Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 387, the banquet of the Hong Kong Cross, three

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Bao Zi Xuan is moving and talking to people, the whole process has been observed by a girl, and the girl comes clear from the British. It is necessary to Bunxuan to worship under her pomegranate skirt, only to conquer such a man is interested, but also more accomplishment.

It is not a hundred years ago, and the noble life is still caught up. At least they don't have to worry about the high heritage tax, but the nobles will also repair the castle, employed servants, and each of the communication is unmissible. To maintain such high quality life, there is no economic source, but the noble family has started a fixed life mode from the Victorian period. The ability to make a living is also a strong thing than the eight flag you can, but it is far from the ordinary people.

Ma Qi Nelson is such a girl. It is exactly that she is a marker. It's just that this child is not very good. She has not had a formal work, and she is left alone at home. The father is a non-learning countless bastard, and finally the alcohol is poisoned in the family of the family. The mother died at her 3 year old, and he can say that the entire Nelson family will remain alone. And it is still a person who does not change the family, and now the situation can be said to be very bad.

I learned from the friend, she was very heart, after all, Bao Zixuan can be said to be the world's top diamond king old five. It is the British royal family who does not necessarily have Bao Zi Xuan. After all, there are very few people who can get their own good people.

Original Mari Nelson had absolute confidence, but he saw that she came over with her. Let her know how big this competition is, and it is also very difficult to understand the current British aristocratic situation. Every girl has a dream, dreaming with the prince of Baima pursue himself, but now there is still a false girl to pursue civilians, how ironic is it, and it also confirms how a real society is.

Bao Zi Xuan knows that the face is still to give, so take a good gift to the front of the governor.

I saw that Bao Zi Xuan came over, Mai Hao stopped talking to people. But I said: "Welcome you, our rivers, the river of Xiangjiang."

Baozi Xuan: "Don't say this in the Governor, today, it is mainly to send a blessing to the lady. I wish you a happy birthday and beautiful lady." Said that the gift will be given to the lady back.

Mada Hao said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Bao! I am very happy that you can come today, I often listen to the story about you."

Bao Zi Xuan: "It seems that I am not bad in my impression, at least introducing my person didn't say what I was in a bad place."

Madaho: "How is it today is a person."

Bao Zixuan: "There are two people in our home.

The mother is not too good, almost rarely goes; but she also gives me the blessing to you. "

Mrs. Mai Hao: "Thank you for your mother, I have seen your report, I really want to see this great woman. How to say that you are also a facade of our Xiangjiang, can't go out, even a woman with a woman. How many good friends of my good friends come to Xiangjiang vacation, I will introduce you. They can be the nobles, I hope you can be friends. "

I haven't waited for Bao Xuan to refuse Mam Hao, and she has brought him to a few girls and begins to introduce Bunzi Xuan. At this time, Baixuan did not find something conspiracy, but thought it was only a good idea of ​​ladies. So he greeted with a few girls, but when he saw Ma Qi Nelson, he felt a bright future. This girl can't say how stunned, but Bao Zixuan looked very comfortable, at least very pleasing, possibly It is Wang Ba to see green beans to eyes.

Looking at the eyes of Bao Zixuan, Mada Hao Mada is very happy. I feel that there is a door, Bun Zixuan has never seen a girl like this, and I didn't think that Ma Qi Nelson is so beautiful.

Baozi Xuan quickly reflected it, so he said: "Sorry, Miss Nelson is like a friend like me, just have someone."

Ma Qian - Nelson: "Do you say that Mr. I and Mr. I still have a fate! I also have a friend to be more like."

Looking at Maqi-Nelson and Bunxuan is very vocal, several other people are polite. They are now a team to fight, can't be blamed by themselves. It's not going to take this opportunity to find your own goals, which is not a virtual.

Bun Zixuan: "Your surname Nelson, then don't know how Horrez - Nelson is you."

Bao Zixuan feels that this girl is not simple, after all, this noble temperament is not in a short time.

