Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 388, the banquet of the Hong Kong Cross, four

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Baozi Xuan's operation is a lot of people, this kid is not stupid. On the first day, I gave a lot of things, and there was no place to spend more money.

However, his move is very excited, it seems that his plan is really effective. Wealth reaches Bun Zixuan this level of ordinary girls can't be killed at all, as long as it is to release the wind, you can recruit a large piece.

But the nobles are different, they have better inheritance and tutor. For these sudden fluffs, there is absolutely a huge killing, Bunxuan is not a trick now!

Baozi Xuan did not stay too much, gave Mari-Nelson a business card. Said: "There is my phone number above, I have time to call me; I can be your tour guide in Xiangjiang."

Bao Zi Xuan and the governor couple had left and left, so many people can't understand. Is this kid not playing soon, this is a little higher.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan left, many people know that tomorrow's gossip media must have a topic. Didn't see the expression of Zheng Dai's crying, it seems that two people have a story.

When Huo Yingdong, the phone called, he saw the SMS above "I am waiting for you at your home."

Huo Yingdong did not expect Bun Zixuan to find him, it seems that there is something important to say to himself. I have left a chance to leave. For the stubborn Mai Humeoba such as Huo Yingdong, it is best not to come. It is a good signal to see a good signal, it seems that some of the British aristocrats are also a good choice to make the British's falling aristocrats to Xiangjiang is also a good choice.

At this time, Zheng Jiajia is very unhappy, Bunzi Xuan is so lie. Deliberately give the mother's things to a British woman, is this unpleasant! She knows that many casinos at home and abroad open mouth, gambling who can become a bunxuan wife's odds, she has been seen as a perfect candidate of Mrs. Bunxuan.

A good family of family, it is very good to get into the mother likes. After married, there is no contradiction between the mother-in-law. Many people are worried that the monopoly mother is very strong for his son, and Zheng Jiajia married does not have this problem.

Seeing her daughter's expression, Zheng Yong said: "Let's go home first, you can rest assured that I will let Bao Zi Xuan look good, actually dare to live up to my daughter of Zheng Yong, and it is definitely his eyes."

Do not mention Zheng Yu with his family, Huo Yingdong went home to see Bunzi Xuan to drink tea in the living room. After sitting, I said: "You are chic to leave, I didn't see the eyes of the sharks to kill.

When you see him next time, it is best to go far away, or he will definitely find you desperate. I can hear that the daughter is his life, from a small baby. "

Bun Zixuan: "Don't laugh at me old, still think about how to face it next!"

Huo Yingdong heard that he had to talk about his business and immediately said: "What do you find out."

Bun Zixuan: "I feel that the British will follow the marriage way to differentiate in the rich rivers. Today, the girl I saw is actually the future of Hearzon - Nelson, and the other two downs are higher than her. "

Huo Yingdong: "What do you want to express,"

Bao Zixuan: "I have lived in the UK for two years. I will basically understand where the noble life is basically. Now the UK's domestic economy is very poor. Many noble living conditions are not good. They still do things according to the old set of methods, and keep decent Life is to liabar, some people must change the ancestors. "

"The aristocratic girl adapts to the ability of society, after all, the family's family's Pharma is beautiful, it is beautiful to find a door to a door. But now the aristocrat in Europe is not good, this is a girl to marry the past. They don't want to live like this. "

"Our Xiangjiang is now facing the negotiation of the return. If the British can marry the loft of the aristocratic aristocrats. If you marry these girls, people who have a girl will not join the British nationality. In the past, it is to bring the aristocratic identity."

Huo Yingdong listened to Bao Zi Xuan to finish the meditation, and if they can make a lot of people if they can burn the aristocratic identity. It's like Bunzu Xuan said that these riches will definitely go on so much. Asset transfer is the loss of the country, after all, you are in the past to help the British to work.

Huo Yingdong: "It seems that today they will shot to you, and your performance should be very satisfied. It is more than 10 million flowers, after all, just want to deliberately try it."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Not the shark is stirring with it, I originally think about 2 million to win."

Huo Yingdong: "Do you have any solutions."

Bunzi Xuan: "What can I do if I have a male marriage? I just think that I don't want to be inserted in it. There is also worrying that if your family is a British noble, I am big. I said. Calculate, it is to marry the princess to your son. "

Huo Yingdong: "You still manage yourself, but you are also big. I should find one. If you feel that the shark's daughter is not suitable, you can find someone else's good girl."

Bao Zi Xuan: "You don't mess with you, the British has already made it. We only have to take yourself, don't make mistakes in this regard."

Huo Yingdong: "I am not afraid that you will be turned away by the British woman or a US woman! You and Mrs. Morgan's photos are spread throughout the world."

After two people talked to some other topics, Bunzi Xuan left Huo Yingdong home. In fact, he has shown an attitude today, he will never immigrate, let Huo Lao rest assured, let the mainland rest assured.

Zheng Jiajia returned to the home and returned to his own room, just said that I was tired. This makes Zheng Yu with the couple very worried, and has deepened their hate to Bao Zi Xuan, and I can't let him find a chance.

Ma Qi - Nelson, after returning to the room, I can't sleep, what is the meaning of Baozi Xuan today. I saw it for a while, and then I was very polite; next to buy the most expensive necklace and gave her, then I didn't walk, I left him when I left. A business card, do you want to play on the phone on the business card.

Black Cloud Bunxuan is now not just a river, or is the richest in Asia, which is the existence of the top ten in the world. If the girl can marry him, this life must be eaten to eat, do not worry about money. This is more comfortable than marrying the royal family. After all, there is not so much rule in Bunzuhaxuan.

But how can she say that she is also a nobleman, she should have dignity that the nobles should have. It is to marry civilians to have her temperament, be sure to grasp the scale. At this time, the nobles are still thinking about the glory of their past, but Baozi Xuan usually works so busy, and I can't think of it. And he does not have its own contact information, definitely not to find her. Ma Qi Nelson fell asleep like this.

Everyone guess is true. Sure enough, the second day, the gossip media of Xiangjiang River reported that Bao Zi Xuan was a lot of money to buy a pearl necklace. For this reason, I will pay attention to Zheng Jiajia, and Zheng Yumi family.

Detailed introduction to Bunzi Xuan has a new love forgetting old love, is a negative man who only sees new people, can't see old people crying. All media believe that Bunzu Xuan wants to broaden the relationship between Xiangjiang, and can be the most suitable with Zheng Yu with the family's marriage.

He and Zheng Jiajia are equivalent, and both family companies can form a good complement. The most important I heard that Zheng Jiajia won the mother's favorite mother, these factors can be said that the combination of both parties has almost no suspense.

However, from Bao Zi Xuan graduation, I saw that the Mother of the Morgan family and Bunzi Xuan's mother stopped at Bunzi Xuan, which has explained a lot of problems. Li Yulin has already recognized the Morgan's daughter-in-law, and now I suddenly made a British female. Our head is unfair, and several female who can become a lady also give everyone unlimited imagination.

Xiangjiang is a media free port city. The reporters here don't care if you are richer, aristocrats, guinea, and giants. How do they want to report how to report, this is mainly traditions that continue the UK. After all, it is similar to the Sun Daily to do this. Many media in Xiangjiang are specially staring at celebrities, gossip, and struggle, they are eating this bowl.

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