Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 392 True Admissions One

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The computer engineer of Yulin Institute of Technology is still silent in joy, but it is very sad as the birthday of the admissions from the same school. However, they are not worried because of wages and treatment problems, because Bunzu's task is difficult to complete and worry.

According to the plan for the first enrollment of the Yulin Institute of Technology, the Department of Physics, Department, Chemical, Machinery, Electronic Department, and Computer College. Among them, the computer is mainly based on computer, and it is expected to recruit 1,500 students, accounting for about 30% of the overall enrollment.

And there is nothing to subdivide for several majors. All of the first year is basically studying. However, the Yulin Institute of Technology is a university that has just been established, and there is nothing famous internationally. Although there is a detailed introduction and preaching for the three corporates of the black cloud, Sony, and Panasonic, it can also be tough to let the children report. After all, there are many children think they have better choices.

The person in charge of the enrollment is Hu Jiazhi. It has worked for 15 years in New York University. When I was prepared in the Yulin Institute of Technology, I met Bun Zixuan through an acquaintance. Mainly, he wants to work back to Xiangjiang, take care of his aged mother.

After the case, the Bao Zixuan appointed as the vice president of the Yulin Institute of Technology, special liabilities daily management and enrollment work. This is his old man, but New York University is also a well-known college in 1831. At the university ranking in the world, it is always possible to take the top 50, and there is a reputation of the new American New Yitan.

Yulin Institute of Technology is just a school that has just been established or in the land of this unsticarer in Xiangjiang. The only benefit is that Bao Zi Xuan's name may drive some students to register, but Bao Zixuan is only a young person who has just graduated, and it is not necessarily able to meet the convincidence of the parents.

It can be said that Hu Jiazhi is facing severe tests, and every day, there are excellent youths in Xiangjiang. However, some people don't care about him, and it is even more hope that he can help to work to New York University.

Today, our enrollment personnel came to Wu Ai Hong Kong, he wanted to persuade Wu Wai's daughter Wu Hao to the Yulin Institute of Technology to study. In fact, this is also Wu Aigang's meaning. He feels that the boss wants to do will be able to succeed. For this reason, he will fly directly from Australia to Xiangjiang to persuade her daughter and wife change the idea. At this time, Wu Hao has taken to Xiangjiang University. Take a notice.

Wu Hao is the best in this batch of black clouds, the first place in this graduate total score. After all, the black cloud young staff is much more, and the age-owned workers are basically recruiting ordinary workers. It is not very firm to children's education.

If you can persuade Wu Hao to study in Yulin Institute of Technology, then other black clouds will do more. Black Cloud This year, the employees who have graduated from the children are paying attention to where Wu Hao is reading. If she doesn't have to choose to go to Yulin Institute of Technology, she can refuse for her child.

Wu Aigang is also very difficult at this time. This time, the parents of the students of the high school graduated from the high school, his daughter has achieved a score, and everyone regards him as a bird, and is watching their family's final decision. .

Hu Jiazhi looked at Wu family and said: "Wu Ge, Mrs. Wu, Wu Hao, three good students, my intention, you have to know you, everyone wants Wu Hao to choose Yulin Institute of Technology, after all, this is our own school You can accept better education in it, you can get greater improvement. '

Wu Hao is a very changing girl. It is very confident: "I have already got a notice of Xiangjiang University, I don't think that the Jade University of Science and Technology has been comparable to Xiangjiang University."

"I know that Banners want to let all the black clouds get to study, but if I read Xiangjiang University, I entered the Black Cloud Group's work to bring greater help, Yulin Institute of Technology is not suitable for me."

Hu Jiazhi: "You think that from Xiangjiang University can bring more help to the company, I don't know where your self-confidence is, but I can tell you responsibly, the students from Xiangjiang University have no advantage. "

"Xiangjiang University graduated in group achievement is the vice president of Zhao Ting Ting. She has been working in the company when she started her home. It is an absolute foreigner; this is not intended to be academic and the disadvantage of the graduation school."