Ma Qian - Nelson: "Is he the first generation Nelson, I am the ninth generation of Nelson."

I heard the head of Bao Xuan's mind is constantly thinking about the British Navy. This can be said to be a generation of legend.

Horizon Nelson, September 29, 1805 - October 21, 1805, the UK Surfacing Salership Navy General and Military Home.

In the 1798 Niolhekou and 1801 Copenhagen Battle and other major battles, he led the Royal Navy to win. He defeated the French and Spain's joint fleet in 1805, forcing Napoleon to completely abandon the offshore. But yourself in the wars during the war.

In 2002, BBC held a survey called "the greatest 100 British", and the Nelson ranks 9th. For this generals who have the "Soul of the UK Royal Navy", how to see his future people are not awesome.

From this Macchie-Nelson, there is nothing to do with noble jewelry, and the wear is very ordinary, and it is not in line with her aristocratic identity, especially the participating banquet. It is not very suitable.

Seeing Bunzu Xuan in Pens, Ma Quan Nelson did not bother him. He is now just letting this super rich to know himself, and what else cannot be determined. If you want to remember her, you still need to work hard.

At this time, the auction of the charity dinner is about to begin. Baozi Xuan and Ma Qi - Nelson standing there, suddenly I don't know what to say.

The few of the previous are ordinary things, only Zhou Dafu boss brings come over a pearl necklace is very beautiful. Looking at all girls who want, Baozi Xuan knows that it is a good choice to get some money to get a beautiful woman.

In fact, at this time he has reacted, the British is worried that he can't see ordinary girls. I am now introducing that the aristocracy gave him, I really look at myself.

The past life is in the UK, but it is a lot of nobles who have a strong ability to make a living in the UK. And he seems to have a listening to someone to introduce this Nelson. Bettered by her husband, then abandoned, life of life is sad.

Since the British still continues to use the beauty meter, if you don't follow you, you will not be better. Now use this woman to paralyze each other, but I must grasp it, otherwise it will definitely play with fire.

Soon the pearl necklace is called 800,000 Hong Kong coins, which is already very suitable relative to his value. But here is a charity auction, sometimes everyone cares more.

Looking at Zheng Yu has begun to call the price, it is estimated that I want to buy things back. However, Bao Zi Xuan is now too much, and the British has already started to get rid of the blood; he can't be indifferent.

Baozi Xuan said directly: "2 million."

This price is not moving in an instant auction, after all, there is more than one thing, which is so arrogant. After seeing the source of the sound is Bao Zixuan, everyone did not say something; after all, this is the most money.

Zheng Yu did not want to lose his face, especially the daughter is still in the situation. Bun Zi Xuan's British woman he looked very uncomfortable, there was his own daughter, since you couldn't make my son-in-law, there is nothing to say.

Zheng Yurong called a shark with a shark, but it was very determined: "3 million."

Bao Zi Xuan wants the shark to do this means, do you still want to buy it back? However, since the price is not turned back. There is no more spending money.

Bao Zi Xuan: "5 million."

Zheng Yu: "6 million."

Bao Zixuan: "10 million."

I saw that the two were on the auction, not to say that Bun Zi Xuan wants to become a shark's courage! What is the situation now, how two people have reversed.

I saw that Bunzi Xuan stood a British beauty. Every moment, I realized what it was, and it was definitely that this child was dead. The shark is looking for him, how can it make him.

I haven't waited for Zheng Yu with the price. His lady said to Baozi Xuan's direction: "Thank you for your generosity, this jewelry is yours."

For Many people in Zheng Zhou Yue, many people want to give him a praise, this is the literacy of people, so many years have followed the husband to play the world is not unreasonable.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you, Mrs. Zheng, then I am not satisfied."

After filled in a check of 10 million Hong Kong dollars, the staff sent the pearl necklace to him. Bao Zixuan is directly handed to Maqin Nelson, so many people are stupid.

Bao Zixuan said: "I am very happy to know you today, a little gift is not tribute. My family has only one mother, so that she has a lot of jewelry, I hope you don't think it."

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