Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 396 Security's Combat

Through the raising ceremony, 5,000 students have further subliminated, under the double pinch of matter and culturality. Students have basically recognized schools and buns. I think it is true that it is right, and the previous classmates certainly don't have much. It is also to pay yourself; after all, the principal of several schools is like a bag Xuan, and it is extremely normal.

After the flag ceremony, students should conduct a two-week military training. Not only the students should participate, Bao Zi Xuan also requires all teaching staff to exercise together, the physical quality of the staff is universal, and of course he also includes himself.

The students also thought that this is just a simple sports, everyone is not concerned. But when I saw a meticulous instructor, they found themselves wrong when they were carefully performed.

The instructors of this military training arrangement of the Yulin Institute of Technology came from the security department of the Black Cloud Group. Many people are baptized by the battlefield, and everyone is full.

The students have just begun, they think that these people are spectacles. The big summer is not stupid, and this work is not as good as fighting.

But seeing the principal Bao Zi Xuan also standing there, but there is always a self-righteous person in this world. In particular, Siede Youth, who believes that the aristocrat is born, they think they should not accept such treatment.

Ravin Von - Baker is a student from Side, and his ancestral home is in East Pusher. Listening to the name, I know the family is a nobleman. He has been studying 8 years before he came to the Yulin Institute of Technology.

I have long seen that this army is bored and wasting time. I can't plead. I saw it taught them to practice the instructor who was born in China. Looking at this man with a short-term short. He is confident and proves that the opportunity to stand in the army is coming.

Lavin Feng - Baker smiled and said to the instructor: "Mr. Teacher, has been in the past 4 days. We are carrying out this training every day. In addition to the standing army is a queue training. I think this is no use, it is wasteful Everyone time. "

The instructor said in English: "How can you prove these useless, these are the most basic military common sense; don't learn to go, I want to run."

I heard the instructor so fluent English, everyone is very curious. After all, I know that the other party is just a security guard, I didn't expect to be so fluent in English.

The security competition of the Black Cloud Group is also very intense, and it is necessary to register the best soldiers in various countries around the world. Mainly, the welfare and treatment of the security personnel will be very high; it may be less than the salary of the employer, and the mercenaries are talked in a fight, and the working hazard coefficient between the two is not comparable.

Therefore, every security guard cherishes this opportunity.

I have worked hard to learn, I don't want to be eliminated. The name called Mr. Siede is called Mao Xiao Tao, from West Guangdong Province. After participating in the war, after the loss of the left eye was damaged.

But what he knows, this is a very agile person, as if he is born, it should live in the jungle, the trees, rock climbing and other projects are all in the group army, and can be able to match the enemy.

Lavin Feng - Baker: "Mr. III has experienced the military experience, our family has nearly 10 generations of Junjun history. Until my father did not go to the army, but I started fighting from ten years old; this is The family children must be essential. But there is no one in the family because of the standing standards, and the queue has neatly gave a job. "

"Whether it is a soldier, or a man must prove herself on the battlefield, but now it is a peaceful period. We can completely in the fighting court, if I won, I will never stand these boring military posts and queues. If you win, you will definitely look forward to your command. "

Mao Xiaotao said with a smile: "Very good, I haven't active bones for a long time. You want more, you can say it. The province said that I bullied you."

Ravin Von - Baker: "We are free to fight competitions, and you can hit the other party."

I heard two people to match, and their students were excited, no matter who losing who won them. Raven Feng - Baker is won, so there will be no need to stand up and exercise queues. This two activities in this hot day are very excited, and all students want to easily.

If the instructor wins, then you can fight the arrogance of Ravo-Feng-Baker, this kid is a nobleman, very proud, can't afford other classmates.

At this time, students and teachers who have trained in the banner square are very lively, they all naturally stop.

After Baozi Xuan learned: "Let them go to the table to fight, just let everyone appreciate."

I heard the principal's recommendation, all students have spoke. Our principal is the courage. It can not be banned according to the common sense. This also shows that his education does not stick to the rules, just don't know that it is a blessing or a disaster.

After the two people stood up on the chairpers, Ravin Feng-Baker took the lead in launching an attack. He directly was a set of combined fists to attack Mao Xiao Tao. Don't look at him is very proud, but you also know your strengths and shortcomings.

His strength should be above this instructor, but the actual experience is absolutely relative to the instructor. It is better to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to take a momentum.

However, this Siece is not known that the number of acupunctions is not much difference than the monkey. Just see the Tahrand-Feng-Baker's chasing the instructor all the way, it seems that the instructor has no power.

The students are very excited. I didn't expect this kid, although it is very arrogant, but people are really a matter. It is indeed professional training.

Everyone who really knows is known that there is too much difference between the two. However, the heart is very interested in this Siece youth, and if this kid is absolutely able to become a dominant soldier.

Mao Xiao Tao looked at Sidey Youth, who had begun to sweat, said: "Kid, you are better than I think; but don't take it out for this matter."

After that, I started counterattack, but I saw it in a moment, I was still chasing the tutor to turn around the situation. A surficed to Ravin-von-Baker, two pieces behind the knees are two feet. Directly gave the opponent to kneel down, have not waited for the other party to react, and it is a combination of the foot, and the opponent is directly on the stage.

All of this is completed between electric light, many people don't see how this instructor did. Ravo Feng - Baker has already squatted on the ground; Ravin wants to feel a little pain at the back and knees, but it is not very serious.

At this time, the students cheered, mainly, just now, there is too sudden, and there is no reaction at all.

Baozi Xuan went to the chairpement: "The three people must have my teacher. You don't think about anyone around you. I can arrange them to teach you, I have proved their strength. If you feel better than the teacher or the instructor You can apply to me. One, the discipline you have learned more than taught your teacher or instructors. I can appoint you teacher or instructors for the book. The premise is that you have to win, so you have to teach other classmates, I hope everyone keep it up."

After this small episog, the students understand that they only have a story that they only teach ordinary queues and the instructor who stands the military posture. Young people have a curiosity, thinking about excavating their secrets.

It can also be said that after this station makes the instructor team build a strong prestige. The most thinned people have given the most large people in the students. If they exchange other instruments, they have to have.

Students have a lot of military training attitudes, Baozi Xuan saw that if you think about it, let the students don't have a soy bag is not properly dry food, a bit of a sense of urgency.

It can be said that Bun Zixuan will consider security issues when he is set up a company, after all, the Xiangjiang Public Security in this era is really unhappy. The community personnel, the gang is rampant, many people are dare to arger. Some desperates are even more touched by Li Chao people, and the people of Lao Guo have not let go.

Now I see what I have to do more than him, and there is money, so I applied for a gun. And 8 bodyguards always protect his safety. Not only that, he also recruited more than 5,000 security officers, all of which were retired by countries.

The members of all communities in Xiangjiang were told that no one would do not provoke Bao Xuan, because his money and people were more than you, careful to leave you in the Soviet Union. This is a person with the old man. Going to the protection fee, don't go to the black cloud, where the security guards are absolutely to death, mainly people are specially trained special forces.

Most people in Xiangjiang believe that if Bao Zi Xuan's flag settled a community is definitely the existence of Xiangjiang, because the combat power of Black Cloud security is no longer neglect.

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