Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 393, difficult enrollment

Not only single, Black Cloud, exclude Yulin Institute of Technology, and everyone is not optimistic about this school in Japan. Now Sony children and Panasonic children don't want to come to Xiangjiang to study, think that the education here is not going.

Some things have to be admitted that the Japanese are a nation that is very good at learning. When the Tang Dynasty was sent to China to study, and also invited the Tang Dynasty to go to Japan's teaching; studying in Europe in the 18-19th century, sent a lot of international students to Europe to learn advanced technology and cultural knowledge; enter the 20th century began to turn to the United States Learn, more exchanges with the United States.

In the eyes of the Japanese, there is a good university in Xiangjiang. Bao Zixuan is among the achievements of the United States and the UK university. Then why is I still have to learn from the apprentice, not as good as one step to find a master.

Gao Zhong Lang is the two masters of Sony Electronics Engineers 33, which is very excellent from small learning. In Japan is the existence of the school level, the high school second grade has got a notice of the early paddoda University. However, I didn't go to the early Rice field University to report, mainly the idea of ​​high warehouse thirty-three.

The 333 is an employee who entered Sony's work in 18 years old. It can be said that Sony has given him everything. He worked in Sony, and he learned. Hard hard, with the perseverance of people and their intelligence, to the University of Tokyo, in Sony this matter is very affected.

Shengtian Zhaov is also moved by him, the most important thing is rare. Wages are issued as usual during reading, and some subsidies are also given. In order not to waste corporate resources, the high warehouse thirty-three hard work has completed four years of time for two years.

However, from this process, he knows the importance of the foundation, in order to make your son a good foundation. He did not agree to the end of the high school to go to college reading, but decided to let his son read the last year of high school. In his view, the foundation of his son has not yet been good, many basic knowledge is not intensive enough.

After one year, he made a greater year higher than the year's achievements. It can be said that when he he worked in high school, all universities of Japan issued an invitation letter, and he wanted to bring Gang Shuanglan to his university. Not only just like this, Sundanford in the United States has also issued an enrollment invitation to Gao Zhong Shuang.

However, the son is so good to have a burden, because of his very respectful social director, Mr. Titian Zhao, let his son go to the Yulin Institute of Technology to study. This school that has just been established without any name, even in the Japanese education department, there is no university in the case.

In order to get the information that the black cloud is also fighting, he is a person who compares to Bunxuan. It is best to do it if you have the character of Bao Zixuan. The most important is the scientific and technological achievements of the Black Cloud Group, and now the black clouds have surpassed Sony in high-tech fields, regardless of you do not admit, this is the truth.

Shengtian Zhav looked at the high-class father and son: "Gao Zhong Silo,

Congratulations, you have achieved such excellent results. It is worthy of my best existence in Sony's children. This time you go to University Reading Company. "

I heard Tamato Zhav said, "Thank you for your socialist, you can serve your dreams like you and your father, etc., I will definitely repay you and the company's cultivation."

Tita Zhav did not expect that this kid is not only smart, but the emotional business is not low. The most important thing is to talk, it seems that you can cultivate it.

Shengtian Zhaov: "Gao Jiajun is ready to go to study."

Gao Zhong Lang: "Reporting the President, I am going to go to the University of Stanford. I think computer majors must have a big better way to learn from the country."

Shengtian Zhaov: "Gao Jiajun has such a lot of ambition, but I hope you will change a university."

Gao Zhong Sang: "Some of the President, the best computer college in the world is Stanford, the other is MIT. You want me to go to MIT to study."

Shengtian Zhav: "No, I want you to go to Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology."

Although I have long known that it will be like this, but it is still unwilling to make the high class thirty-three hearts. The son should have a better future. Is it necessary to fight for the son's future for the individual's personal preferences.

I haven't waited for 33 to talk, Gao Zhong Shu said: "Everything listens to the President's order."

I heard this little child is so sensible, but the Tiantian Zhaif is a look. After all, when I said this thing yesterday, I didn't have such a good time, and I was so sad that this is more than him.

Shengtian said with a smile: "You don't ask me why!"

Gao Zhong Silo: "Some of the senoland can tell me that these things are definitely your considerations and truth, I have to do it. As for the right and wrong. I only know that this is the socialist. What I did, it is right to fight for it. "

I heard such an answer, so that the high warehouse thirty-three shocked. Is this your own son! How to mature so much, it seems that he is watching him.

Shengtian Zhaof didn't expect this kid so much, it seems that he has to cultivate it. Who is taught by him, or you understand it. If the latter is too terrible, but the person who has also taught such a masterpiece, the son who speaks. It seems that there are still many talents in Sony's children, but they have not been tapped before.

Shengtian Zhaov: "Since you agree, then I will say more. You can contact the black cloud children and well-known professors after you go to Xiangjiang; In that direction, I think you understand what I want to say! "

Gao Zhong Shulang: "If you follow the command of the President's order, I need to apply for a fund. After all, sometimes you need to eat and some research costs."

Shengtian said with a smile: "Very good, it seems that Gao Jing Jun has understood what you have to do, how to do it. Sony will be issued on your account in your account according to your father's salary."

High warehouse 33: "Some of the president, this is too much, please don't listen to this kid."

Shengtian Zhaofehed said seriously: "Are you taught me!"

The high warehouse thirty-three heard here: "Don't dare."

Shengtian Zhav: "I don't want to say what you are in front of your son. Sometimes you don't do things. He understands what to let him go for what, how do you don't understand."

In fact, Gao Jinglang's emotional business is not so high, but some people have analyzed many things when they come out. Including Tiantian Zhaoft, he has to talk about him. When you leave the president, Gao Zhong Lang is wet. However, he also realized that people with all his analysis were absolutely high. Be sure to thank you, and you will have the opportunity to ask again.

It can be said that if it is not the problem of Shengtian Zhaofeng asked, he will not go to the Yulin Institute of Technology. However, now I know that Tiantian Zhaov has decided, and the small arm is also screwed, but it is better to pay a bet according to the analysis of the person. Just didn't think of gambling wins, I can say a big wins.

Not only in Sony, the same is true in Panasonic. However, Panasonic's luck is too big, no personally come out, but ask Panasonic employees to persuade children to go to Yulin University of Technology to study.

The more this, the more it causes Japanese students to exclude the Yulin Institute of Technology. This is a school actually wants the company to force employees to read.

It can be said that both Panasonic or Sony hopes to be able to dig something from the black cloud, and Baozi Xuan is hoping to make a standard. If the Japanese use black cloud software, hardware, and even learning their work characteristics in the student era. Then they will be promoted after returning to Japan. This is one of Bunzi Xuan to enroll in Japanese students.

There is also hope that by recruiting Japanese students to promote their own people, let them understand some of the characteristics of the opponent and attitudes to work seriously. After all, Sony and Panasonic children will not come over, and their engineers will never come to school lectures, which is also one of them.

Yulin Institute of Technology has not changed because of Cao Cang Silo, now Japan's youth, is very excluded from the company's oppression. The staff responsible for Japanese enrollment is more difficult, in addition to forced to go to school, no one is willing to go to Xiangjiang to study college.

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