratory to Xiangjiang, but also let the Xiangjiang factory have specialize a production line production network cable and router. In the future, it may be profitable, and now it is definitely the existence of loss, almost no one will order these things.

Not only the put into the device, also digging Leonard Posac and Santer Len, full box machine. In order to be able to persuade the two people to teach the Jade University of Technology to teach a research funding of at least $ 10 million per year. This is how they don't apply for Stanford, and the annual salary is more than 5 times.

The periphery is installed, and the Leonard Posac couple is more technical guidance. At this time, ordinary workers can't debug network equipment at all, most people have seen it.

Baozi Xuan also has a job to do, he wants to be responsible for the network construction and firewall settings of the supercomputer group. Black Cloud Computer companies have great influence in the world, saying that the industry is not too late. The number of computer engineers owned by the entire black cloud is absolutely most.

At this time, a country in China does not necessarily have a large black cloud computer engineer, and it is visible to Bun Zixuan's investment in this area.

The Black Cloud Group will look at the overall comparison. It can basically bring the profits from toys, games, and mobile companies. Other companies' research and development costs are too high, and there is no need to have a group's blood transfusion.

Now Yulin Institute of Technology is established, of course, it is impossible to let these people are idle. It is not to study the topic here, that is, let them come over. Baozi Xuan plans to build the computer professional of the Yulin Institute of Technology into international first-class, it is best to be a industry benchmark and academic center.

At this time, Bun Zixuan started working with hundreds of engineers at work, they must have completed the equipment installation before the students arrive.

Looking at the huge area of ​​the host room, as well as clean, neat environments make many people full of strength. They are now assembling and debugging the world's largest computer center, which is the top scientific research institution in the United States without the computational capacity of the Yulin Institute of Technology.

To say that the truth is a matter of regret after the plan is completed, it is now not used to use such a huge operation and handling the information. The computer industry is an updated speed, looking at the style, it may be eliminated. It will cause a lot of resources, and even others will say that he is very happy.

This may be tuition fees he must pay, but it also exposes a problem. That's how many spend a lot of money, but also buried in the next hidden danger.

The host house has to install 12 black cloud GY1 industrial computers. The overall computing capacity reaches 45.6 million times / second, absolutely the fastest in the world, and there is no one. It is envious of any of the world's all-in-one, after all, they can do so strong equipment. But installed in the Yulin Institute of Technology Really wasted some waste, they don't engage in nuclear weapons.

This is still not counted, each major is equipped with two similar models. Make the entire college have more than 30 black cloud GY1 industrial computers. Single singles spent $ 100 million in plus auxiliary equipment, although it is still spent, but also makes Bunxuan Xinhao.

I can't be so good in the future, and I can't waste this. This is an advice he gives yourself, but sometimes I can't help it. The entrepreneurial process is too smooth, and there is no good thing to experience setbacks.

Looking at the anti-day equipment, the engineers who came to the Yulin Institute of Technology were excited. If there is so much resources, there is no need to apply like the original unit, and you can contact the primary server directly through the network. It is possible to transfer the resource operation in the first time, and it is possible to complete the established work. This is the first idea of ​​many people, so in order to achieve this goal, everyone will work with the boss.

After waiting for almost a week, Ma Qi Nelson really can't help. When I gave it out, I called the phone number to make a call. I heard the other party to visit the Black Cloud Group. Bunxuan said that he is here, if there is time, you can sit here.

After listening to Bunxuan, let Ma Qi Nelson are excited, saying that they will come over. She must now have actions, a lot of spending in Xiangjiang is borne by the Governor's government, but it is only to bear the cost of selling, and I have not given her salary. This is already very meaningful. If there is no income, it is estimated that you can only go back to sell the castle.

After that made this British woman came over, Bunzi Xuan regretted. There are still many places where there are not perfect, he is inseparable. If the other party wants to go to the street, it will be refused or promised. I know that the dinner will not provoke, and now the fox is not hit, it may have to provoke.

Ma Qi Nelson is also coming out in the UK, but I came to the Yulin Institute of Technology, but he was shocked. It is really too big here; it is too beautiful.

With the adequate capital investment of Baozi Xuan, the two roommates played the burning money to the extreme. The architectural materials of the whole school are very elegant; the green area is bigger; the trees purchased from all over the world will be a campus. It is not a school here, it is more like a palace, and it is still a taste of the monarch living inside.

I saw Bunzi Xuan picking up her, Ma Quan Nelson said: "I heard that you have built a university here, I didn't expect it to be so beautiful; and the area here should be bigger than any of the British universities!"

Bunzi Xuan: "You have a prize, university is beautiful, the area is mostly in most. It is important to give social training how much useful talents. The things that spend money are small things, and university is more important Sexual assets, it is still not enough. "

Ma Quan Nelson: "Only the super rich you will think that money is not important, it seems that the world's general people don't understand; can I take me!"

Bao Zixuan: "Yes, but time can't be too long. There are still many devices don't debug, some must be my secret."

Ma Qi Nelson: "Then we still go to your place to work, let me see the charm of technology."

I heard Ma Qi-Nelson wanted to go to the machine room, Bun Zixuan really wanted to give himself a slap. Nothing to show anything in front of the beauty, it is not a science and engineer who needs to pay attention to the beauty in front of the beauty, it is absolutely able to pay attention.

It can be said that many times his idea has not changed, and there is no self-propelled man in the bones.

Looking at Bao Zixuan's difficult expression, Ma Quan Nelson said: "Is this job need to be confidential, if I am not convenient, I will go shopping."

Bao Zixuan: "Nothing is inconvenient, just want you to talk, look at it next to you!"

After saying that I want to give myself a slap, I love the performance, good face, I don't know how to refuse to provoke, Bao Zixuan feels that I have to split in this morning and evening.

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