On August 15, 16, 1981, two days of the student of Yulin Institute of Technology, and then sold for half a month. Bao Zi Xuan also refer to the admission process of the University of China, and has made some improvements.

It can be said that the students and parents who come to the Yulin Institute of Technology were surprised by Bao Zixuan. They came here to have a penny tuition fee. Also gave them so many things, what is it, many people don't understand, is there anything in this? However, Bunzu Xuan is one of the top rich in the world, nor is it like a person who is a small money. Maybe people are not for money, there may be greater purposes, I can not say it for the name.

Although many students want to sleep early, but still insomnia. When I have reported it is too shocking, it is possible to put these people in any country in any country, but it is just a student's most basic equipment.

On August 17, 1981, Monday. Today is the first day of the official military training of Yulin Institute of Technology, and it is also an important day for all students. Today, they are asked to wear military training, with a listening to the magnetic band to the flag square collection. I haven't been open to this now, but I don't know what to do if I see it on the map.

Not only a student, it is the general designer of the school and Martin Grif, which is not understood, why is Bunxuan to stay in this large air. After all, it covers an area of ​​120 mu, and there are 11 football fields so big. It is really too waste of space, mainly here or the school's most central location.

In addition to the center of the banner, the entire banner is surrounded by more than 200 rods. But so many flagpots feel together, I feel strange, after all, the distance between the flagpole is not the same, as if it is very casual.

When the bustling students who came to the Banner Square saw that the entire venue is so big, I feel that this is a place to organize rally and large events. How big it doesn't feel on the map, only to understand the empty here.

Everyone is very curious to see the principal's Baozi Xuan in the middle, and the security personnel have arranged their place to pay.

After seeing everyone standing well, Bunzi said to the microphone: "You are good! I am Bao Zi Xuan, which is your principal. No matter what you don't recognize the age than you, I am your principal, If you want to succeed in the Yulin Institute of Technology, you will have to sign it. "

"This morning, I only called you here, I only have one, rushing to the national flag of your country. I have more than 200 flagpots here. My dream is to rose all the flags of all countries around the world. As long as it is the United Nations In a recognized country, we will prepare a national flag for the students in the country. No matter what you are a person, a group of people I have a colleague. "

"And for everyone to disturb each other,

We have prepared a box of tape when we have sent students. There is only one song in the front and back of this box, that is the national anthem of your country. "

"All students and teachers have come here every Monday morning to bring the headphones, listen to the national anthem to rose the national flag of their country. Then on Friday afternoon, the national flag will be downgraded by the classmates, and continue to continue Monday. use."

"If the Yulin Institute of Technology, if you cultivate the students who don't love their motherland, they are the sorrow of education. Universities must profess the knowledge of classmates, but also let everyone understand the truth."

"Yulin Institute of Technology will become a cultural multi-diversity, including university, everyone has patriotic rights and obligations. If the classmates dare to destroy the national flags of other countries, once they find them directly, no one is useless."

"People must respect each other, between students love each other. Next, each country elects two representatives to carry out the national flag."

The students all bombed, no one thought that the school is so big, and it is necessary to upgrade the national flag. The principal is not crazy, or the head is squeezed by the door.

However, these are nothing to do, since they can raise their national flags to make them very excited. Everyone has begun to follow the meaning of Bao Zixuan.

But there is also an exception, Terryo - Carmen is a guy from Israel. After graduating from high school, I came to Xiangjiang Tourism. The family is still rich. He thinks that it is not speaking to spend money to go to the United States. Which university is studying, or he may return to the country.

Just caught up with the Yulin Institute of Technology enrollment, the most important thing is that the team leaders will say Hebrew. Let him understand that the school is originally created by Bao Zixuan, it should not be too bad.

After coming to the school, he did not disappointment, but seeing so many Middle Eastern people came to school. Let him feel unknown, think about it is suitable for yourself.

Today, I saw that all the students were a group of stations to the flagpole, only one of him alone is standing there. It can be said that he is the most lonely, for a young person, this is a rejection of a variety.

After the Bao Zi Xuan saw Trido-Carmen's dilemma, he walked to his side: "Terry, can I call you this!"

I heard someone who grew with Hebrew and he called himself. Terry - Carmen thought it was his own hometown. After all, the other party said that he was more than that of the team with team enrollment than that day. However, it is actually the principal Bao Zixuan, but it is still a very fast reaction to say: "Of course, this is my honor, the principal of the principal."

Bun Zixuan: "Is it because Israeli students feel lonely in the school, and also worry about it. But I think this is just a good time you express, and the students studying in the UK from Xiangjiang will only be one. It is a professional professional, many people think that I am back to Xiangjiang. It is difficult to find a job. "

"Then I will do what yourself do. Xiangjiang has no technology company to create a technology company. You give yourself an opportunity. One person represents a country to raise the flag itself is a huge honor. You must be strong at this time. Other classmates can deliver and dependence, but that day Israeli flag does not rise to be your responsibility, this is what you have as a man, don't let your family and friends disappointed. "

After Bao Zixuan left, Terry - Carmen gained strongly organized a rich national flag. I went straight to the flagpole belonging to him. In the next year, people saw a Jewish boy rose the Israeli flags every week, and the national flag was returned at night. The time has never been intermittent, just like Bao Zi Xuan, someone else can rely on, and he does not have any rights.

His deeds have also passed the Domestic, Israel, making many Youth Youth want to apply for the Yulin Institute of Technology, just to help completing the adherence.

After 30 years, it has become the Terry multi-Carmen that the Minister of Education is expressed in an interview with a reporter. The principal of Baozi Xuan and he said, let him understand that this is a task he must complete, that is, paying life is not there. A nation, a country must have its own beliefs, through a small thing, can make the Chinese know why they do this.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, 15 flags on the square rose. Everyone listened to the national anthem of their motherland with headphones, and looked at the national flag.

Baozi Xuan is also the same, seeing that the national flag rose at that moment, his inner heart can't calmly. He understands that only the British talent will agree that the Huaxia Flag will rise at the Yulin Institute of Technology before you have not returned, and if you stop this activity, it is more than a dozen countries around the world.

Not only is a student, and professors are also involved. The ranching ceremony of the Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology has later been to participate in the government's head of Xiangjiang, after all, there is only one university in the world.

Baozi Xuan also allows more people to see the inclusiveness of the Yulin Institute of Technology, and will never persuade these students to make their own effectiveness and filial parents, let the people can send their children to school.

In fact, his map is very big, let more people come here to study. Students can spread throughout the school during the school. After all the cultural summary, students can choose the most suitable learning methods, and can also form a multicultural collision between collision, which will drive the entire school's learning atmosphere and research atmosphere.

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