People who heard the graduation of Xiangjiang University graduated in the company's work schools and academic qualifications, Wu Hao did not agree. It must be that this person is saying.

Seeing that you need himself at this time, Wu Aigang said: "Hu-Cantos said that it is correct, the executioner of the Black Cloud Group is outside Zhao Tingting. All the famous school graduated, the school may be a little alone, but Japan The overall teaching level is definitely the existence of the first place in Asia, especially professional colleges being recognized by the world. "

"The rest of the rest is graduated in the world-class famous school. Ma Chenglong graduated from California's science and engineering; Wu Feng and the boss are both Massachusetts graduates, mobile phones and computer company executives, whether they are graduation schools, or academic achievements are the top sharp. The existence, the field is the authoritative person in the industry. "

I heard the father said that Wu Hao was in meditation. Although she has a good study result, she has a little girl. However, Mrs. Wu does have different opinions.

Mrs. Wu: "Old Wu, can't say this. is a girl, I didn't want her to learn the professionalism. Yulin Institute of Technology did not set up any social discipline, Xiangjiang University's philosophical department has agreed to school. This is A lot of Xiangjiang children dream of, you know that daughters like philosophy from small, now I am looking for it. "

I heard the mother's analysis Wu Hao once again shaken, yeah! Philosophy is not from a small dream! Yulin Institute of Technology cannot give her a chance to learn philosophy.

Hu Jiazhi knows if you don't convince this little girl today. So waiting for others to go to Xiangjiang University. And it will bring linkage, which will make many black clouds, they are born to other universities. It will be more difficult to recruit other Xiangjiang teenagers. After all, people will feel that they don't believe in them. However, I heard the other party's philosophy, let him have a new idea, after all, this is my old man.

Hu Jiazhi: "Mrs. Wu, Wu Hao, classmates; learning is very good. But want to change this world, there must be philosophy, and there must be a science and engineering professional. The science and engineering is the basic discipline that promotes human progress; and this is also Xiangjiang River Lack. "

Seeing the disdain of the two people, Hu Jiazhi continued: "I am graduating from the Philosophy of New York University. If you come to Yulin Institute of Technology, you can discuss philosophy with me, you can use a hobby, enrich your knowledge reserves. "

Wu Hao: "You are really graduated in the Philosophy of New York University; this school's philosophical professional is very famous in the world."

Wu Aigang: "Wu Wei, is it too unreasonable, Hook can be a boss to serve as a well-known scholar of the Vice President of the Yulin Institute of Technology."

Hu Jiazhi: "It doesn't matter, Wu Hao classmates. I also read two years of philosophy graduate students in Berlin Humboldt University. Many students became a teaching professor. If you are interested, you can use the holiday time to communicate with them, I can help you."

I heard the president in my father's mouth is actually graduated from the Graduate Students of the Philosophy of Hongbao University, so that Wu Hao is more excited. This is Hegel's alma mater, in the hearts of the world, is like the temple.

Wu Hao wants to say: "I still think that Xiangjiang University is more suitable for me."

Hu Jiazhi: "You think that Yulin Institute of Technology is not in Xiangjiang University, then you can make a big mistake. Whether it is in the campus construction, uu reads the book Campus Environment, and Teacher's Power Shang Yulin Institute of Technology They can be successful in Xiangjiang University. It is that the New York University of New York University is more than 10 years of New York University than Yulin Institute of Technology. "

"You don't have to answer me first, and you don't have to decide now. Tomorrow, your family can go to school, look at it; if I know what I am talking about."

Hu Jiazhi knows that it is not very tight now, or it will be counterproductive. However, in the heart, it is very depressed. When the New York University is an enrolled office, it is a student and parents to take the initiative to see if he can come over. Now you can fell, you can get students; also teach people philosophy, this other party has no picket mouth.

In addition, in addition to the boss's deep-sea factory women workers determined that they were able to report it, there was no active to come to the Yulin Institute of Technology; the task for the boss will be difficult to complete.

Shake the head, speak from the language: "Can you waste time, or go to another work!"

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