Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 385, the banquet of the Hong Kong Crown

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After the Yangcheng took a break, this Zhizheng Tycoon directly returned to Xiangjiang. After all, there are too many things, this is not short this time.

But let them depressed, just returned to Xiangjiang, all received the port of the Hong Kong Cross, invited them to participate in the birthday banquet of Hong Kong, the birthday party of the Hong Kong Cross, and even Huo Yingdong received the invitation. Everyone understands that the British is anxious. After all, so many tycons have been investing in China, and the scale is larger than once. Now I don't hurry to say what I have to do.

Mai Hao also wanted to resolve things in his own term, left the problem to the next is the stain of his ruling. At this time, Mai Hao is very worried about the UK can continue to ruling Xiangjiang, but he still wants to do the final effort. The British believes that Xiangjiang can have today's prosperity is what they brought. If you give up, it is too cheap.

To ensure that Xiangjiang can continue to rule in British to persuad the people of Xiangjiang, as long as people who do not support returning in public opinions have hope, they can do not have the courage and ability of China.

Now he heard the top ten rich people from the top ten of the mainland to participate in the production ceremony of the steel plant, and also went to Yangcheng. This makes McGi Hao, if this ten people support back, then the British wants to continue to ruling in the Xiangjiang land is almost impossible. Their ten people have too much energy, and many people in Xiangjiang are working for them. The most worried about him is Bunzi Xuan. She will have proved the strength of the first person in Xiangjiang business in the last time. This time I borrowed the lady's birthday to communicate, this may also be a place that I can work hard.

Baozi Xuan received a message without how long Hu Yingdong called, although Huo Yingdong is the most impossible person to win. However, I don't invite him to come over and say that, after all, in the position of Xiangjiang business community.

Huo Yingdong: "Little boy is not received, I want to give me a message, I can't invite you."

Bunzi Xuan: "It is necessary to find someone to query, what to pay attention to tomorrow. What gift is prepared, I have not participated in similar activities; especially women's birthday banquets."

The Bao Zi Xuan said that it is true, last time in Jessica Meron birthday, the birthday is still in the middle. The rise is too fast. It is not all good things. It is no experience like this banquet, but no one has taken him.

Huo Yingdong: "You can prepare a small gift, you can buy something in the charity auction. This is a little thing for you. I am worried about it is Mam Han to put it to us. After all, now There are still more than ten years, and there are too many factors that are uncertain. "

Baozi Xuan: "Huo Hui said,

However, I wanted to have a serious turmoil in Xiangjiang during this period, I will not let it take! "

Huo Yingdong: "This is definitely not, recovering a complete, prosperous Xiangjiang is something that must be done in the mainland."

Bunzi Xuan: "I will be relieved, and we will not dare to take taxes as much as the taxation. After retirement, he is a rising politician. We are still super rich. He really dares people to die. Will make him better, as long as it is a mainland to ensure that the problem of Xiangjiang can enter, you will not be afraid. "

Huo Yingdong did not expect the usual livestock, and there were so hard, it seems that people only dismissed in the performance. This kid can look far than yourself, or if you do so many security guards. You have no bodyguards before you have a name and qualifications in society, but it seems that something is really true. Bunzi Xuan usually went out to be a bodyguard, and there were still a lot of mutant in the mutant, it seems that this kid has done the worst plan.

At the same time, in the Hong Kong Cross, Mai Hao is listening to the assistant Joan. They want to lay out for this birthday party, at least to learn about this gap between China. Huo Yingdong, Hu Yingxiang, Dong Hao Yun, this help, they don't report any hope, now letting their headache is Bunzi Xuan also close toward the stubborn party, this is, but the British does not want to see, but also can't tolerate.

Baozi Xuan and the entire Black Cloud Group are a printing machine, and many technologies have a strategic value. Baozi Xuan himself is a Tuling Award winner, and you can enjoy top scientists anywhere in the world.

If you can't take the Bao Zixuan and the Black Cloud Group, is it a cleaner? In that year, the Americans agreed to the old leave after leaving Huaxia, I found a missile, nuclear weapon and satellite, which may be one of the last regrets that Americans last. The British didn't want to spend the same mistakes, and seeing Bunxuan can't pay taxes to the UK. Then he is an enemy in the eyes of the British, and it is still a strong enemy.

Mai Hao: "How is things progress."

Joante: "At present, the development is very smooth, two counts, a markens, Miss, is very interested in Baozi Xuan, and now they have come to Xiangjiang, will participate in the banquet with a wife and friends. This is their photo, I If you want a man, you will not be indifferent. "

After Mai Hao took photos, I looked at it and my heart was very satisfied. Don't say that Bunxuan's 20-year-old boy is that he has been impulsive.

Mai Hao: "How is the family of these three girls, can't be too complicated. It will bring a chain reaction, and the purpose is too strong."

In fact, Mai Hao is to say that the family background is best not too powerful. If it is a big joy. If you don't make him, you have to do some responsibilities, it is bound to make a rebound that the girl's family forces. At that time, it is not necessarily to be able to live as a governor. After all, this leather strip is he wants to pull.

Joante: "Several people are almost died, only have a noble title. It is a middle class level, which may be slightly inadequate. However, the temperament from small cultivation is not available. They are also in the middle of the house. "

Bao Zi Xuan is lacking is the heritage and noble title, and this is not afraid of him. Miss the nobles want to return to the original life. If you can find it with the richest rivers, you don't have to worry about money.

Joante's plan is ready for a long time, I have been waiting for a chance. Bao Zi Xuan is a long term in the United States. If it goes to the US purpose, the birthday of the Governor is a very good opportunity. After all, there are many women who come to the time, just a few aristocratic girls will not pay attention.

This is the best way to think about. After all, Bao Zi Xuan did not do anything illegal and chaotic; in the international influence, it is certainly unable to catch people. It is said that people have assassinated him, and they have not arrived at that time.

If you can't use the beauty, you can use the beautiful manner to make it. It must be a perfect ending to go to the UK.

Bao Zixuan didn't know that he was now counted, so he had let him know some inside by the last female reporter event. However, this time, Miss Aristocrat, every man has a desire to conquer, and I don't know if I can suppress it.

At this time, Baixuan is thinking about what is sent to the Governor. It is too expensive to have bribery; and let people know that you will also say that you have the attachment of your boiler, too ordinary is not very respectful for people, after all, everyone thinks he thinks he thinks that Xiangjiang Rich.

I want to think that I don't know what good Bao Zi Xuan decided to call my mother, whether it is the birthday or this life chooses to send something is not his strength.

The phone said that Li Yulin said with a smile: "You are forgotten, you have purchased so many silk in the mainland, there are so many people in the family, there is something that women need, sending other unsuitable. After all, send jewelry, you don't It may give Zheng Yurong's limelight, and other tycons are engaged in this field. "

After listening to Yulin's words, Bunxuan once clearly understood the truth of "there is an old family like a treasure". It seems to be more exchanged with your mother. The shopping malls and the rivers and lakes are not all, I am scam, fight and kill; there is still an accident in this, this is a very lack of his electors. It is mainly to teach him from a small life, and it is the case.

Since the gift already has, Bunzu Xuan will immediately prepare. He also knows that this time to go to the Hong Kong Cancer must be a Hongmen feast, but since this way is going to go, it is necessary to go, now there is almost no room.

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