Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 386, the banquet of the Hong Kong Cross

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After the company's things are arranged, Bunzi Xuan has a gift to the direction of the Governor. Li Yulin is still as if the choice is not going, although there is also her name on the invitation.

In a room in the Hong Kong Cross, Joan is giving the three aristocrats, and the characteristics of the people of the rich rivers and other fragrances. This main goal is Bunzi Xuan. If Bun Zixuan has no idea, other rich children are also a good choice. They want to go back to the original life, they must find a rich people, and they don't have a big matter.

Joante wants more Xiangjiang elites and British girls marriage, which is also a way to get them to join the British nationality. No country will not reject anywhere in the elite, this is a group of people who can promote social development.

There are the background of Xiangjiang's rich people in this year, and after returning, I will choose the country to say that I will more inclined to the United States. So they are very envious for the British aristocrats, and Miss Aristocrat is a dream of every Xiangjiang man.

Joan is looking for these three girls that are fine, and everyone is impeccable whether they are a look. The most important thing is that they are now only a noble title, and many people are far from the castle.

At this point, the British economy is not very good, and there is too much noble in the UK. In addition to the care of the royal relationship, some noble life is not very good.

Three aristocrats also know that they came over, they can find a golden turtle in Xiangjiang is a perfect result. Whoever can get the favor of Bao Zixuan is another step, the family will once again.

When Bao Zixuan came to the Governor's government, I saw a lot of people had arrived, but everyone came over with her family. After all, this is the birthday dinner of the Governor, and the diplomacy between the lady is very deeply learned.

I saw that Bao Zi Xuan came over, many people took the initiative to say hello. After all, this is the rivers of Xiangjiang. However, the arrival of two people made him surprised, after all, now and the other party can be water.

Since Bao Zixuan and the entire black cloud system log out of the account, after removing all deposits. HSBC's days were not good for a long time, but after all, where is it. As the Xiangjiang Quasi-Central Bank or can be trusted by most of the people of Xiangjiang, so there is no way to fall.

Since the last time I was not successful, I have won the victory of the company's control. However, it also aggravated the application of the Shija family, and it is difficult to have a big action in the short term.

See Shen Ya and York - Shi Shi Ya to let Bunzi Xuan is not used to, after all, he and the two are not friends,

Instead, unbalescent enemies, but who knows in business venues!

The so-called reach out does not smash the face, since the two have come over, if you don't say hello, you will definitely look your own.

Bao Zi Xuan said with a saying: "Shen Xue has not seen it in a few days! Hello, Mr. Shi Ya!"

The sinking days can be difficult to have a long time, after all, I died at the customer. For a general customer's largest customer, many people make a lot of people, after all, not every HSBC directors and York - Shija Ya has sex.

Although HSBC has absolute authority to resist, it is a bit difficult, paying a lot of interests, the position of the big class. For this reason, there have been many restrictions, which can be said that HSBC can no longer cover the sky.

I said that I said: "Which is unlimited, I heard that you have invested several factories in the mainland. It's enviable, I have always thought that I opened the bank's profit, I didn't expect to do industrially. Make money. "

Bao Zixuan: "Let Shen Xue have been laughing, it is not allowed to be a small door. Subgraduate, if you are interested in industries, you can invest several factories yourself, so that you will not be so bored after retirement. And don't worry about order problems, black Clouds can give you a part of it. This is a stable sale, you can consider it. "

I heard the Bunzi Xuan actually said so, the sinking nose is almost ignorant. What is the retirement, not boring, what is called me an order. This is not changing and said that he is just a wager, and it is nothing to leave HSBC. Now I am trying to give myself, if you see him, you will be so bullied.

Shen Wei: "Thank you for your concern, but this person working time is already very long. In the future, I want to take a long time. Do a charity, return to the family is a good choice. And the money is already enough to get together. Don't worry. "

Baozi Xuan: "It's still a boost, you can make a feat. If you have a demand in the funds, you must contact me, you will be generous."

Bao Zi Xuan thought that since the relationship can no longer fix it, it is simply steel to the end. If you retreat it, it will make people can't afford it.

Shen Wei: "I have long heard that the school brother is passionate about charity. It seems that I am looking for someone. I am afraid that the school brother is not willing to help, then it is embarrassing; but carefully, I want to take the price of the school. As soon, I have been in contradiction before. I have heard the school brother, how can I rest assured that I am relieved; if I have some small people 's belly. "

I know that Shen Yan is using words, but I can't get shrink at this time. If so, it is really not your own personality, just know that it is a set to take a look. Baozi Xuan believes that how much money will make the British add a zero to him later.

York-Shiweija Road: "I heard that the Bao Huo Dong Mining Company has been put into production in the mainland, and the Taikoo Group wants to buy some of the steel. I don't know if the small bag is willing."

I heard York-Shiwei Ya, I want to buy steel from my own hands, today is not April Fool's Day! If you don't sell it, it is a small family, it is not good for other shareholders.

Bao Zixuan: "As long as it is a customer's demand, we must satisfy. Since Schwing Yas can believe that we are our honor. You can always negotiate the contract, I will find it."

York-Shija is also a person who wants to see the strength of this steel plant, mainly what is the level of technology. Will not form a threat to the steel manufacturing industry in the UK and Australia.

York - Shiwei Ya: "That is too grateful, I will arrange people to Baoyo Mining Co., Ltd. tomorrow."

Bao Zi Xuan: "No problem; I will arrange the arrival of your company in advance."

Bao Zi Xuan's chatting, everyone has been paying attention to it, looking at the three people who have just ended the business war can actually talk together. This world is really a little wonderful. Several people's gas is really like, it is worthy of the top tycoon in Xiangjiang.

The father of the package has been paying attention to the dynamics of Bao Zi Xuan. It is really not easy to see this kid and Shen Yu, York-Shi Shi Ji chat is really difficult, and the general young people can't do this.

Going to Baozi Xuan said: "The small bag, it seems that your health care work is really good, I can't do this when you are so old."

Baozi Xuan: "Bao Master's award, mainly the last time I didn't suffer, or if you play their hearts. But sometimes you can't solve the problem, not as good as your heart, you will look at all things."

Bao Fang: "Many truths are all understand, but there are several people who can really do! Just Shen Yu and York - Schwing Ya is doing, if it is not convenient, I didn't ask."

Bunzi Xuan: "There is nothing is inconvenient, anyway, it is necessary to talk to everyone. York - Shiwei Ya is trying to buy steel, I don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd, but there is no reason that there is no way to do."

Although the father of the package is also the master of the widespread, I can't guess about York in a time. Now I can only sell, water to the mound, see the move, take a step. However, he always believes that Bao Zi Xuan must not suffer, at least he has heard.

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