Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 394, the university of others

It is not only difficult to enroll in Xiangjiang and Japan, and the enrollment work in other places is not even carrying out. In Europe and the Americans, he listens to the university that Xiangjiang has just been established, almost thinks that it is a liar. I thought it was a chance to come over, after all, I have had such a thing before, but it is not a school.

However, in the Chinese continent and the Middle East, the enrollment work is very smooth, and there are too many people who have not admitted to the university in the Chinese mainland. I have to take a look. Seeing that the Yulin Institute of Technology believes that this is a chance, and Bunzi Xuan and the entire Black Cloud Group have a popularity in China, after all, the current Bao Zixuan is identified as patriotic entrepreneurs.

After the local official endorsement, students and parents will not think that you are a liar. I have too many young people who have no chance to study college. The students who have excellent results can be scholarship. It is enough to attract people enough. Is there anything more miserable than nothing more than?

The Middle East is also the same, there are guarantees of Saishe Deee and Hussein's two royal family, and provide aid to make a book that you can't read the book. The two-pole differentiation of the living environment in the Middle East this year is very serious, and there is too much than before. Reading a collapse, and the company's business is a dream of many young people. Now I saw two royal history is willing to provide them with this opportunity, what are you waiting for!

In this case, the Yulin Institute of Technology welcomes the new reward. At the same time, the facilities and buildings of the school are also completely opened to the public.

When all students and parents enter the school, they have been attracted by the scenery here. Whether it is the beauty of the building, the coverage of plants, the perfect infrastructure is perfect, and the existence of one number. For a school-planned school area of ​​20,000 acres, the first phase will only recruit 5,000 students, and the staff of 2000 is indeed a little cold.

However, this is also a lot of students and parents who are willing to see, so they can read them at school, don't want to think other. And the school itself is a big park, nor does it worry that the child is not going to have a danger.

When Bao Zixuan looked at the student's resume, the school thought of school or relying on the teaching of itself. Black clouds and him are famous, can't explain, it is more invested, no excellent grades, you will choose European and American famous schools. This is the gap between Yulin Institute of Technology and the world famous school, which can be said that both nowhere is not comparable.

This time, 5,000 students in the Yulin Institute of Technology, including 870 black cloud workers and black clouds; 1280 regular students coming in China; 630 in Xiangjiang and the local students; Japanese students 320, almost They are all Sony and Panasonic.

West Germany came from 30 students, mainly Sids had many engineers working in the black cloud. Their relatives, friends or more recognition of the black cloud group and Bunxuan. There are more people from Dongde.

More than 420 people. It mainly wants to come out, and the black cloud group is more. Baozi Xuan is almost empty in East De Carl Zeiss in order to study and produce digital cameras, photolithography, cameras.

What did the East German government have noted, but there is no objection to the driving of interest. And many mechanics can have several places of apprentices, and the beautiful name is to cultivate talents in Xiangjiang.

Similar to optical lens mechanic is indeed the master of the master, a generation of people. The East German government has not restricted these youth to come over, which is the reason for the number of people in East German.

The students in the Middle East have exceeded 1,000, mainly because of the spared propaganda and support of the two princes. To this end, students who come to read the student, as long as they can be able to graduate smoothly, they can work directly to any of their two people. This is a very kind of killing, after all, their businesses are in the Middle East to describe the sky.

The rest is that other countries and regions can't find a young man who is studying in schools, and they will be here to come here. The overall score of the school seedlings in the first phase of Yulin Institute of Technology is not good. Some students are very bad; but Bao Zi Xuan believes that as long as it is the way to cultivate them.

The students entering the school are shocked by the spectacles of the school. At the time of registration, I think it is appropriate to come here.

When you sign up, take out the documents of the certificate. Some staff began to distribute your items to you. These things are bunsan free to provide students, but Sony, Panasonic and the two princes in the Middle East have also been a general sponsorship fee.

We can see from a student's surprises, and Mao Xiaojun is a general youth from Huaxia mainland. Parents are ordinary workers, and his own academic performance can only be considered. There is no university in China to send him a notice. I thought that he went to work to work and then took office, he saw the enrollment manual of Yulin University of Technology; resolutely registered under the exam under the persuasion of his family.

Unexpectedly, the other party only asked what he had, and played in the father's factory in his father's factory, it was able to master the various processes of metal processing, mainly for convenience when it was successful.

I didn't expect that this skill was actually broken, and he would be happy while he was happy would not encounter a liar. Until in the deep sea and the other workers who have been in Xiangjiang, they can rest assured.

I didn't think that this surprise was not over, and I didn't have to pay a copy at the university. Also received a very much worthy of items, and some were not listed at all in China.

Baozi Xuan is able to play a better propaganda, give each student enough to make things envied by all youth.

Every student of Yulin Institute of Technology, will receive a super spree, and everyone has some items to be customized.

The first day of the students will receive a black cloud's latest laptop, one of the three brands that have a Walkman; the black cloud, Sony, and Panasonic, all have a lot of the children of these two companies, and go.

There are also two sets of school uniforms, military training services, sportswear, suit, etc., all customized according to individuals. Not only do you have to prepare traditional costumes in two countries and nations, such as the cheongsam of Huaxia, Japan's kimono, robe in the Middle East, are the most distinctive clothing of each country.

Think of other stationery, the laptop should have everything. The box of big arrival clothes, Xiao to the nail knife, as long as you can think of it, you can say that you get the first day you get enough for one year.

Single monk is $ 75 million to give students, so there are several big household sponsorship, or it must be that the boss is crazy. Why do you have a good job of other competitors?

After coming to the dormitory, many people don't want to leave, and now they are just undergraduates. Four people a room, all of which are designed under the table, each room washing machine, air conditioner, refrigerator, water dispenser, water heater should have. And ensure that each student's space should exceed 15 square meters, so that they live enough.

All students in the first day of admission were shocked, especially in the Middle East and Huaxia Area. They are not such a good living environment at home, it is really right.

Many people will think that Bunxuan is silhouette, but he wants to achieve the effect of "Qianjin Buy Horse Bone". Black Cloud wants to have a leading position in technology without a good university.

US Silicon Valley is because of California University, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, has made it a science and technology center in the world. In the opposite visit, what are you doing, everyone is playing shipping and real estate. No one is willing to invest in technology, it is also developed in order to find the head circle.

If you don't build the Yulin Institute of Technology into other universities, how can you attract the world's excellent youth come to study. Students who enroll Japanese students are also to play an advertisement. It is difficult for educational resources in China, Xiangjiang and other places to make it a world-class famous school, and become an academic center.

A university is inclusive, his only purpose is to teach and educate people and improve scientific and technological progress. Bun Zixuan knows that there is no political color here, or it will be cleared earlier. However, he must also improve the students' patriotic feelings through other methods. Only in the world can rest assured to cultivate talents. Increase the overall research and education level of the black cloud, any good university has a single list of good teachers, no one can cultivate the fool into Einstein. Scholarship is a key, excellent schoolmakes are more scarce resources that each school is fighting.

If Yulin Institute of Technology has become a school in the mouth of others, it is impossible to recruit the best students in the future. After all, they will have a better choice.

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